HBCU News - Tennessee State University Reaches Over $100 Million In Research Awards, Second Among Nation's HBCUs
HBCU News - Campus News Tennessee State University Reaches Over $100 Million In Research Awards, Second Among Nation's HBCUs HBCU News, Tennessee State University Reaches Over $100 Million In Research Awards, Second Among Nation's HBCUs
Tennessee State University Reaches Over $100 Million In Research Awards, Second Among Nation’s HBCUs
Tennessee State University has reached a historic milestone, with the institution receiving over $100 million in research awards. The $100,031,082 million in funding is the second highest total among the nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. According to TSU President Glenda Glover, the record-setting awards are a part of the University’s plan to reach R1- research status.
“The USDA/NIFA grant isn’t just a financial fortune, but it is a transformative opportunity that will propel TSU to new heights and academic excellence,” Dr. Quick added.
“We have hit the highest total in grant awards in the institution’s history. This puts TSU in the upper echelon of research funding among HBCUs.”