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ah shxt not again!!!!

I'm surprised & at the same time not surprised by some of the responses in this thread. Some of yall get success and really mentally turn into those thieving mayo devils that actively oppress and destroy you communities and try to justify it by saying, "its just business". Yet we wonder why youth generally dont respect elders in those communities.

Yall really defending a millionaire rapper in his half a million dollar car, giving 7 poor kids that are selling water, $20 to spilt. What kinda fuckery am i reading rn.
This & the cosigns is the kinda uppity fuckery i'd expect from wypipo, not from other black people.

That shit works out to like $2 per person and you acting like he did them a huge favor. Regular people with regular 9-5's is doing better than that or matching that, easy. But you want kids to be gracious a famous millionaire gave them $2 and recorded it so he could post it on the internet for laughs and clout. If he aint wanna give money, should of kept his window up and kept it pushing. Dont film urself giving $20 to a group of kids like you that nigga doing something.

And some of you wonder why we just spinning or wheels when it comes to black issues. Yall hold DJ Vlad more accountable and to a higher standard than yall do go niggas in our community.

Edit: I had to post Star ranting on this dirty philly nigga

Lol this is foolishness. Your can't tell someone how to give out their money. Meek didn't have to give them little niggas shit. He also didn't have to record himself giving them $20 to split either but he did.
Put up y’all charity contributions against his then y’all can throw stones
You said this like he didnt give a few kids $2 each. This is how low the bar is now, niggas was proof you've giving someone more than $2, smh.

Lol this is foolishness. Your can't tell someone how to give out their money. Meek didn't have to give them little niggas shit. He also didn't have to record himself giving them $20 to split either but he did.
I didnt say he had to, but to be riding round in a 500k car and record urself giving kids $2 like you did something is pure fuckery. And they only felt bold doing that fuck shit cuz he had armed security following them. You can see them get out the car just incase, in Meeks side view mirror.

Need to start cracking down on these politicians and black celebrities, when they do lame shit. Especially when its to POC.

If this was a white youtuber or famous white celebrity most of yall would call this pocket watching or think its acceptable behavior.
You said this like he didnt give a few kids $2 each. This is how low the bar is now, niggas was proof you've giving someone more than $2, smh.

I didnt say he had to, but to be riding round in a 500k car and record urself giving kids $2 like you did something is pure fuckery. And they only felt bold doing that fuck shit cuz he had armed security following them. You can see them get out the car just incase, in Meeks side view mirror.

Need to start cracking down on these politicians and black celebrities, when they do lame shit. Especially when its to POC.

If this was a white youtuber or famous white celebrity most of yall would call this pocket watching or think its acceptable behavior.

So you not gon drop your contributions.

I'm not gonna say that these dudes sell water,but they were in that age group of 14-16,but the other day I saw a chick get her car stolen by a group of lil niggas.

I was waiting for food outside a restaurant and a lady gets in line behind me.

she had parked on the side of the street and left her car running.

There was a train station across the street. and like 4-7 lil niggas got off.

A few seconds later I hear screeching tires.

They jumped in her car and drove off.

one of them tried to get in but his leg got bent when his ppl drove off fast and probably broke something.

he limped down the street while the other niggas rode off in her shit.

Some of those kids be sizing folks up to do some slimy shit and use the water as an opening,but some are just trying to get money.
I'm not gonna say that these dudes sell water,but they were in that age group of 14-16,but the other day I saw a chick get her car stolen by a group of lil niggas.

I was waiting for food outside a restaurant and a lady gets in line behind me.

she had parked on the side of the street and left her car running.

There was a train station across the street. and like 4-7 lil niggas got off.

A few seconds later I hear screeching tires.

They jumped in her car and drove off.

one of them tried to get in but his leg got bent when his ppl drove off fast and probably broke something.

he limped down the street while the other niggas rode off in her shit.

Some of those kids be sizing folks up to do some slimy shit and use the water as an opening,but some are just trying to get money.
Hey man this ain't the thread for that
Meek should've gave em more than $20 because
