I'm not gonna say that these dudes sell water,but they were in that age group of 14-16,but the other day I saw a chick get her car stolen by a group of lil niggas.
I was waiting for food outside a restaurant and a lady gets in line behind me.
she had parked on the side of the street and left her car running.
There was a train station across the street. and like 4-7 lil niggas got off.
A few seconds later I hear screeching tires.
They jumped in her car and drove off.
one of them tried to get in but his leg got bent when his ppl drove off fast and probably broke something.
he limped down the street while the other niggas rode off in her shit.
Some of those kids be sizing folks up to do some slimy shit and use the water as an opening,but some are just trying to get money.