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Let me ask you something, how does it look to see threads not posted in since June still on page one. It makes the site look dead but its posts being made in that section all the time. New threads are needed, if they bomb then so be it but at least people will go in and see it.
That don’t matter. People tend to take interest in some things they’ve never heard of.

Question still remains, WHO DECIDES IF ITS OBSCURE?
the reason i used those games specifically b/c i've talked about one of them in several threads and not one single person has asked anything about it. Idk though, maybe its just that particular game, or maybe its obscure to the point where im the only one interested by it.

let me ask you this...do you think there should be a thread just for video game deals or a thread for each game announcing that its on sale?
Let me ask you something, how does it look to see threads not posted in since June still on page one. It makes the site look dead but its posts being made in that section all the time. New threads are needed, if they bomb then so be it but at least people will go in and see it.
again, if the show is not in season, it looks like the show not in season. Who is gonna talk about a show not in season, unless its something critically to the viewing experience, like an actor and the station cant come to an agreement and is being replaced, but for the most part, once the season ends, NO one is talking about the show, but that's never an issue until now

So are you gonna feel this way when Power doesnt come on until next summer and the thread gets no activity from now until then?
the reason i used those games specifically b/c i've talked about one of them in several threads and not one single person has asked anything about it. Idk though, maybe its just that particular game, or maybe its obscure to the point where im the only one interested by it.

let me ask you this...do you think there should be a thread just for video game deals or a thread for each game announcing that its on sale?
They both can go hand in hand. They also could go great separate.
serious question, but why do you feel this way?

Im just trying to understand your pov better
You can designate a thread to video game releasesand outsiders who may not be on the site could search that and come to this site and find release dates.

If you combine them, people from the outside would have to scrummage around for the release dates.

Same with sales.

It’s a bunch of THREADS on this whole site that got little to no replies.

i just checked pages 2 and 3 of the cinema forum and "snowfall" is on page 2. I can count the number of times i've read someone discuss that show on this site. They barely talking about it on the IC. Maybe that show just isnt that great to warrant a bunch of discussion about it.

Also, IT the movie, which just came out...someone could bump that, but prior to that, the last discussion about it was in March b/c not much had happened. I mean, in the last maybe month or so, they started releasing more trailers as release week came closer, but this is another thread that if people wanted to talk about that movie, they could. Thats a pretty popular movie, so i could see it having its own thread off the rip.
again, if the show is not in season, it looks like the show not in season. Who is gonna talk about a show not in season, unless its something critically to the viewing experience, like an actor and the station cant come to an agreement and is being replaced, but for the most part, once the season ends, NO one is talking about the show, but that's never an issue until now

So are you gonna feel this way when Power doesnt come on until next summer and the thread gets no activity from now until then?

No one will talk about a show on hiatus, that's not a point I'm even taking about.

You making it difficult for people to see what's coming out because you're hiding the trailers in threads people might not frequent.
so its my fault you dont frequent certain threads or at the least, just see whats going on in them?

this like people in cheap seats complaining about stuff they miss in other parts of the site b/c they refuse to visit other parts of the site

you cant have it both ways

but it's all good...all feedback is good feedback. This aint me being passive aggressive or nothing like that. In my personal opinion, TOO many threads is one of the reasons the IC is in the state its in, but i wont get on my soapbox about that, so as of this thread, if you want to start a thread about a show on netflix for example, just put Netflix as the prefix so people know where they can find it

these last couple of pages could've gone in the feedback thread tho, but this is kandy's thread. I'll allow her to do as she see's fit.
What can go in the feedback thread is someone going in there and saying how they feel about this issue.
What can go in the feedback thread is someone going in there and saying how they feel about this issue.
was trying not to clutter up the thread about their thoughts on things site related vs why people are being nominated for DOTW. But its your call, if you see no issue, then there is none
Sometimes these debates change people’s minds on who they should nominate or vote for.


was trying not to clutter up the thread about their thoughts on things site related vs why people are being nominated for DOTW. But its your call, if you see no issue, then there is none

Thats your problem

Always tryn to "not clutter the site"

Let the threads breathe DAMN