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ABW's Best Looking Female Award

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@AP21 @IP360 @OhMars Explains yourselves


I think this is a silly discussion in the first place

Should miss k have been nominated since she hasn't posted in months? No imo.

But I would apply that same logic to a lot of the females here. While I think all the ABW ladies are very pretty, there are some that just don't post enough to warrant a nomination. That has absolutely nothing to do with how they look, or dudes simping them, but more of, they just don't post enough for a myriad of reasons.

That's like if someone nominated El for best mod when she just isn't around. Does that mean she wouldn't make a good mod had she posted more? No, but she, for her personal reasons, has not been that active this year.

I forgot all about the melanin chick. Is she pretty? I think so, but how is someone supposed to remember someone that probably literally hasn't posted since she signed up? That's not a slight at her, that's just the truth.

Goldie knows a lot of these females personally so ofc he has a perspective that many people here don't, and that's ok too, but to suggest that someone is color struck because the people that were nominated are more active than the females on the other sections of the color spectrum aren't as active to me is silly.

I love race Jones. I think she is pretty and extremely bright, but there were periods this year where even I forgot she was here. Again, she had personal issues as well as login issues from mobile that prevented her from being as active, but that doesn't take away from her being a good looking female.

I could go on and on does the just of why I personally think other females weren't nominated and it has absolutely nothing to do with how they look. I am however a bit shocked that Blac wasn't nominated because she is cute and very active here, but we also have to look at who voted. Not who so much as how many people? I think the voter turnout was extremely low in relation to the number of active users the board has. And everyone that did vote, it's mostly the same people who are consistently in the same threads throughout the site. That means something. My biggest takeaway from all of this is as a site, we need to do more for member retention but that's going to have to be a joint effort from both mods and members.

This was supposed to be something light hearted and fun. I've typed way more about this than I wanted to. C'mon y'all.
This dude up early with the novels. None of this is that serious, people like the type of people that they like.
Brah, will you shut the fuck up?

If I'm up early with the novels, you up early with the fuck shit

Tell Josh don't@ me then if you don't wanna read what I got to say

Problem solved
I'm glad @Remedy won, she deserves it.

That being said, ain't nothing new under the sun.

@Kandy you think this is bad, wait until some attractive white women join up. No bish with melanin will stand a chance.

Trust me, I seent it.

I love @MissK though so I can't hate on her winning. @Azyln either cause she's pretty too.

The idea of pitting women against each other under the guise of an award show... Like....Who really cares what these niggas like? I mean no offense cause ya'll cool and all but nobody's preference ever effected me. Matter of fact it helps me filter my preferences cause I'd never date a color struck man.

I nominated Jazzy but I guess me being a female doesn't allow me to see beauty in other women... *shrugs*
I was just stirring the pot but damn @ white woman. These niggas getting down like that?!

I wholeheartedly agree with you about the filtering.
Guys guys. All these beautiful paragraphs. I was just trying to get the traffic up in here and betcha by golly wow, it worked!

You like what you like, it’s understood.
Guys guys. All these beautiful paragraphs. I was just trying to get the traffic up in here and betcha by golly wow, it worked!

You like what you like, it’s understood.

what i said was more about the current state of the site, but it fits here too

I was gon post that eventually, but i was asked for my opinion
I'm brown and you know it
I think this is a silly discussion in the first place

Should miss k have been nominated since she hasn't posted in months? No imo.

But I would apply that same logic to a lot of the females here. While I think all the ABW ladies are very pretty, there are some that just don't post enough to warrant a nomination. That has absolutely nothing to do with how they look, or dudes simping them, but more of, they just don't post enough for a myriad of reasons.

That's like if someone nominated El for best mod when she just isn't around. Does that mean she wouldn't make a good mod had she posted more? No, but she, for her personal reasons, has not been that active this year.

I forgot all about the melanin chick. Is she pretty? I think so, but how is someone supposed to remember someone that probably literally hasn't posted since she signed up? That's not a slight at her, that's just the truth.

Goldie knows a lot of these females personally so ofc he has a perspective that many people here don't, and that's ok too, but to suggest that someone is color struck because the people that were nominated are more active than the females on the other sections of the color spectrum aren't as active to me is silly.

I love race Jones. I think she is pretty and extremely bright, but there were periods this year where even I forgot she was here. Again, she had personal issues as well as login issues from mobile that prevented her from being as active, but that doesn't take away from her being a good looking female.

I could go on and on does the just of why I personally think other females weren't nominated and it has absolutely nothing to do with how they look. I am however a bit shocked that Blac wasn't nominated because she is cute and very active here, but we also have to look at who voted. Not who so much as how many people? I think the voter turnout was extremely low in relation to the number of active users the board has. And everyone that did vote, it's mostly the same people who are consistently in the same threads throughout the site. That means something. My biggest takeaway from all of this is as a site, we need to do more for member retention but that's going to have to be a joint effort from both mods and members.

This was supposed to be something light hearted and fun. I've typed way more about this than I wanted to. C'mon y'all.
I'm not reading all of this b, but yeah this was clearly jokes, does it have a basis in reality? Yes, most funny things do, but yall shouldn't take these shenanigans seriously, if anybody was hurt by this.....my bad, blame goldie.


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I'm not reading all of this b, but yeah this was clearly jokes, does it have a bases in reality? Yes, most funny things do, but yall shouldn't take these shenanigans seriously, if anybody was hurt by this.....my bad, blame goldie.



you read every line
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