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ABW Mobile Issues

Try these methods ATT users for starters..let me know how it works.

I'm still working on it bc mine still dont work..i also dont have the current ios and i got an iphone 6..for me those can be two solvable issues right there
Maven 2.0

Don't know WTF happen but now my Verizon phone won't access this site without WiFi smgdh
opera just released a beta browser with VPN abilities.

I tried it, but i still couldnt get the site to load using data

maybe you'll have better luck
Totally forgot to finish my research. I do too many damn things. I’ll get answers (hopefully)

@AP21 i use to use opera only for ABW. It’s something within the phones services not browsers.
Totally forgot to finish my research. I do too many damn things. I’ll get answers (hopefully)

@AP21 i use to use opera only for ABW. It’s something within the phones services not browsers.

But the vpn used to be a fix
for those who have connectivity issues android or iphone. download the PUFFIN BROWSER in google play or itunes respectively . you can be on ABW without wifi.
shouout to @Mooney again for the puffin browser solution

has anyone else tried this?

I know Lea says she can now get on via mobile using puffin
Mooney mvp of abw so far in 2019. He's been cooking up some dope artwork for the site behind the scenes too.
0AC464DB-8AAE-4223-9051-BEC9449D1849.jpeg No doubt y’all. Gotta move in silence. I appreciate the opportunities given @Goldie . I’m glad ppl listen to my suggestions @AP21.
Ppl can be overlooked or unheard. I’m glad my impact will be felt...pause
