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ABW Interviews: Zagreus

You know an interview is done when we all fill up the rest of the time with just random weird shyt. Lol
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Who's gonna be the next poster on Goldie's hit show "ABW Interview"

Tune in
Back in 2010. At that time I was a couple years fresh from HS, doing research like I always do, when I came across a documentary called zeitgeist.

That movie shook me at a fundamental level, and really made me question everything I had been taught previously.

So from then on I began to read about conspiracies and alternate perceptions of history and stuff like that on abovetopsecret, which had a spiritual section. I was a smug scientific atheist at the time, but due to how much my thought processes were shaken up during the previous couple years I was a lot more opened minded to other religions and thought processes.

I came across a few philsophical websites that tintroduced me to the base level beliefs of a lot of spiritual traditions that I actually agreed with more deeply than I had ever found prior, so I did a couple years of research, started meditating, then looking for teachers of a many old traditions.

Just had a chaka reading the other day. It was cool
Is this thread the reason that I'm getting David Blaine ads at the bottom of my page?

Interesting read, though.