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ABW Interviews: WhisperingEye

Freakiest? Hmm, good question... Let's just say that I've learned that one can't say a safe word with a ball gag in their mouth... It's more like a safe blink pattern.

I still want to have furry sex. Bucket list.

And I can't answer that question because I'm not gonna act on it. But there's one poster that I currently have a crush on and if he gave me a chance, I'd feed him grapes and massage his balls all day.

But I'm done with online dating.
Ima go back to the beginning of this interview. I started in the middle and couldn't stop. It's just that good, nh?

But uhh...

who you crushin on fam?:grin2:

Im not gon tell anybody besides Rem, but we the same person anyway.
I got a questions for @Whispering Eye

What kind of car do you drive, and why did you choose it?

If you had unlimited funds, where would you live?

If you had the choice between all the weed you can smoke, or a guaranteed mind shattering orgasm when ever u wanted it, but you had to give up the possibility of ever having the other again. Which one would you choose?
Foh @ger-

Oh real questions, hold up...

I have a Honda Accord, cause they last forever. About to get a new one soon.

Unlimited funds? Summer penthouse downtown Chicago, winter home in Ghana.

I've never had to choose between weed and sex and I hope I never do...I really can't function without either...I honestly don't know how to answer that... Imma go ladyfap and smoke then I'll get back to you
Foh @ger-

Oh real questions, hold up...

I have a Honda Accord, cause they last forever. About to get a new one soon.

Unlimited funds? Summer penthouse downtown Chicago, winter home in Ghana.

I've never had to choose between weed and sex and I hope I never do...I really can't function without either...I honestly don't know how to answer that... Imma go ladyfap and smoke then I'll get back to you
Hell yea they do lol still have mine
It was a bunch of fuck niggas instigating that shit too.
There's no expiration date on her catching these hands either!

Funny thing about Chucks sloppy vid was that someone sent it to me but like twin said "I stay too high to go low,my nig."
FACTS/And Still Are....Clearly some of u niggas don't know ya Fathers...Wendy Williams Ass niggas