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ABW Interviews: Meeks

What would you tell the 20 year old you?​
What would you tell the 20 year old you?​

To slow down, stop being so quick to react and watch my damn mouth. That sometimes things won't go my way and that's ok.
I'd definitely tell the 20 year old me to love herself more but she probably wouldn't have listened LOL.
It's for a customer service job from home.
This is definitely nowhere near what i'm trying to do though.

I'm a breastfeeding advocate, anyone that knows me knows I go hard for breastfeeding moms but especially black breastfeeding moms. I'm trying to normalize breastfeeding for us every single day. I spend most of my day honestly helping mothers and being a mommy, lol. I still breastfeed my daughter who will be 2 in March. I run my own breast milk donation group for black mothers ONLY, this includes Afro-Latina mothers as well. Right now I'm hitting close to 800 mothers in my group and it's growing daily. Last year I took a class to get part of my hours to become an CLC (Certified Lactation Consultant)/IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) but the teacher had some personal issues and had to postpone the class. This year I'll be given the chance to become a CLC for free when the class and testing is usually hundreds of dollars. From there i'll be working on becoming an IBCLC. It's just a step closer to doing what I'm suppose to do.

Black women have the lowest breastfeeding rate than other races and i'm trying to change that for real. We also have the highest infant mortality rate and believe it or not, breastfeeding can change that. One of the main reasons is lack of education, from doctors, from hospitals and just overall. Of course statistics even show that they are most likely to suggest formula to black mothers after having a baby than anyone else. Of course it's a mother's choice but if she does decide to breastfeed my job is to educate and support her through her journey.

So yeah, lol. I go hard for black breastfeeding mothers every single day and I wouldn't change it for the world. This year i'll also be focusing on a website and a few other things for my group. I have some giveaways I've won so i'll be doing some giveaways myself sometime soon.
Link up with me. I got a group of 980+ women and majority of them are mothers. I want them to be apart of this.
Well, yeah that's a pretty touchy subject for me and I hid it for a long time but i'm not afraid to speak up about it now.
Her father was abusive towards me. He's the same age as me i'm just a few months older.
He was abusive before I even got pregnant with our daughter and we would break up and get right back together. I could give a million excuses as to why I didn't or couldn't really leave him alone but the bottom line was that I loved him for some reason and it truly may have been the wrong reasons (who knows). He broke me down so bad mentally and emotionally that I truly became dependent on him though. He controlled the money, he controlled everything and my dumb ass let him smh. I worked my ass off when we met, I was working for FedEx and that's where I met him.

The beatings got so bad when I was pregnant though. He would beat in my head like a rag doll, literally. Dragging me, punching me.. He actually backhanded me in the mouth on a ride home from work one night because I tried to talk and defend myself. So yeah, I ended up with my teeth pushed so far back I couldn't close my mouth or eat. I had stitches in my mouth, I had to have emergency work done to pull my teeth back in place. I have scars on my face. I think he really was out to fuck my face up so bad that no one would want me. I knew that I had to leave when I was pregnant, I kept thinking of ways out. I felt like it would probably be impossible now that I had a baby because I was on maternity leave and he took care of everything.

He didn't stop though, he didn't care if I was holding her or anything. He would come at me full force just swinging. It got to the point that I had to stall him just to put my daughter down so that he could fight me. Every time I would threaten to leave he would tell me I could leave but she couldn't. Now, as I said already I LOVE my daughter and I should've left sooner but I didn't so hey.

Final straw was him punching me in the eye while I was holding our daughter, he had been mad at me and I heard her crying while I went to take a shower. When I came out he was just sitting there with her crying with this attitude and he got upset because I asked him why would he let her cry like that. Ultimately, that led to me getting punched in the face and my eye was swollen shut the next day. I basically got beat that whole weekend so that Monday night when he went to work, I called my mother and she talked my ass up out of my home. I had finally left her dad June of 2016.
I hate this happened to you.
What's your 5 year plan?​

Going back to college this year as well as passing that exam to become a CLC, I'll also be focusing on working towards the requirements needed to become a IBCLC because that's really my main goal. I'm literally rebuilding my life since leaving her dad, credit included because he fucked my stuff up for real. I'm taking everything in moderation so I can only speak on what I am working on right now and that's everything mentioned. 5 years from now I better be looking back like "DAMNNNN, I did it!"

I remember being asked this when I was in school and I have no idea what I said my 5 year plan was but I can damn sure tell you it changed since becoming a mother, lol.
Great interview , I have a question for the host tho. Would you ever consider letting a member host an interview?

Once again, great and informative interview
How about you submit your questions like Goldie asks you to
Link up with me. I got a group of 980+ women and majority of them are mothers. I want them to be apart of this.

So both of yall got close to 1000 women in both of ur groups but can't bring no damn women to ABW.


Great interview , I have a question for the host tho. Would you ever consider letting a member host an interview?

Once again, great and informative interview

If u wanna host from now on u can. As long as u don't start that troll shit, I'm cool with it.
So both of yall got close to 1000 women in both of ur groups but can't bring no damn women to ABW.


If u wanna host from now on u can. As long as u don't start that troll shit, I'm cool with it.
First define what u mean by trolling and yes i would like to do one or two
I appreciate you taking ur time out to be interviewed @Meeks . It looks like niggas got questions for you, so I'll conclude our interview and let them ask what they wanted to ask u.​
First define what u mean by trolling and yes i would like to do one or two

We can do a trial run. You can conduct the next interview and we'll see how that one goes.
I appreciate you taking ur time out to be interviewed @Meeks . It looks like niggas got questions for you, so I'll conclude our interview and let them ask what they wanted to ask u.​

Cool cool, thank you for having me.