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ABW Interviews: Germs

That's lightening the mood??


lol yea. I interview people to understand the psyche of a mf. To understand why people do and say the things they do and say.
Aight let's lighten the mood for a min.

You've been married for a minute, yall have a family and the whole 9. Does she know you flirt with women online? Would you care if she did the same?

At any point in ur e-life have you flirted with a woman and considered meeting up?
She knows, when she wants to pop slick she’ll mention it from time to time. I assume that she does the same, but at the same time. I know she’s a flirt, she’s flirted in my presence. I’m not a jealous person. I don’t go lookin to go through what she does cause I trust that whatever she does. She keeps me and the kids out of harms way, u can’t control people.

No chick online has ever entertained me to that point to where I’ve established a bond to where I’d be willing to go there. Ones who have spoken with me, I can tell they do so with pause. Maybe they ain’t really feeling me like that and they’re just humouring me cause they’re nice people. Ion know, I can’t tell, but I’m good with the interaction I do have. But nah, no chick online has ever really tried to get to know me like that
Yea man, i came in here to talk some shit but i cant even do this shit anymore..
It’s really not that’s sad yall, all that is in the past and I’ve long gotten over the emotional toll that took on me
She knows, when she wants to pop slick she’ll mention it from time to time. I assume that she does the same, but at the same time. I know she’s a flirt, she’s flirted in my presence. I’m not a jealous person. I don’t go lookin to go through what she does cause I trust that whatever she does. She keeps me and the kids out of harms way, u can’t control people.

No chick online has ever entertained me to that point to where I’ve established a bond to where I’d be willing to go there. Ones who have spoken with me, I can tell they do so with pause. Maybe they ain’t really feeling me like that and they’re just humouring me cause they’re nice people. Ion know, I can’t tell, but I’m good with the interaction I do have. But nah, no chick online has ever really tried to get to know me like that

Makes sense. How long have u been a cuck?
All that shit I’m talking in that thread was with women before I got married. My wife is conservative sexually. I’m just now easing her into bdsm. She wouldn’t wanna do that and I wouldn’t force it on her.

But yea, few times wit chicks that surprisingly were into it. I say surprisingly cause black women usually aren’t into kink. But yea, this one chick...she would get real done up for me. Call me over, id act like a John that she called over, slut her out.

She’d leave her spot with me still there, nut still in her. Go to a spot, pull something get fucked outside or in the bathroom and call me on the phone and let me hear. Em I sick for that?

I know one thing

I’d buss a nut into her underwear willing listening
All that shit I’m talking in that thread was with women before I got married. My wife is conservative sexually. I’m just now easing her into bdsm. She wouldn’t wanna do that and I wouldn’t force it on her.

But yea, few times wit chicks that surprisingly were into it. I say surprisingly cause black women usually aren’t into kink. But yea, this one chick...she would get real done up for me. Call me over, id act like a John that she called over, slut her out.

She’d leave her spot with me still there, nut still in her. Go to a spot, pull something get fucked outside or in the bathroom and call me on the phone and let me hear. Em I sick for that?

I know one thing

I’d buss a nut into her underwear willing listening

Yo fam, that's fuckin disgusting. Go get tested and then go see a shrink.
So ima assume you were trollin.

You have a unique brand of humor. A lot of your jokes have homo innuendos and that's mainly white boy shit. When did you start using white boy humor?
Wasn’t trollin bout that fam, and ion call it white boy humor. It’s just humor, black people are uptight about shit that I find hilarious to be uptight about
Wasn’t trollin bout that fam, and ion call it white boy humor. It’s just humor, black people are uptight about shit that I find hilarious to be uptight about

Who are some of your favorite comedians and comedies?

When did you start getting into bdsm and being a cuck?