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ABW Interviews: Germs

2 part question.

Why do you say B-more is trash?

Why did your mother send u back to SC?
It’s one of the most negative places I’ve ever lived. Now there’s a lot wrong systemically with bmore. But in comparison to the opportunities that bmore has in comparison to Charleston. The whole vibe of bmore is just gloomy and upset. Type niggaz that will feel some type way if you walk in the room upbeat.

My mother sent me back to Charleston to live with my fathers mother. She says she sent me down south cause there were nothing but women in the home. My mother, my aunt, my four sister, and my four female cousins.

My sister is bi polar and she used to have spells where she attempted to kill me. She pushed me off a second floor porch when I was 4, and smashed my head into a concrete wall when I was 6. Buss my shit wide open, pause.

Had to get stitches and then child enforcement got involved cause she was on drugs and my sister told the school she was abusing us. They stayed bussin in the spot at random times. Scooping us up and taking us downtown to get our bodies examined for bruises.

But she says she sent me down south cause of my sister abusing me and the fact that I’d be around men with my 3 uncles down here.
It’s one of the most negative places I’ve ever lived. Now there’s a lot wrong systemically with bmore. But in comparison to the opportunities that bmore has in comparison to Charleston. The whole vibe of bmore is just gloomy and upset. Type niggaz that will feel some type way if you walk in the room upbeat.

My mother sent me back to Charleston to live with my fathers mother. She says she sent me down south cause there were nothing but women in the home. My mother, my aunt, my four sister, and my four female cousins.

My sister is bi polar and she used to have spells where she attempted to kill me. She pushed me off a second floor porch when I was 4, and smashed my head into a concrete wall when I was 6. Buss my shit wide open, pause.

Had to get stitches and then child enforcement got involved cause she was on drugs and my sister told the school she was abusing us. They stayed bussin in the spot at random times. Scooping us up and taking us downtown to get our bodies examined for bruises.

But she says she sent me down south cause of my sister abusing me and the fact that I’d be around men with my 3 uncles down here.

With context as to why she chose to send you back, it makes sense. Did you resent her for that decision?

Matter fact slow down. U said she sent u to your father's mother's house. Where was your father in all of this?

How's your current relationship with your parents?
My sister and I get along great by the way, she’s actually my favorite sister. We joke about her trying to kill me as a kid now.
With context as to why she chose to send you back, it makes sense. Did you resent her for that decision?

Matter fact slow down. U said she sent u to your father's mother's house. Where was your father in all of this?

How's your current relationship with your parents?
I did resent her for sending me away cause my family down south treated me like a burden more so than family.

No one was really there for me and I did everything on my own. When was 8 playing midnight basketball I used to have to catch the buss at night back home cause no one would pick me up. Walk 6 miles to the bus stop and wait an hour for the bus. One time my coach happened to be passing by screeched on the breaks and yelled at me for being in the bad part of town by myself. I told him this is how I always get home. He was very heated, after that he kinda has a soft spot for me.

My uncles where/are all alcoholics, but they all had reps so I used to walk around town and nobody would fuck wit me cause they knew my family. But I didn’t really have a family, I just lived with them. And my grandmother was poor so everything I wore was too big for me cause they belong to my uncles.

When I got back to my fam when I was 14 I saw that they were a close knit family and it upset me that she took that away from me.

My father and mother divorced after I was born. He followed her to NY and Bmore on some love sick shit. He’s a sucka, we don’t have a relationship outside of acknowledgment. I hadn’t seen him since I was 3 seen him again at 14, he gave me a box of tube socks and porn mags and dipped out
I did resent her for sending me away cause my family down south treated me like a burden more so than family.

No one was really there for me and I did everything on my own. When was 8 playing midnight basketball I used to have to catch the buss at night back home cause no one would pick me up. Walk 6 miles to the bus stop and wait an hour for the bus. One time my coach happened to be passing by screeched on the breaks and yelled at me for being in the bad part of town by myself. I told him this is how I always get home. He was very heated, after that he kinda has a soft spot for me.

My uncles where/are all alcoholics, but they all had reps so I used to walk around town and nobody would fuck wit me cause they knew my family. But I didn’t really have a family, I just lived with them. And my grandmother was poor so everything I wore was too big for me cause they belong to my uncles.

When I got back to my fam when I was 14 I saw that they were a close knit family and it upset me that she took that away from me.

My father and mother divorced after I was born. He followed her to NY and Bmore on some love sick shit. He’s a sucka, we don’t have a relationship outside of acknowledgment. I hadn’t seen him since I was 3 seen him again at 14, he gave me a box of tube socks and porn mags and dipped out

Well damn. It seems like you've never had a real connection with any of your family members. How do you feel that shaped you as an adult? When did you create your first true bond with someone or do you feel like you never have?
It’s one of the most negative places I’ve ever lived. Now there’s a lot wrong systemically with bmore. But in comparison to the opportunities that bmore has in comparison to Charleston. The whole vibe of bmore is just gloomy and upset. Type niggaz that will feel some type way if you walk in the room upbeat.
Well damn. It seems like you've never had a real connection with any of your family members. How do you feel that shaped you as an adult? When did you create your first true bond with someone or do you feel like you never have?

I’m not able to really feel anything for anyone, I mean I catch spells where there’s an inkling of something there. But I don’t feel anything, accept for my kids. And that’s more so cause of the responsibility I feel for making sure they don’t become me.

The only time I ever felt something for anyone was the woman I lost my virginity to a 16. She was 24 and I lied about my age, told her I was 17, I guess that was old enough for her. Was with her for 7month, lived with her for 5 after my family kicked me out the house for dating her.

That went down hill and she started trying to put grown man expectations of me. Her and her mother used to try to get me to quit school so I can get a job and help pay bills. But, the job I got, I was trying to fuck some chick I worked wit. Chick called the house, shorty came to me one night saying she ain’t happy no more. Kicked me out, I sleep on bus benches for a few nights before crawling back to my fam. My heart was hurt for 2 solid years. It was the worst feeling I ever felt given that I can’t feel anything
I’m not able to really feel anything for anyone, I mean I catch spells where there’s an inkling of something there. But I don’t feel anything, accept for my kids. And that’s more so cause of the responsibility I feel for making sure they don’t become me.

The only time I ever felt something for anyone was the woman I lost my virginity to a 16. She was 24 and I lied about my age, told her I was 17, I guess that was old enough for her. Was with her for 7month, lived with her for 5 after my family kicked me out the house for dating her.

That went down hill and she started trying to put grown man expectations of me. Her and her mother used to try to get me to quit school so I can get a job and help pay bills. But, the job I got, I was trying to fuck some chick I worked wit. Chick called the house, shorty came to me one night saying she ain’t happy no more. Kicked me out, I sleep on bus benches for a few nights before crawling back to my fam. My heart was hurt for 2 solid years. It was the worst feeling I ever felt given that I can’t feel anything

Did she dump you because the other chick called the crib or because she wasn't happy anymore? Cuz if you were cheating that's an understandable reason to wanna leave the relationship lol

Right now are you at the point where you can't feel anything for anybody or you don't want to in fear of being hurt again?
I'm on my Dr.Seri shit

Did she dump you because the other chick called the crib or because she wasn't happy anymore? Cuz if you were cheating that's an understandable reason to wanna leave the relationship lol

Right now are you at the point where you can't feel anything for anybody or you don't want to in fear of being hurt again?
I think it was both, she didn’t trust me. I did a lot of stuff that gave her reason to feel that way. Plus I think once the infatuation period wore off wit her, she looked at the situation and saw it wasn’t right for her. What could I do for this woman, really?

I’m at the point right now where I have a bond with my wife. When I met her all it was for me was I wanted to hear her moan cause she has a really sexy voice. But speaking with her on the phone and In person overtime.

We developed a relationship and I she had a very strong love for me. She saw a me that I didn’t see in myself. That made me feel good about myself. It made me fall for how I felt being with her. We ended up getting married after about 18 months together.
I think it was both, she didn’t trust me. I did a lot of stuff that gave her reason to feel that way. Plus I think once the infatuation period wore off wit her, she looked at the situation and saw it wasn’t right for her. What could I do for this woman, really?

I’m at the point right now where I have a bond with my wife. When I met her all it was for me was I wanted to hear her moan cause she has a really sexy voice. But speaking with her on the phone and In person overtime.

We developed a relationship and I she had a very strong love for me. She saw a me that I didn’t see in myself. That made me feel good about myself. It made me fall for how I felt being with her. We ended up getting married after about 18 months together.

Aight let's lighten the mood for a min.

You've been married for a minute, yall have a family and the whole 9. Does she know you flirt with women online? Would you care if she did the same?

At any point in ur e-life have you flirted with a woman and considered meeting up?
Aight let's lighten the mood for a min.

You've been married for a minute, yall have a family and the whole 9. Does she know you flirt with women online? Would you care if she did the same?

At any point in ur e-life have you flirted with a woman and considered meeting up?

@Goldie is like man fuck this shit let's talk sports or something else

Aight let's lighten the mood for a min.

You've been married for a minute, yall have a family and the whole 9. Does she know you flirt with women online? Would you care if she did the same?

At any point in ur e-life have you flirted with a woman and considered meeting up?
That's lightening the mood??
