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ABW Interviews: DU

When are u gonna admit Game killed Beans and Meek in one rhyme?

What would u say is the wildest shit you saw on the IC?

Game is an opportunist.... Dude already forgotten

But I'd say the trillfate shit.....

The amount of time he was allowed to operate added to the amount of people he was did the shit with constantly blew my mind....

Dude was a real life predator.... Like habitual too......

I mean the exposures were wild, I always liked the ones where Niggaz just disappeared like s2j & towers.

Then you got the messy ones like the Texas meet up.... And the connexx sharita shit.....

All good times.... But that trill shit was like crazy to me
Like I heard the buzzing of trill nonsense like a few months before the Marley exposure and was begging to pull the trigger then....

But God bless ob for finally giving me the green light earlier this year.... That shit was like years in the making
I was in a marching band. I think I told Niggaz I played trumpet before.... But I don't talk about the band much.... Shit was a lot like drum line movie... They was super into that shit....
Each section had a special name, and we'd do line steps n all that shit.

The trumpet section was called the dog pound. My line name was doberman...I had dog tags n everything
Who are your favorite and least favorite posters from ABW/IC?​
Favorite.... Shit man everybody. It's a couple of y'all that got my real info... And those people reach out all the time and vice versa....

Like this shit here on the abw is crazy.... Cuz those of us that went from the ic to the black board then to here.... That's a crazy little journey.. Shot out to those that were there for all that, lol even germs.... Lol, I know people think I don't like him, lol but Me and that nigga even friends on Facebook....

He's definitely a bit off.... But dude cool....

Even chi town and Sam..... Them Niggaz cool forreal...., Shit even conflict wished my family well during a loss in a pm.

I guess some of the older IC beefs were left unsettled.... But I can't say I hate them Niggaz....

Oh, I don't care for that crazy chick at all. She's just obnoxious
I'm gettin tired lol we'll wrap the interview up tomorrow fam​
Cool, everybody pissed at me anyway cuz I ain't let my son open any gifts....

Fucking stood by that shit too.....

Told y'all Niggaz....
I think I asked all the questions I had, but if yall got more questions for Du drop em in here.

Do you have any last words before we conclude the interview @King Du ?​
Naw, just let everybody know I'm the same dude

Bhb for life