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ABW Interviews: DU

I've always been as they say "good with words", I talk a lot, and I day dream all the time.....

I used to try a page or two every now and then, but I never totally fully committed. Especially after I started posting heavy.... A lot of you guys always said I should write too....

Then like right after my mother in law passed... I just started typing a story..... And it was just flowing better than anything I ever tried before.

When I finished I was mad hesitant showing people.
I sent Cain a copy. I think he forgot and just said he read it... But it was a very Walter Mosely influenced crime story... And I tried to be mad descriptive like Anne Rice.

When the whole blackboard thing popped off I saw the homie Jack was tryna feature original material... So I was like fuck it..... Let's see what happens.....

Couple IC Niggaz roasted.... But mad people was like the shit was good....

So I was like oh shit.... Lemme see if i can write another one.... And I dropped that one on your site..... And Niggaz was feeling that too..... So I was like fuck it, let's see where this goes ...

I started hitting people up and taking advice on how to move forward with it..... And it's just a lot of work.... Way more work than I ever realized.... But a good friend told me moving slow is still moving. ... So I didn't press shit too hard.... But I kept making submissions...

I need to do a lot more editing. And I've finished a third story, but it's in my note pad. It's asking like almost straight up horror, but with a teenage female killer....

And the whole story is from her perspective justifying everything she does in her own twisted logic......

Like it's really fucked up, she kills family, friends, animals.... Shorty a savage.....I just gotta take the time to type it up....

But right now.. I'm at the stage where I need to really polish myself as a writer. I gotta lotta good people cycling some of my roughest drafts.... And the same feed back is to edit more and polish it up....

I've been cooking with some ideas.. When that bug hits me again I'mma drop some fire for y'all.... And make some major moves towards getting published
That female killer story already sounds dope af, can't wait to read it. Let's switch gears for a sec.

We all know the bullshit that went down on the IC that led to you leaving for a while. Some people think that you were the one who set up the Khaleesi exposure. So for those who aren't as informed on what happened, explain how that situation actually went down and why you felt u wanted to leave the IC, cuz if I remember correctly, you weren't banned, u were just demodded.​
Yeah that situation was dumb... Like so dumb.... Especially considering how it all got started......

Now I'm not sure at all when or how Larry Potter and dizz started off but the way I got caught up in it was pure coincidence.

Me, Chi city, bride.... And I think Lou... Lol we were part of a dumb as competition unknown user started to see who could make the best donkey thread.....

Our plan was to completely hijack dizz's Ms all hip hop thread and make it our thread instead..... The kicker was removing khaleesi and replacing her with obfrsh.....

Dizz was pissed..... And immediately pmd me demanding to reopen his thread....

I was like sure, at the end of the day.. right now we doing something...
.. Then he was like Du you don't get it, Tyrone Copperfield is about to expose khaleesi....

I was like I really don't give a fuck, and I'll give him his thread back in like an hour.... We're having fun right now....

It was then that I got pm from Darnell Blane who was actually khaleesi in disguise.... And I told him/her I didn't really gaf about the exposure...

He always says he was trying to tell me that it wasn't him I was talking to, but it was her......

But that shit was confusing cuz they was arguing from the same account......I couldn't tell who was who....

After I gave dizz the thread back, he had already started the mass pm.... And just exposed her that way ... So it never even went down in the thread either of us started... It was all in a mass pm

And I wasn't even invited till like a day or two later.....

When I came in jonsey was tearing shorty a new one cuz of the yeast infection pic.... I never really commented in the shit tho..I just laughed....

Well at some point Greg got an email, and of course I was included in the whole thing....I was never Greg favorite mod... And off the strength of the email. Someone's head had to roll... It just ended up being me... Jay and Sion were trying to get him to change his mind, and a few other mods kept being dicks and giving me the moderator status back.... I felt it was getting out of hand.... Plus jonsey and Chuck hit me up and was like I should have known better than to get caught up in something this petty.... Lol so I was legit like damn... Maybe I should fall back until shit cool off....

Jay and Sion helped me turn one of my old aliases to Guy Gardner and I posted from that account whenever I felt like posting....

A few times I got too comfortable, cuz Niggaz would pm me like "Du??? Is that you?"

Lol that whole shit was funny.... Then right after that the whole black board fiasco started up
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Greg's a bitch ass nigga for that. She pulled strings on that nigga like she did with Jack smh

Let's continue on the topic. We know she used to flirt with you heavy on the site and on TC, she even continued on the BB tinychat nights. Word on the street was that her excessive flirting caused tension in the Du household, is there any truth to that?

Also, was she sending you pics on the level of the pics that were exposed?​
Lol, naw.... Shorty a nice looking chick and all.... But everything she did was on front street, I never took her seriously, the wife never took her seriously....

Every now but then she'd try to pm me a pic, I'd just do something like edit one of conflict posts as her pic....

Dude would be furious... But no one ever understood what he was talking about so it never went noticed....

The wife got mad once cuz I was explaining too much... She never took any of the ic shit seriously and didn't understand my need to explain myself....

I was like you right....

But I mean every time she logged in she had like 100 notifications to khaleesi shit and hella PMS about the khaleesi shit....I mean to her it was nothing, but when I felt the need to explain she questioned that....

Shit was weird though.... If y'all saw the amount of shit Niggaz was sending her....I think y'all might've felt the need to explain too.... But naw she never doubted me... She just thought IC Niggaz was lame
Them kids being born bruh. I cried both times. Both natural healthy births. Both beautiful children. Best thing I ever did. Like life is cool, but them kids being born was everything.

Worst? Dental surgery. I had three teeth removed, and the pain medicine started running out on the second one. By the time they got to the third.... It was almost completely raw.. the pain was unbelievable......I thought I was gonna pass out several times..

It was tough, because of my weight.... He gave me the legal limit.., next time I'll have to be put to sleep
Ima need the cap b beef and living with moms stories told to make this interview goat.
Ima need the cap b beef and living with moms stories told to make this interview goat.
I actually kinda explained the cap b beef already. We got into a beef with a real life pimp, and when I was on the IC I kinda associated homie with that one dude I dealt with in real life.... Looking back I was the lame in that shit... But it was entertaining...

And the mom's story been told a million times. I moved back home at 25, and just stayed. Been fixing it up n shit and took over what was left of the mortgage. Mom's 66 years old bruh, she's retiring but wants to keep the house, and it's way too much house for her alone. Especially considering the neighborhood. She's mad stubborn she don't wanna let go of the house. I'll prolly stay here till either she dies, or me and the wife have enough to buy a dream home... In that case we'll just take her with us. But in the past 10 years I've learned enough about home maintenance that I'm more than capable.

The IC had mad jokes, but none of that shit was never like that for real. I used to trip cuz Niggaz act like multiple generations never lived under the same roof. Like houses don't get passed down on. But whatever. The reality of it is no where near as funny as every one made it
Lurk already kinda asked but that was one of the other questions sent to me.

Somebody sent me: What is the closest Du has come to throwing hands with another poster?
Lurk already kinda asked but that was one of the other questions sent to me.

Somebody sent me: What is the closest Du has come to throwing hands with another poster?
Ummmmmm, never... Lol....

I told mad Niggaz come to the bar.. Never fully expecting anyone to show up....I never expected to run into Rd for real either... He just happened to name a shopping center I worked close to.... So it was easy to make that video.... But I never really intended on fighting no one from this site.

I'd 100% hop in the ring and spar a few rounds with whoever and film it for the internet....I was always up for that..... But not no real fist fight, not forreal
I only answer lurk cuz it's getting late and I ain't know if you was dropping off or not
Nah I'm up fam lol I got some spiked egg nog on deck and some music playin.

Let's switch gears. How did you bag @LadyDu ? Where did yall meet?​
Lol, doing just what I'm doing now... Kicking it with her family..... My homeboy was married to her older sister and they always doing cook outs n shit. Getting together, drinking, chilling at the crib..... So I was hanging for like a year strong when little sister came home from college.....

I was like oh shit she kinda cute, why not shoot my shot?
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