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ABW defines "Trolling"

All I'm saying is there s been instances where you say "you're trolling" when what the person is doing or saying does not match the definition you posted

Therefore you are guilty of what the complaint (for lack of better word) is in the OP
All I'm saying is there s been instances where you say "you're trolling" when what the person is doing or saying does not match the definition you posted

Therefore you are guilty of what the complaint (for lack of better word) is in the OP
you gonna have to show me, b/c your rebuttal just confirms what I said that if someone has a difference of opinion, its deemed as trolling

at its purest form, trolling essentially is saying something with the intent of making someone have a knee jerk reaction to something

if we are having a serious discussion about the 2003 draft class and I come out of left field and say some shit like Darko would've been better than LBJ, Wade and Melo had they gave him tick then that's trolling b/c some things can be quantifiable and backed up, but some things are just outlandish and should be labeled as such.

You can have your opinion about the pelicans organization and the mismanagement of AD's time there and that is a fair criticism, provided you know all the details about the situation and not just regurgitating something some shitty blogger that has an axe to grind has written. I wouldnt say you were trolling in that instance.
I was just going to start a thread asking if we can get rid of trolling on ABW. To me it's just an acceptable name to put on doing sucka isht. Then it's also used as a cop out in arguments. "I can't rebut what you just said so I'll just accuse you of trolling". It's all silly and takes away from genuine conversation being had. Especially in threads about real issues.
How will you remove trolling?
you gonna have to show me, b/c your rebuttal just confirms what I said that if someone has a difference of opinion, its deemed as trolling

at its purest form, trolling essentially is saying something with the intent of making someone have a knee jerk reaction to something

if we are having a serious discussion about the 2003 draft class and I come out of left field and say some shit like Darko would've been better than LBJ, Wade and Melo had they gave him tick then that's trolling b/c some things can be quantifiable and backed up, but some things are just outlandish and should be labeled as such.

You can have your opinion about the pelicans organization and the mismanagement of AD's time there and that is a fair criticism, provided you know all the details about the situation and not just regurgitating something some shitty blogger that has an axe to grind has written. I wouldnt say you were trolling in that instance.

No matter if we're in the music section or the cinema when my opinions don't match with yours you say I'm trolling
you gonna have to show me, b/c your rebuttal just confirms what I said that if someone has a difference of opinion, its deemed as trolling

at its purest form, trolling essentially is saying something with the intent of making someone have a knee jerk reaction to something

if we are having a serious discussion about the 2003 draft class and I come out of left field and say some shit like Darko would've been better than LBJ, Wade and Melo had they gave him tick then that's trolling b/c some things can be quantifiable and backed up, but some things are just outlandish and should be labeled as such.

You can have your opinion about the pelicans organization and the mismanagement of AD's time there and that is a fair criticism, provided you know all the details about the situation and not just regurgitating something some shitty blogger that has an axe to grind has written. I wouldnt say you were trolling in that instance.

No matter if we're in the music section or the cinema when my opinions don't match with yours you say I'm trolling

i thought i addressed this

when you, yourself, have gone on record to say you enjoy pissing southern members off with your posts about southern hip hop, what other conclusion can I draw from that?

you've shown in several instances that you, for whatever reasons, were in a bubble about a lot of shit...so on one hand, you have members on one side of the conversations giving opinions based on actual experiences with the artists in question, then here come you on your "the south killed hip hop" shit

you made this bed brah
i thought i addressed this

when you, yourself, have gone on record to say you enjoy pissing southern members off with your posts about southern hip hop, what other conclusion can I draw from that?

you've shown in several instances that you, for whatever reasons, were in a bubble about a lot of shit...so on one hand, you have members on one side of the conversations giving opinions based on actual experiences with the artists in question, then here come you on your "the south killed hip hop" shit

you made this bed brah

When I say the south killed hip hop, that's my legit opinion. I'm 100% certain that they did so how is that trolling

What about the cinema instances, I recall a few times in that stranger things thread since I was the only person who's not a fan of it then I must have been trolling. You're basically doing the same thing that you accuse others are doing when they don't have the same stance as you
Me and you and everyone else in our age group will say this but these kids don't give a shit about BIG, Jay Z or any of our era's legends. These kids actually think this current era is the GOAT. It's not trolling, they just like stuff that we don't

Naw their taste in hip hop is just garbage. A lot of us didn't grow up or was born in 70's, but we still appreciated and respected the music during that era.
When I say the south killed hip hop, that's my legit opinion. I'm 100% certain that they did so how is that trolling

What about the cinema instances, I recall a few times in that stranger things thread since I was the only person who's not a fan of it then I must have been trolling. You're basically doing the same thing that you accuse others are doing when they don't have the same stance as you

Re: hip hop
b/c that's not a true statement and its an uninformed opinion. I can't say lil pump is ruining rap. The people backing him are, JUST like the companies that backed a lot of those rappers you dont like. All those rappers did was put out the song, and the labels came running with their wallets opened to sign them and mass market the hell out of them. Why dont you ever blame Lyor or whoever else that actually made decisions about what was being put on the radio?


ok, if there are 10 people in the thread saying how great the show is and all of the things mentioned that are likable are generally shared among the rest of the internet, and you come in witcha "angry smurf" this shit is trash take...what else are people left with to think?

put it like this, if you come in and say, "i didnt like how they made eleven _______"...i cant argue with that. We can have have a back and forth about what that scene meant to me on an individual level, and at the end of the day, it might not be for you, and that should be ok, but when the rep you've built for yourself is saying things that have shock value and you like to rock the boat, again, what else are people left to take from that exchange?
So because 10 other people agree with your stance and only 1 is against it then that 1 is trolling or he's just willing to stick up for not liking something no matter what the masses are saying
So because 10 other people agree with your stance and only 1 is against it then that 1 is trolling or he's just willing to stick up for not liking something no matter what the masses are saying
no, if you gonna have an opinion that is different from everyone else's...cool...that should be encouraged

BUT, state reasons why so that people can try to see your pov...dont just come in there on some "THIS SHIT TRASH" then dip
no, if you gonna have an opinion that is different from everyone else's...cool...that should be encouraged

BUT, state reasons why so that people can try to see your pov...dont just come in there on some "THIS SHIT TRASH" then dip

What's the point of going back and forth about a show if I feel it's trash. I've never went back and forth with you on why you don't like Big Bang Theory, it's not for you and I keep it moving.
no, if you gonna have an opinion that is different from everyone else's...cool...that should be encouraged

BUT, state reasons why so that people can try to see your pov...dont just come in there on some "THIS SHIT TRASH" then dip

Coming saying “this shit trash” and dipping or giving no reasoning is like the very definition of trolling
What's the point of going back and forth about a show if I feel it's trash. I've never went back and forth with you on why you don't like Big Bang Theory, it's not for you and I keep it moving.
Fwiw, I've never called that show trash as I've never watched more than one episode

I'm confused how you seem to trash other shows that are generally liked but your demographic while praising that show which is not your demographic
Coming saying “this shit trash” and dipping or giving no reasoning is like the very definition of trolling

No you giving your opinion, nobody gotta explain themselves on why they don't like something. Y'all just make a bigger deal than what it should be
Fwiw, I've never called that show trash as I've never watched more than one episode

I'm confused how you seem to trash other shows that are generally liked but your demographic while praising that show which is not your demographic

I like what I like, I don't be caring about the suppose demographic. Do you watch Empire, if not then the demographics might say that you should