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ABW defines "Trolling"


I was really really tryna keep it PG
Site Administrator
Im sick of this shit

anytime someone disagrees with a pov of yours, it gets labeled as trolling

Tbh, i dont think MOST of you know what trolling even is in the traditional sense of the phrase.


Trolling – (verb), as it relates to internet, is the deliberate act, (by a Troll – noun or adjective), of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional knee jerk reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument.

Here is a typical discussion on ABW

member 1: Jussie Smollett might've been found to be lying about what happened to him
member 2: Why would he do that? What reason would he have to make it up

member 1: Brah, you would be surprised at how common something like this is. The people that do these types of things aren't always thinking clearly
member 2: so you mean to tell me that he making $200k a year and gotta pay someone to pretend to assault him so he could get a raise?

member 1: it appears to be that way brah
member 2: yea, im out...you trolling now

OMG, member no. 1 is NOT trolling but some of you dudes be swearing a difference of opinion means trolling.

"why can you never admit you are wrong"
Why do you care, you say the same thing to me about my views on stuff
i can "understand" a strong opinion about something, which you tend to have sometimes

but when you give an opinion on music specifically music you havent heard, you cant expect me or anyone else to take that opinion as a serious one

and you have been documented saying you say outlandish shit in an attempt to piss off southern posters when it comes to southern hip hop

BUT, in a discussion where differing povs are encouraged, there is always that select few that despite you providing evidence to support your position, they deem it as trolling b/c they can wrap their heads around how you came to that conclusion

Like, Pac might not be my favorite artist, but if i came in here talking about Lil Pump >>> Pac, tell me you wouldnt think i was trolling
Some ppl feel that you are trolling if you can't agree with their viewpoint. They may truly feel that way irl, it is what it is.
Some ppl feel that you are trolling if you can't agree with their viewpoint. They may truly feel that way irl, it is what it is.
do you agree lil pump is a better rapper than Tupac?
Some ppl feel that you are trolling if you can't agree with their viewpoint. They may truly feel that way irl, it is what it is.
also, you dont have to agree with my viewpoint, thats what makes discussions/debate interesting. We can either be like minded, or have differences of opinions but when you seem to add nothing to the discussion, cant answer questions directly, or say obvious outlandish shit, then yes, you are trolling
Wheb you say "rapper" are we talking about ability to put words that rhyne together or overrall artist?
generally speaking, whenever we've had discussions about Lupe vs K.Dot, Cole, etc...it, at least from my pov has been a combination of the two

but more specifically, understanding that there are things Lupe as an artist or rather performer, just doesnt do as well as the aforementioned, however, when it comes to that pen game, he runs circles around them. Now, what i said is my opinion, and I could provide lyrics/content to support my position.

If i just came out and said Lil B is better than all three of those, tell me you wouldn't think i was trolling.
generally speaking, whenever we've had discussions about Lupe vs K.Dot, Cole, etc...it, at least from my pov has been a combination of the two

but more specifically, understanding that there are things Lupe as an artist or rather performer, just doesnt do as well as the aforementioned, however, when it comes to that pen game, he runs circles around them. Now, what i said is my opinion, and I could provide lyrics/content to support my position.

If i just came out and said Lil B is better than all three of those, tell me you wouldn't think i was trolling

If you said that, yes.

But if @genocide_cutter did....i'd believe he believes that wholeheartedly
If you said that, yes.

But if @genocide_cutter did....i'd believe he believes that wholeheartedly
He has shown he lacks the ability to have unbiased objective conversations when discussing hip hop

so, if he says it, and even if he believes that wholeheartedly, his opinion cant be factored in when we are discussing emcees
Unless you truly know the person, it's hard to say if they trolling or not
I was just going to start a thread asking if we can get rid of trolling on ABW. To me it's just an acceptable name to put on doing sucka isht. Then it's also used as a cop out in arguments. "I can't rebut what you just said so I'll just accuse you of trolling". It's all silly and takes away from genuine conversation being had. Especially in threads about real issues.