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COMMUNITY ABW Debate 2021 Sign Up

I used to debate a lot. I don’t do it as much these days. Sometimes I try to see if I can understand both sides and where we can find common ground. To some extent I got sick of debating because online it always seemed like the point is to belittle and argue vs reaching a peaceful resolution/understanding. It gets annoying and starts to feel pointless when one side can’t be open-minded or empathize.
The bolded isnt what we trying to cultivate at all. Not looking for any arguments ot gotcha moments, just simple conversation with other members judging who debated they POV

Im a tag you in some of the threads so you can see where we at. Right now we in the infancy of restarting our debates so we still working out the kinks lol
Stall my guy out lol
Im trying but I dont want folks thinking these 'arguments'

For example, I fuck with @TheNightKing and think he'd excel at this. But unfortunately he under the impression its gonna be like the squabbles he be in and thats not this

I fuck with Fightback energy and agree with what he been saying but i also see them as attacks. Hell even I attacked Czar earlier which I was wrong for. That aint what we doing. I think we'll get more participation once some good healthy debates are under out belts

But not attacks and arguing
Im trying but I dont want folks think these 'arguements'

For example, I fuck with @TheNightKing and think he'd excel at this. But unfortunately he under the impression its gonna be like the squabbles he be in and thats not this

I fuck with Fightback energy and agree with what he been saying but i also it them as attacks. Hell even I attacked Czar earlier which I was wrong for. That aint what we doing. I think we'll get more participation once some good healthy debates are under out belts

But not attacks and arguing

Respect bro
Im trying but I dont want folks think these 'arguements'

For example, I fuck with @TheNightKing and think he'd excel at this. But unfortunately he under the impression its gonna be like the squabbles he be in and thats not this

I fuck with Fightback energy and agree with what he been saying but i also it them as attacks. Hell even I attacked Czar earlier which I was wrong for. That aint what we doing. I think we'll get more participation once some good healthy debates are under out belts

But not attacks and arguing
Goat to you for this sir and I certainly appreciate what you’re attempting with this. I think this could even be a semi catalyst to a return to civility on this board because there has been a lot of beef lately.

I’d be willing to debate given the guidelines you’re going for. Got to admit though, my debating skills are like my comedy skills. I’m situationally hilarious, but if I try to prepare bits I’m terrible. Might go the same way in debates but hell I’ll give it a shot, lol.
Goat to you for this sir and I certainly appreciate what you’re attempting with this. I think this could even be a semi catalyst to a return to civility on this board because there has been a lot of beef lately.

I’d be willing to debate given the guidelines you’re going for. Got to admit though, my debating skills are like my comedy skills. I’m situationally hilarious, but if I try to prepare bits I’m terrible. Might go the same way in debates but hell I’ll give it a shot, lol.
Look out for the next rounds, i think we'll have the guidelines made out better

Im fleshing out good topics also. Like @silverfoxx said, no one wants to debate a heavy topic on a Friday lol. And I dont think we need topics that require hours and hours of research so that should help not having to get so prepared
I've never debated before because I mostly feel like people's reality is what they make it and who am I to judge their truth..

But I'll give it shot
Look out for the next rounds, i think we'll have the guidelines made out better

Im fleshing out good topics also. Like @silverfoxx said, no one wants to debate a heavy topic on a Friday lol. And I dont think we need topics that require hours and hours of research so that should help not having to get so prepared
I wouldn’t mind doing one on To Fully Lift Covid Guidelines or Not. I’d take the position of lifting all guidelines. Been having this debate a little here and there already.

I’m not married to that one though if there’s something else.
I wouldn’t mind doing one on To Fully Lift Covid Guidelines or Not. I’d take the position of lifting all guidelines. Been having this debate a little here and there already.

I’m not married to that one though if there’s something else.
That's a dope topic

I'm a hold it in the tuck
@Chicity my bad bro I just got distracted
Its all good

This was hella short notice for all. I really wanna get this first wave done so we can all start tweaking it from there and then the next wave should be a lot smoother

I appreciate ya for signing up either way
The bolded isnt what we trying to cultivate at all. Not looking for any arguments ot gotcha moments, just simple conversation with other members judging who debated they POV

Im a tag you in some of the threads so you can see where we at. Right now we in the infancy of restarting our debates so we still working out the kinks lol
Understood. I checked it out. Is there a certain debate someone is trying to have with me?
Understood. I checked it out. Is there a certain debate someone is trying to have with me?
Atm, I'm just making up topics and randomly pairing folks up

Like if you wanted to debate sports then I'd just pair you with someone else who wanted to debate sports and we'd go from there

Give me whatever topics you cool with talking about and we go from there