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ABW Court: Ohmars vs AP


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
Welcome back to ABW Court.

On today's docket we have @OhMars vs @AP21

Ohmars says AP is changing rules in the store to benefit himself. AP denies.

When yall are ready, post your opening statement or hire an attorney to post an opening statement.

This all started as just a usual back and forth between me and the defendant @AP21
I made a simple request for name change (see below)

@Chicity @AP21
Change your own name to SWEET
With this AVI

Little sweet ass nigga

Without explanation and with the weight of his moddship in his text, he instructed his junior mod the following (see below)

Give him his money back

The next thing I know, my money is back in my account and I get a reply from the junior mod

Nah, we got rules in place to prevent these type of things from happening slime

I am bewildered, I have never seen anything like this before. A blatant refusal of the rules by the mods.
Clearly the junior has been in communication with supervisor. Im not sure if he's willfuly breaking ABW law or he's being taking for a ride (pause) by his senior mod. I demand to be informed of this semmingly fraudulent rule

What rules are those

I finally get a response for AP himself

You have to wait a month to change the same members name again
This rule has been in place since forever

The reason why none of y'all remember is because Omar trying to be an asshole when the last time this happened was probably over a year ago

Funny that chitownb don't remember when there was a laundry list of people with a laundry list of names they wanted to change his to the sec the old name expired. He would've had a name change literally for every week of the year.

But guess who stepped in and said, "y'all that's not right"

~inserts allergens LeBron hands up gif that he wearing out

I am an upstanding citizen of the ABW so im willing to belive that his Mod is telling the truth...
But im gonna need to see proof...

At which point Chit-town informs the senior mod that in fact the rule is

Nah don't try that, the rule is you can change for 2 weeks in a row quit trying to change now because it's happening to you.

Chitown is correct! from the keyboard of the site owner himself and Judge over these here proceedings

@Goldie what's the limit to this, bans is 2 times, other stuff the most is 2 times. Is it just with me it can go on to infinity.

2 consecutive weeks

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This all started as just a usual back and forth between me and the defendant @AP21
I made a simple request for name change (see below)

Without explanation and with the weight of his moddship in his text, he instructed his junior mod the following (see below)

The next thing I know, my money is back in my account and I get a reply from the junior mod

I am bewildered, I have never seen anything like this before. A blatant refusal of the rules by the mods.
Clearly the junior has been in communication with supervisor. Im not sure if he's willfuly breaking ABW law or he's being taking for a ride (pause) by his senior mod. I demand to be informed of this semmingly fraudulent rule

I finally get a response for AP himself

I am an upstanding citizen of the ABW so im willing to belive that his Mod is telling the truth...
But im gonna need to see proof...

At which point Chit-town informs the senior mod that in fact the rule is

Chitown is correct! from the keyboard of the site owner himself and Judge over these here proceedings

This all started as just a usual back and forth between me and the defendant @AP21
I made a simple request for name change (see below)

Without explanation and with the weight of his moddship in his text, he instructed his junior mod the following (see below)

The next thing I know, my money is back in my account and I get a reply from the junior mod

I am bewildered, I have never seen anything like this before. A blatant refusal of the rules by the mods.
Clearly the junior has been in communication with supervisor. Im not sure if he's willfuly breaking ABW law or he's being taking for a ride (pause) by his senior mod. I demand to be informed of this semmingly fraudulent rule

I finally get a response for AP himself

I am an upstanding citizen of the ABW so im willing to belive that his Mod is telling the truth...
But im gonna need to see proof...

At which point Chit-town informs the senior mod that in fact the rule is

Chitown is correct! from the keyboard of the site owner himself and Judge over these here proceedings

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