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COMMUNITY ABW Court: Judge Judah vs Kandy

You stated earlier that you were in charge of the case. If I am in charge of a business I can't walk outside to a stranger tell them they're in charge and when it goes down hill blame them! It would be my fault and I would be held responsible. It was YOUR job to make sure he had full understanding of the case.

Now with that understood, do you remember this remark made to my client after he stepped up for you as a friend without being given any knowledge of the case?

The defendant said this in her opening statement


I also find it strange that I am the only one being sued for defamation, when there is PROOF
all over ABW of things said to the plaintiff from other people way worse than I have.

This is amazing logic you have there @Kandy. So if a person were to beat his woman with his hands, should that be allowed because she has experienced worse beatings?
The defendant said this in her opening statement

This is amazing logic you have there @Kandy. So if a person were to beat his woman with his hands, should that be allowed because she has experienced worse beatings?

Ask another question counselor
The defendant said this in her opening statement

This is amazing logic you have there @Kandy. So if a person were to beat his woman with his hands, should that be allowed because she has experienced worse beatings?
No. I’m just confused as to why someone who has been defamed by others chooses just to sue one and not all?