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COMMUNITY ABW Court: Judge Judah vs Kandy

Before we begin, I just want to thank the judge, my lawyer, the bailiff and the jurors involved. This has.....


....this has been a trying time in my life. I've woken up with cold sweats anticipating this case and having to see the defendants face. I fear for my e-saftey, but justice has to be served.

My career may possibly be in shambles....i just want what I'm owed and to be able to continue with my career...in peace.

Before we begin, I just want to thank the judge, my lawyer, and the jurors involved. This has.....


....this has been a trying time in my life. I've woken up with cold sweats anticipating this case and having to see the defendants face. I fear for my e-saftey, but justice has to be served.

My career may possibly be in shambles....i just want what I'm owed and to be able to continue with my career...in peace.

Wait I don't get no love?! I'm the one with the 9
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of the court.
Also, I'd like to say Happy Holidays to you all.

I stand here before you, clueless and shocked of the accusations against me.
I am a playful individual who means no harm unless I am crossed.

In which case the plaintiff never offended me.
I'm being sued for breach of contract, when there is NO proof of said contract.
I also find it strange that I am the only one being sued for defamation, when there is PROOF
all over ABW of things said to the plaintiff from other people way worse than I have.

I have suffered nightmares due to this and I have lost a wonderful friend from this ordeal too.
Who is the one that is doing the real hurt? The plaintiff turning my own best friend against me!

Why me? I don't know but hopefully at the end of this trial, justice will be served and my question will be answered.

Thank you.

Your honor, the sheriff and the defendant are clearly in cahoots. If she gets violent we know what side he's on.

We need a fair and impartial court room.
Your honor, the sheriff and the defendant are clearly in cahoots. If she gets violent we know what side he's on.

We need a fair and impartial court room.
I do my job fairly. If she gets out of hand I will cuff her!
*grabs notepad. give a quick lil head nod and wink at the phat booty beauty sittin in the 2nd row smiling back. proceeds to watch the trial*