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COMMUNITY ABW Court: Judge Judah vs Kandy

Looks at your honor @ChiCity

@me typing in sexy lawyer and this popped up...

Fucking perfecto!!! Lmao
Your honor, me and my client will look over the list of jurors provided and will let you know our decision shortly.


While we figure that out here's a list of crimes the defendant has committed in the last few months on this here site. She is a menace to society and needs to be taken seriously.
Now everyone else on the jury...I stand by.

Btw...b/c of conflict of interest...she wasn't gonna get added.

Now we do have a stanogerpher position available for her. Lol.
Nah it shouldn’t be like that, this is all in fun or isn’t it?
Not like somebody life can get ruined from it.

If I can’t participate I’m gonna need a lawyer for the next proceedings.


Woof woof...
The defendant has terrorized half of the selected jury and is begging to make "adjustments"

@King Du @Kandy , you've sullied the name of many, but my client will not be one of them

I ain't never ran from a nigga and I damn sure ain't about to pick today to start running.... Look honey....

You wanna file charges against me at a later date, by all means step down now and do so....

I look forward to seeing you in court.

Take @GOAT with you.
And have a blessed holiday.

You already in the DOG house.
You got a DEATH WISH too?
Not my call bo....ma’am...both sides agreed to the jurors

I’m merely a mediator, we running this all the way transparent