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ABW 10 Point Plan for BLACK folks


2 Words
Very simple, list 10 things that needs to be presented to each presidential candidate.

Please try and be very detailed with each item.

If listed education, if you can, try and expand on how that will benefit black folks. ex.

Education, every black kid, person, gets to go to any school of their choice, public or private, no GAP requirement. Also, they are in university, a stipend will come with that every semester of $6,000 or more per semester, to pay for books, lodging, etc. All out of state fees are waived.

1. Land Grants - Black folks can get a land grant and purchase any available property/land at no cost, you own a home, free homeowners insurance, no property tax, free running water, AC/Heat. A set a side area just for black folks, Give us the Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Those Dakotas states. ( or 4-5 of those mid-state regional areas) Thats where the land grants can be applied

2. Banking - Black folks can get a loan with an interest rate that is lower or equal to an 0.8% fixed rate, if their credit score is 700 or above, no interest rate will be applied to the loan and the loan can be forgiven after 20 years if a payment is not missed.

3. Free Healthcare for ALL BLACK folks, meds are free, with free refills

4. Education, every black kid, person, gets to go to any school of their choice, public or private, no GAP requirement. Also, they are in university, a stipend will come with that every semester of $6,000 or more per semester, to pay for books, lodging, etc. All out of state fees are waived

5. Retirement elders or elders, home care is free. They can chose to have a home nurse or go to a home care facility.

6. Free day-care for black babies anywhere

7. No income tax, if you black and making over 10,000 dollars, you don't pay income tax, state tax etc. Must maintain a job for 2 years

8. If you're black and you kill, get found guilty, life without parole (fuck you, you shouldn't be doing stupid shit), unless self-defense

9. More Farmer Markets in surrounding black zip code areas, get incentives (funding) for growing your own food and bartering

10. A "Don't mess with us" bill, you steal, kill, harm a black person, automatic life with no parole. that's including black on black crime too
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Very simple, list 10 things that needs to be presented to each presidential candidate.

Please try and be very detailed with each item.

If listed education, if you can, try and expand on how that will benefit black folks. ex.

Education, every black kid, person, gets to go to any school of their choice, public or private, no GAP requirement. Also, they are in university, a stipend will come with that every semester of $6,000 or more per semester, to pay for books, lodging, etc. All out of state fees are waived.

1. Land Grants - Black folks can get a land grant and purchase any available property/land at no cost, you own a home, free homeowners insurance, no property tax, free running water, AC/Heat. A set a side area just for black folks, Give us the Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Those Dakotas states. ( or 4-5 of those mid-state regional areas) Thats where the land grants can be applied

2. Banking - Black folks can get a loan with an interest rate that is lower or equal to an 0.8% fixed rate, if their credit score is 700 or above, no interest rate will be applied to the loan and the loan can be forgiven after 20 years if a payment is not missed.

3. Free Healthcare for ALL BLACK folks, meds are free, with free refills

4. Education, every black kid, person, gets to go to any school of their choice, public or private, no GAP requirement. Also, they are in university, a stipend will come with that every semester of $6,000 or more per semester, to pay for books, lodging, etc. All out of state fees are waived

5. Retirement elders or elders, home care is free. They can chose to have a home nurse or go to a home care facility.

6. Free day-care for black babies anywhere

7. No income tax, if you black and making over 10,000 dollars, you don't pay income tax, state tax etc. Must maintain a job for 2 years

8. If you're black and you kill, get found guilty, life without parole (fuck you, you shouldn't be doing stupid shit),

9. More Farmer Markets in surrounding black zip code areas, get incentives (funding) for growing your own food and bartering

10. A "Don't mess with us" bill, you steal, kill, harm and black person, automatic life with no parole. that's including black on black crime too

There's some good ideas here. I don't think you can expect all 10 of these to be adopted into any presidential candidate's platform.

I'd want black people to advocate for the following general things:

  1. Universal Healthcare (that would get you close to your number 3)
  2. A criminal justice reform package that included things like: end to mandatory minimums, legalizing marijuana and freeing all nonviolent offenders, end of 3 strikes laws
  3. Free pre-K and lunch in all grade schools
  4. Free public college or at least community college
  5. I think Cube's idea about having bank lending reflect the black make-up of the community is good, but I think it would have to be changed to meet the demographics of the community to get through. That would effectively do the same thing though. If the community is 60% black, 60% of lended funds would go to black people. I still think there are some problems here, but I believe it can be tweaked.
I honestly don't have as many ideas solely for black people, but I do like your land grant idea (this was something that was promised to black people after the civil war and then taken back from us). The income tax, farmer market ideas, and education assistance ideas are interesting too, but I think they'd have to be tweaked.

Now that I see your ideas, I don't think you could ever get a politician to agree with 10 ideas of the type you're describing and if they did they'd be lying. I do think you could request a couple of those and get a compromised version of them, and that would honestly be a major win. The land grant and income tax policies would really help black people a lot especially if they came with some sort of trade out reach program that helped black people make the most of the land or generate new marketable skills.
There's some good ideas here. I don't think you can expect all 10 of these to be adopted into any presidential candidate's platform.

I'd want black people to advocate for the following general things:

  1. Universal Healthcare (that would get you close to your number 3)
  2. A criminal justice reform package that included things like: end to mandatory minimums, legalizing marijuana and freeing all nonviolent offenders, end of 3 strikes laws
  3. Free pre-K and lunch in all grade schools
  4. Free public college or at least community college
  5. I think Cube's idea about having bank lending reflect the black make-up of the community is good, but I think it would have to be changed to meet the demographics of the community to get through. That would effectively do the same thing though. If the community is 60% black, 60% of lended funds would go to black people. I still think there are some problems here, but I believe it can be tweaked.
I honestly don't have as many ideas solely for black people, but I do like your land grant idea (this was something that was promised to black people after the civil war and then taken back from us). The income tax, farmer market ideas, and education assistance ideas are interesting too, but I think they'd have to be tweaked.

Now that I see your ideas, I don't think you could ever get a politician to agree with 10 ideas of the type you're describing and if they did they'd be lying. I do think you could request a couple of those and get a compromised version of them, and that would honestly be a major win. The land grant and income tax policies would really help black people a lot especially if they came with some sort of trade out reach program that helped black people make the most of the land or generate new marketable skills.

It's all about pressing, They do those 10, you add 10 more, keep improving.

A debt is owed to black folks. I think my way is the cheapest way to go about
It's all about pressing, They do those 10, you add 10 more, keep improving.

A debt is owed to black folks. I think my way is the cheapest way to go about

Sure, if you could get those 10, you're absolutely right.

Question for you. Let's say that Kamala was willing to take your 10 ideas and run with them. How many do you honestly think she could get through in a 4-year term?

I understand better where you're coming from, and I support your stance that we should push for something specifically for black people. I think our disagreement now is that you think 10 is a fair number. I think it's fair but unrealistic. I think 2 is more realistic with the expectation that if they go through, they will be compromised to some extent. For example, if Kamala said she was going to run with the land grant and interest rate ideas, I would absolutely advocate for her because those would be big if she could get them through in any form.

I still wouldn't vote for her though. lol I just can't get past the fact that she fought to keep innocent people in jail. That's crazy to me.
Stop asset forfeiture , stop taking people's money & property before they are convicted of a crime

Stop qualified immunity, tired of seeing the government destroy people's property & walk away , tired of seeing law enforcement kill & hurt people then say the feared for their lives , tired of seeing law enforcement get bogus warrants to go on a rampage

Simplified tax code & lower federal taxes

No more toll roads , we pay way to many taxes to have toll roads

Stop taxing people with speed & red light cameras which are put in place to raise revenues

Vehicle DMV stickers should be every 5 years , it's just another tax to raise revenue

Property taxes should be capped at 1% nationwide

Create a program with community colleges together more minorities into the trades like HVAC , plumbing , utility work like high voltage line workers , fiber optic splicing , carpentry, electricians , mason , welders heavy equipment operators , tilers , automotive mechanics , appliance repair techs & home inspections . The unions are way to racist

Get rid of all the harmful growth hormones in beef , pork , chickens & turkey. Get rid of harmful pesticides in farming

Build more nuclear plants for reliable energy

My list is for everyone because the United States will never make any concessions for the negro
Sure, if you could get those 10, you're absolutely right.

Question for you. Let's say that Kamala was willing to take your 10 ideas and run with them. How many do you honestly think she could get through in a 4-year term?

I understand better where you're coming from, and I support your stance that we should push for something specifically for black people. I think our disagreement now is that you think 10 is a fair number. I think it's fair but unrealistic. I think 2 is more realistic with the expectation that if they go through, they will be compromised to some extent. For example, if Kamala said she was going to run with the land grant and interest rate ideas, I would absolutely advocate for her because those would be big if she could get them through in any form.

I still wouldn't vote for her though. lol I just can't get past the fact that she fought to keep innocent people in jail. That's crazy to me.

All of them, she can get all 10 implemented, her and her administration. How long do you think it took for Obama and he crew to get that Native American Act passed?

Other groups don't get 2 things limited.

That's just 10 now, there's many more, the G.I. Bill for black veterans haven't been discussed, those black veterans need their payments etc.

It's alot more, you keep adding to the list, if the democratic party wants to get that vote every 4 years
All of them, she can get all 10 implemented, her and her administration. How long do you think it took for Obama and he crew to get that Native American Act passed?

Other groups don't get 2 things limited.

That's just 10 now, there's many more, the G.I. Bill for black veterans haven't been discussed, those black veterans need their payments etc.

It's alot more, you keep adding to the list, if the democratic party wants to get that vote every 4 years
G.I. Bill for blacks doesn't benefit all blacks though, using your logic.

I agree with some of your other points that I'll highlight later
G.I. Bill for blacks doesn't benefit all blacks though, using your logic.

I agree with some of your other points that I'll highlight later

Free day care for babies don't benefit all blacks either, nor the education, nor anything on my list, each item doesn't benefit every black person.

So what's your point?
All of them, she can get all 10 implemented, her and her administration. How long do you think it took for Obama and he crew to get that Native American Act passed?

Other groups don't get 2 things limited.

That's just 10 now, there's many more, the G.I. Bill for black veterans haven't been discussed, those black veterans need their payments etc.

It's alot more, you keep adding to the list, if the democratic party wants to get that vote every 4 years

Those things that Obama did for Native Americans were extensions of other things already put in place. The first law for them was put in place way back in the 1920s. Everything that has been done since then has required basically constant pressure. That shit that Obama signed wasn't just requested with him. Native Americans were pushing for them for decades.

You're talking apples and oranges here. You keep saying that other groups don't do this or other groups don't do that. You're literally proposing free housing, free secondary education, free healthcare, free childcare, and free retirement care solely for black people. No other group is asking for even one of those things. lol

It would literally be impossible to get all that in one term. Kamala couldn't just sign an EO for that stuff and there is no way a package with all that would get through Congress.

I respect what you're saying here, but I feel like you're not being realistic. You want Kamala to make promises that she can't possibly keep to get your vote. Then when she fails to do it because it's basically impossible, you'd bash her.
Free day care for babies don't benefit all blacks either, nor the education, nor anything on my list, each item doesn't benefit every black person.

So what's your point?
You and others have been asking for things that specifically address black people because you don't like being linked to things that benefit other minorities

I'm trying to get you to see why words have meaning.

But, if this isn't your position then I apologize
Sure, if you could get those 10, you're absolutely right.

Question for you. Let's say that Kamala was willing to take your 10 ideas and run with them. How many do you honestly think she could get through in a 4-year term?

I understand better where you're coming from, and I support your stance that we should push for something specifically for black people. I think our disagreement now is that you think 10 is a fair number. I think it's fair but unrealistic. I think 2 is more realistic with the expectation that if they go through, they will be compromised to some extent. For example, if Kamala said she was going to run with the land grant and interest rate ideas, I would absolutely advocate for her because those would be big if she could get them through in any form.

I still wouldn't vote for her though. lol I just can't get past the fact that she fought to keep innocent people in jail. That's crazy to me.

Yeah I think folks underestimate just how hard it is to get things passed and often speak as if the President makes unilateral decisions on these things. Kamala can put all of these ideas in her campaign. She'd still need the cooperation of people outside of her camp to get them done. Kamala ain't the person to convince. It's other senators and politicians who'd need to get on board for these changes to happen
You and others have been asking for things that specifically address black people because you don't like being linked to things that benefit other minorities

I'm trying to get you to see why words have meaning.

But, if this isn't your position then I apologize

What's your point you're trying to make?
If Kamala aint the person to convince to get things passed, then why do the Native Americans, Asians, and other groups have things in place??

These folks don't vote or convince Senators, Congressmen? How many Asian congressmen and senators do yall know?
This thread is a joke.

No presidential candidate is going to come out with a platform specifically for Black folks

I mean, think about it, such a candidate would alienate white voters.

10 points is too much. Maybe one point is possible but a 10 point program for Black Americans ain't gonna happen.
Those things that Obama did for Native Americans were extensions of other things already put in place. The first law for them was put in place way back in the 1920s. Everything that has been done since then has required basically constant pressure. That shit that Obama signed wasn't just requested with him. Native Americans were pushing for them for decades.

You're talking apples and oranges here. You keep saying that other groups don't do this or other groups don't do that. You're literally proposing free housing, free secondary education, free healthcare, free childcare, and free retirement care solely for black people. No other group is asking for even one of those things. lol

It would literally be impossible to get all that in one term. Kamala couldn't just sign an EO for that stuff and there is no way a package with all that would get through Congress.

I respect what you're saying here, but I feel like you're not being realistic. You want Kamala to make promises that she can't possibly keep to get your vote. Then when she fails to do it because it's basically impossible, you'd bash her.

What was the first law put in place in the 1920s that got passed under Obama administration? Native Americans were pushing for what for decades?

list these things will you please sir
Those things that Obama did for Native Americans were extensions of other things already put in place. The first law for them was put in place way back in the 1920s. Everything that has been done since then has required basically constant pressure. That shit that Obama signed wasn't just requested with him. Native Americans were pushing for them for decades.

You're talking apples and oranges here. You keep saying that other groups don't do this or other groups don't do that. You're literally proposing free housing, free secondary education, free healthcare, free childcare, and free retirement care solely for black people. No other group is asking for even one of those things. lol

It would literally be impossible to get all that in one term. Kamala couldn't just sign an EO for that stuff and there is no way a package with all that would get through Congress.

I respect what you're saying here, but I feel like you're not being realistic. You want Kamala to make promises that she can't possibly keep to get your vote. Then when she fails to do it because it's basically impossible, you'd bash her.

Since you're saying that black folks won't get the things we asked for, not 10.

Let's do this:

Realistic list the things that you can see Kamala doing for black folks only in 4 years that will help 80% of black folks that voted for her.

Let's see what you think can happen in reality, since my list won't happen lol
Brother, you just listed two or three of your points that are not exclusive to black people

Why are you asking this?

10 items on that list I mention, can other groups benefit from it? yes or no

Chose yes or no, that's all I need from your next post