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Oh shit you actually wanna get a pat on the back for doing your job, why did she have to ask you to get involved since by your words you're the beloved mod
Stop it man.

You draggin this out and for what?
another lie


how many more you got? You think that as an observer between two people that the only way to resolve something is to get equally disrespectful.

So for the umpteenth time, once again, I felt that Az overreacted to something she perceived to be a slight to her. Even the person who she took issue with after SEVERAL attempts over explained what they were saying, Az was like "nope, you was trying to sneak diss and I know it"

How can you possibly reason with someone who is determined that something is there when it isnt? Their history has been heavily documented and for the longest part of the exchange...oh fuck it...kandy was trying to be the bigger person until she got exhausted playing the mental gymnastics and said fuck it and really gave Az a reason to be mad.


How about the time when Az went all "all lives matter". Another misunderstanding imo. I was one of the few people who were trying to engage in healthy dialogue b/c i do not know what it is to be hispanic so i cant speak to their plight, BUT, she also isnt black but it appeared she was trying to compare their plight to ours. I was willing to read her posts to better understand her pov, but then it appeared she felt she was being attacked, then started posting the way she did after that.

Even when all the dudes came at her for her all lives matter thoughts, I was STILL telling people to chill, but this is the funny part...when mods intervene, niggas get tight...when mods dont intervene...yep, you guessed it...niggas get tight

I was a member before i was a mod then and admin, but most of you dont view me that way. You let the admin banner distract from the fact that if i was just a regular member with no banner, i would STILL hold these opinions. I might not always agree with my fellow mods, but you know what, we talk that shit out and keep it moving.

Can you say the same thing? Let me not keep everyone waiting...the answer is no
You see I wouldn’t have had a problem had you just posted facts but your first few paragraphs were about what you believed.

For one the whole Kandy and me issues are dead and gone but yet you post this as if you have complete proof that I was wrong when in fact all you have is your opinion on it but those aren’t facts?

Next you talk about the whole all lives matter comment and I do not really see this as me trying to compare my plight to anybody else’s when in fact I was talking about DOG’S?

Only on ABW...
You see I wouldn’t have had a problem had you just posted facts but your first few paragraphs were about what you believed.

For one the whole Kandy and me issues are dead and gone but yet you post this as if you have complete proof that I was wrong when in fact all you have is your opinion on it but those aren’t facts?

Next you talk about the whole all lives matter comment and I do not really see this as me trying to compare my plight to anybody else’s when in fact I was talking about DOG’S?

Only on ABW...

well it is my opinion and my observation Az

the entire situation was a big misunderstanding (my opinion and most others). Dont turn this into me saying any person was more right or wrong. I remember that day like it was yesterday and yes, the shit went left quick b/c you thought she was being shady (this is a fact).

that happened. That's not my opinion.

I wish i could remember the thread but i forgot all about the dog stuff, but even in that thread, while i disagreed with your position, I, ME...AP was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up again to just a misunderstanding.

Dont try to turn this into something its not. Like i said, even when i've disagreed with you, i never wanted you to just stop posting. I thought that was kinda wack. Well let me rephrase, i think its wack for anyone to stop posting b/c people arent agreeing with them on everything.

Dont let Chi come in here and try to act like everybody was just ganging up on you and he was the only one trying to diffuse the situation
well it is my opinion and my observation Az

the entire situation was a big misunderstanding (my opinion and most others). Dont turn this into me saying any person was more right or wrong. I remember that day like it was yesterday and yes, the shit went left quick b/c you thought she was being shady (this is a fact).

that happened. That's not my opinion.

I wish i could remember the thread but i forgot all about the dog stuff, but even in that thread, while i disagreed with your position, I, ME...AP was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up again to just a misunderstanding.

Dont try to turn this into something its not. Like i said, even when i've disagreed with you, i never wanted you to just stop posting. I thought that was kinda wack. Well let me rephrase, i think its wack for anyone to stop posting b/c people arent agreeing with them on everything.

Dont let Chi come in here and try to act like everybody was just ganging up on you and he was the only one trying to diffuse the situation
My problem isn’t with your opinion but rather you stating that I took it in a way that it wasn’t when that is your opinion not a fact. Just state facts is all.

You also had to throw in (mine and most others) as if that made it factual?

I’m not trying to make it into something it’s not, but if I don’t state my problem with what you typed then who will?

I never said you tried to make it seem that any person was more right or wrong. That didn’t roll off the tips of my fingers but rather yours?
My problem isn’t with your opinion but rather you stating that I took it in a way that it wasn’t when that is your opinion not a fact.

You also had to throw in (mine and most others) as if that made it factual?

I’m not trying to make it into something it’s not, but if I don’t state my problem with what you typed then who will?

I never said you tried to make it seem that any person was more right or wrong. That didn’t roll off the tips of my fingers but rather yours?

my sincerest apologies
how long you been holding onto this LMAO

Sultan was like "oh they taking suggestions??...bet"

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Ever since I found this damn website, It's a hidden gem full of chill people

and it's black owned/black populated

I'd hate to see this shit go down in terms of quality posts and people
And please, PLEASE don't ever implement a "Hot Topic" or "Platinum" system

I come here specifically to get away from people making dick sucking threads about the rat and his bitch the DJ, Shade room, "Gossip Tea" about no name ass people just famous on the internet for some dumb shit or cause they look real good, Drumpf conspiracies, Qanon pizzagate, and a spam bot who tries to plug this shitty ass blog based on a michael jackson michael jordan smiley

Lmao I can tell you post on Boxden