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FEATURED A woman says Conor McGregor raped her at Game 4 of the NBA Finals

It's literally being covered by multiple outlets. Just google the name Conor McGregor. First thing that comes up is the espn article about this. Then People magazine followed by a bunch of news sites. Conor McGregor has a very bad reputation and there's plenty of outlets that can't wait to shit on him any chance they get
OK, I gotta admit I don’t really watch tv or be on social media like that.

But, still, you gotta admit that Kyrie Irving got waaay more coverage than necessary.
OK, I gotta admit I don’t really watch tv or be on social media like that.

But, still, you gotta admit that Kyrie Irving got waaay more coverage than necessary.
Plus, you had all these BLACK folks criticizing Kyrie!

Where they at now?

Story literally broke a couple hours ago...and it's being covered pretty heavily. Plus since it involves a legal issue the things you can and can't say are limited without actual charges. Trust that people hate him enough they'll be on him same way as when he had that incident throwing something at that bus.
I know he’s a dick and a coke head but this whole story sounds like it’s on crack IMG_3069.png

Either she’s lying or everyone was on coke that night
Hm is it all possible him KOing a "mascot" the same night and sending to hospital have anything to do with this? That story was whacky as fuck when it shown up on my newsbreak
What would possess Heat security to stop her from leaving. Even if they are complete dirtbags themselves, I don't see how they could possibly think that action would turn out well for them.