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Another Migrant town hall

90k a month on just rent to house 2k migrants

Then they prolly pay the utilities give them food and clothing

I need to identify as a migrant

The one lady did it on the head when she said with their actions the government is telling us we the tax paying citizen are not as important as the migrant

Another Migrant town hall

90k a month on just rent to house 2k migrants

Then they prolly pay the utilities give them food and clothing

I need to identify as a migrant

The one lady did it on the head when she said with their actions the government is telling us we the tax paying citizen are not as important as the migrant

Just send them here

We have a small city named Highland Park with a population of about 9000 but it can hold alot more

Its basically an abandoned city
At the end of the day, a lot of these migrants here because of the War on Drugs and U.S. intervention in some of those countries that led to destabilization. This is a problem the U.S. played a part in causing, so we can't be mad because we are being forced to play a part in solving it. Maybe if the U.S. worked with some of these nations in Latin America to fix the problems so that their citizens no longer needed to flee home. We wouldn't have a migrant crisis.
Just send them here

We have a small city named Highland Park with a population of about 9000 but it can hold alot more

Its basically an abandoned city

Naaaaaaaaaaaaawl bruh... We got enough prollems in The City as-is. Is it really worth it to bring more from other countries???

Besides, there would have to be some sort of human rights abuse convictions waiting for Michigan for sticking refugee's in Highland Park. I drove through HP a couple of weeks ago trying to see if I could find an old friend of mine's crib off 6 mile and John R. That area looks like the bombed out parts of Gaza but with overgrown bushes and trees 5 years after The Blip. I rolled up Woodward. There's a building with a fuckin Highland Appliance sign on it, them shits went out of business in, what... '92 or '93??? Shit is still there, untouched. HP looks like poverty and despair mixed with a cesspool of crime and villainy.

Naaaaaaaaaaaaawl bruh... We got enough prollems in The City as-is. Is it really worth it to bring more from other countries???

Besides, there would have to be some sort of human rights abuse convictions waiting for Michigan for sticking refugee's in Highland Park. I drove through HP a couple of weeks ago trying to see if I could find an old friend of mine's crib off 6 mile and John R. That area looks like the bombed out parts of Gaza but with overgrown bushes and trees 5 years after The Blip. I rolled up Woodward. There's a building with a fuckin Highland Appliance sign on it, them shits went out of business in, what... '92 or '93??? Shit is still there, untouched. HP looks like poverty and despair mixed with a cesspool of crime and villainy.

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Thats my point though. The city is basically abandoned. Nobody lives in Highland Park because they want to, they do it because they are stuck and the population is just going to continue to decline. So bring the migrants in and invest in the area and not just for the migrants but also for the people that already there.

As of right now, the only reason to be in Highland Park is to go that Turkey restaurant

I'm trying to do this as well.

Let's rap
Go and get it bro! The content is official. Due to my circumstances, I'm going through it quicker than most.

It "says" 6 months, but some complete faster, some longer. Depends on your situation.

8 courses feat Python, Linux, SQL, incident response.

Don't feel like you have to know every nuance, you don't. Be willing to learn a little more each section and you'll be good. Take good notes, celebrate every passing grade. I was hollering like a soccer match lol when I finished up Python.

Best success!

Thats my point though. The city is basically abandoned. Nobody lives in Highland Park because they want to, they do it because they are stuck and the population is just going to continue to decline. So bring the migrants in and invest in the area and not just for the migrants but also for the people that already there.

As of right now, the only reason to be in Highland Park is to go that Turkey restaurant

You talmbout the Turkey Grill? I thought that was right before you get to HP (coming from downtown anyways). One of my friends told me I need to check it out.

I mean... I can see what you're saying, but if that's the case then there should be money available to revitalize it now without having to bring x number of thousands of refugees to the area. And where would they live? I rolled through Grove St off 6 mile and Hamilton just to look (this chick I used to go to school with stayed over there). Back inna day that wasn't such a bad spot but today? Most of the houses are gone and the ones still standing look 3rd world-ish. Can't really stick nobody in them spots. So that would mean finding a place for them and granting them loans and shit if they wanted to take, say, that building across from Aldis on Woodward and turn it into residences. Pretty sure they would do all the work themselves, but if the state would be willing to finance them doing it, why couldn't we do it now?
You talmbout the Turkey Grill? I thought that was right before you get to HP (coming from downtown anyways). One of my friends told me I need to check it out.

I mean... I can see what you're saying, but if that's the case then there should be money available to revitalize it now without having to bring x number of thousands of refugees to the area. And where would they live? I rolled through Grove St off 6 mile and Hamilton just to look (this chick I used to go to school with stayed over there). Back inna day that wasn't such a bad spot but today? Most of the houses are gone and the ones still standing look 3rd world-ish. Can't really stick nobody in them spots. So that would mean finding a place for them and granting them loans and shit if they wanted to take, say, that building across from Aldis on Woodward and turn it into residences. Pretty sure they would do all the work themselves, but if the state would be willing to finance them doing it, why couldn't we do it now?
Right, the Turkey Grill.

The reason money isn't going to revitalize the city at this point is because no one lives there and there isn't any incentive to put any resources into the area rather those resources be private or public. There simply isn't enough people there. Highland Park has a population of about 9000 people but can support a population of about 50,000. That is what it was back in the 50s, the city being de-populated is why it looks bombed out. Also, the city doesn't even have the funds to invest in itself so the money would have to come from the state and from private equity. They even had to remove a bunch of street lights because the city couldn't pay for the electricity.

I'm not saying take in 200,000 migrants, hell not even 20,000. I say bring it at least 10,000 in order to grow the population and give a series of small business loans to the migrants and the people who already live there. This would bring economic investment for the people who are already there and the migrants in order for them to get on their feet. Also give a series grants to real estate developers with stipulations against predatory lending practices.

If you look around Metro Detroit, we already have large ethnic communites, some of which who have been here decades. We have perhaps the largest population of Arabs in the country, we have a large population of Mexicans in Southwest Detroit, Jews in Oak Park, SouthEast Asians in Madison Heights and Indians in Southfield. What would be wrong with letting migrants fleeing cartel violence and mass poverty and letting them settle in a city that is already empty? I originally came up with this idea when the Hatians were displaced a year or so ago.

Another Migrant town hall

90k a month on just rent to house 2k migrants

Then they prolly pay the utilities give them food and clothing

I need to identify as a migrant

The one lady did it on the head when she said with their actions the government is telling us we the tax paying citizen are not as important as the migrant

Aren’t you an immigrant though?
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