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Schools are still a little closed off here, so most of our correspondence with my girls' teachers has been through apps and email. I've never actually met them in person. Today we had parent teach conferences on Zoom. My youngest daughter's teacher is named Takisha. I'm expecting a real deal black woman, so imagine my surprise when it was a blonde haired blue eyed white chick. I sat through the conferenced bugged out. You know I had to ask about hat before I got off. She was like "Yeah, I get that all the time. My mom's best friend growing up was name Takisha. She had me the same year her friend died and named me after her." I asked her if it was weird growing up with that name. She just laughed and said she gets asked about it a lot.
I feel like I should be included in this as an honorary Canadian. I lived in Montreal for over a year. I still have a social insurance card and everything.

We don’t always claim them. Some of the frenchies start feeling themselves come election time.
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