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The stories my sister tells me about her clients

Niggas really do be niggin when it comes to haircuts
I forgot to mention the nigga that came in the shop while I'm getting my cut who wanted to yell "hello" instead of just dapping whoever he knew and sitting his goofy ass down. But on top of that this nigga now wants to pull the barber for a conversation.

The way I looked at these niggas in the mirror was unnecessary but they understood.
Wanna hear something written af tho? I called telus and told them to shut off my voice-mail cuz the only VMs I get are from goddamn spammers. The are reluctant and try to say it's part of the plan in pay for. I rebuttal with now I'm paying them to shut it the fuck off! Here's the weird part: I haven't received a single spam call since my voice-mail was shut off.

Wtf does having an active VM have to do with getting spam calls? How do they know I don't have active VM?
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