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I kinda agree, but I kinda also think that's naive.

All young people are influenced by shit outside of the circle that raises them. What impact that has really depends on the person. Some are more impressionable than others. I feel like if we got a lot of negative shit being promoted in popular culture whether it be city girl lifestyle or gang shit, there are going to be some kids who fall victim to it no matter how good the people around them are.
The new way of parenting is all f for outside influence taking over.

It’s really easy to spot bevy when you see parents that are firm and try and put their kid on a path, folks get up in arms talking about like the kid think/do for themselves and that’s destructive in my opinion. It’s individualism at full play and problem in western society. A fixable problem but still a problem. It’s going to get worse before it gets better
If city girls have more influence over your daughter then the women she's surrounded by in real life then you get deeper issues to deal with...
It's not about the city girls having "more" influence. It's about them having any at all.

We need to stop pretending some of this music, language, imagery of the "culture" doesn't have a monitized targeted negative impact on some of us, our children and how we conduct ourselves in reality.
I kinda agree, but I kinda also think that's naive.

All young people are influenced by shit outside of the circle that raises them. What impact that has really depends on the person. Some are more impressionable than others. I feel like if we got a lot of negative shit being promoted in popular culture whether it be city girl lifestyle or gang shit, there are going to be some kids who fall victim to it no matter how good the people around them are.
I don't think it's naive at all. There a whole hell of a lot of lazy ass parents out there who either don't pay attention to or don't care about what their kids are consuming.
I don't think it's naive at all. There a whole hell of a lot of lazy ass parents out there who either don't pay attention to or don't care about what their kids are consuming.

Oh we absolutely agree there. I said naive only because even with a strong and caring family unit in place, some young people will be lost because of their immersion in the inescapable and negative aspects of American culture.

Having cool and financially stable cac friends is underrated…. I’m doing a fund raiser for this cancer walk coming up in Sept… sent the link to donate to a few ppl…. My white homies hit me back within 5 mins of receiving texts…. Talking bout we just donated…. No questions asked nothing….
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