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Real Estate property taxes went from 1300 to 3600 in just a year. That triggered home insurance rates to jump to double what they had been before.

My mortgage that’s a fixed rate, doubled in a year
My shit was already a real generous and good amount. Man I feel bad for people that were payin 1100 to 1500 per month. They are now at or above 2k per month in this county.

All cause the local government is voted on by dumbasses who believe in red or blue regardless of anything else. They elect dumbasses who don’t understand civics or how to run a city.

How the fuck county taxes double in a year..double..lol
That Cam and Mase show is hilarious.

Gonna need to start checking it out more.

Here's a clip they did about Michael Irvin and Shannon Sharpe:


Vulture bees are stingless bees whose earliest recorded data dates only back to 1758. However, it was not until 1982 that their carnivorous diet of dead animal flesh was discovered by entomologist Davi Roubik.

Unlike other bees vulture bees do not collect pollen, intentionally pollinate other plants nor feed on plant nectar, instead they prefer to feast on carrion or dead animal proteins.

When feeding, vulture bees typically enter the carcass through the eyes, from there they’ll use their mandibles to effectively breakdown the flesh. In order to feed effectively, vulture bees have evolved to have five large, pointed teeth, which also supports their painful biting and aggressive reputation.

Vulture bee bodies are small, robust, slender and parallel-sided. Vulture bees possess a more blackish-red or dark brown body color, ranging greatly in size from 8mm up to 22mm long.

Vulture bees unlike bees that collect pollen for honey production are not hairy and only have a few short pale hairs on their thorax (middle body). Vulture bees have clear but infuscated wings (tinged with brown)
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