The Lonious Monk
Celestial Souljah
When you think about it, it's actually kinda crazy how strongly black people have been able to influence American culture. Like people look at Hip Hop nowadays and see what an impact it has had, but it's kinda always been like that. I was reading about Ragtime, which is a form of music that gained popularity following the Civil War, but black people had basically been playing it since before slavery ended. It was just at that time white people basically ignored it or clowned it because it was perceived as black music. Once black people were free and could write, record, and freely travel playing the music, it basically became synonymous with with American music. Ragtime songs were the first example of American music that actually influenced European culture and musicians.
Everybody knows the Ice Cream Man song (Not Master P)
I wonder how many people realized it was made by a Black man, Scott Joplin.
Everybody knows the Ice Cream Man song (Not Master P)
I wonder how many people realized it was made by a Black man, Scott Joplin.