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FEATURED 2023 NBA Offseason Thread

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Richaun Holmes is a rim protector?

Bam is an elite defender and deters people from even going to the rim and putting up shots around him

Blocks aren't always a good indication of rim protection

I think Lively will be ok in a couple of years but relying on rookie center to be a positive and contribute defensively is asking a lot
I’m just saying I’m theory with Holmes

Yeah I know as far as blocks I’m just using it right now as a basis
Stop answering for him though lol

Grant williams
Maxi kleber

All on the roster I think you putting way too much emphasis on a rim protector

To add to this, There won’t be a liability at C regardless unless you count Dwight Powell as one

I had to watch a team with 1 and 2 guards who couldnt stop penetration for years. You funny for thinking the Mavs can play defense 3 on 5.

On a team like the Mavs where there are two players who cant stop the ball at all, the defensive game play has to be that the other guys funnel the ball in the direction of a Rudy Gobert. If not, defense breaks down on every play cause everyone trying to recover for Luka and Kyrie.

Idc who you bring in. We not talking about hiding a bad player on defense. We talking bout hiding two of the worst.

We gonna have to agree to disagree for now and we'll see what happens when the season starts.

Im rooting for me to be wrong and for you to be right. I hope the additional defenders they brought in will be enough. Even though it disgusts me to admit it, I have to semi root for the Mavs going forward.
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Nah that was me saying multiple defensive wings are more important than having rim protection from your C

I just don't see it with Dallas

You have two elite offensive players in Kyrie and Luka.....everyone else is a very limited one way player

A lot of eggs in the basket counting on young players.....you have to hope Hardy and Green take massive steps forward and you have to hope O-Max and Lively are ready to contribute in any capacity
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