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2020 NBA Offseason Thread

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I’ve been meaning to ask some of you gentlemen when you started watching the beautiful game of basketball. I remember the first time I watched the NBA. I was a 7 year old during the 1992 nba playoffs when the Bulls faced the Knicks. All I remember is hearing Mike Fratello saying that Oakley and McDaniel were fouling Jordan hard. I was intrigued by this and started watching the NBA regularly. How about you guys??
I’ve been meaning to ask some of you gentlemen when you started watching the beautiful game of basketball. I remember the first time I watched the NBA. I was a 7 year old during the 1992 nba playoffs when the Bulls faced the Knicks. All I remember is hearing Mike Fratello saying that Oakley and McDaniel were fouling Jordan hard. I was intrigued by this and started watching the NBA regularly. How about you guys??

Early 80s. Moms put me on to Magic and the Lakers and I've been a fan since.
Now who gonna post that athletic article? I need to see the FA market and market value

that article yesterday let me know Dragic should not get any more than 20 mil from us
End of the day these players were blessed through this pandemic to still have work and be able to secure most of their salaries and continue to take care of themselves and their families when millions are going through the toughest financial period of their lives. That shit is offensive.

These niggas need to suck it up and they would be dumb to leave money on the table and walk themselves into an inevitable lockout.

This is a shut up and play ball moment and its valid. These niggas have taken minimal Ls through this shit. Maybe it's time they start to.
I’ve been meaning to ask some of you gentlemen when you started watching the beautiful game of basketball. I remember the first time I watched the NBA. I was a 7 year old during the 1992 nba playoffs when the Bulls faced the Knicks. All I remember is hearing Mike Fratello saying that Oakley and McDaniel were fouling Jordan hard. I was intrigued by this and started watching the NBA regularly. How about you guys??

I remember watching the 96 finals when I was 7. I watched basketball on and off after that, but didnt really get into watching it regulary till like 12-13
Harden for Ben is a no brainer for me if im the Rockets.

31 year old Harden on a team with no assets for a 23 year old Ben who even now still hasnt come close to playing to his potential? Easy move imo.

Sixers gotta throw in some other pieces and a pick in there though

Simmons and Westbrook on the same team? :wtf11:

We’d need shooter at the other 3 positions just to offset.
Simmons and Westbrook on the same team? :wtf11:

We’d need shooter at the other 3 positions just to offset.

Nah, never. If Harden is traded, that means yall rebuilding, so westbrook got to go too. Trade him for whatever yall can, just not to the Knicks.

I didnt mean trade Harden and try to compete right away with Ben. I meant more like, yall a team on a trademill with no assets for the future and 2 aging stars. If someone wants to give yall Ben, another young guy and a pick for Harden, yall would be crazy to turn that down.

And then yall gotta trade westbrook for anything yall can get.

Might have to play some games with Ben and Westbrook though. Lmao. Thats gonna be disgusting.
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