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I meant to bearly but shit changed to that lol
He playing it safe because Jerry can give him that big ass contract next year. Dont want to rock the boat
I understand what Dak is tryin to say but protest isn’t something made to make the next person comfortable. Do I want the kneeling shit to go away, yes but only because I want to go beyond that to actual things the players & ourselves can do to make shit better. However if there’s players that still wanna kneel I’m all for it. Dak tried to take that hard stance. Thanks to his owner he has to except all the consequences that comes with it.
Dak tryinta secure that bag. I keep telling dudes not to expect this young boyz that ain't get that big bag yet to protest. I personally can't blame them
Dak a mixed nigga and Zeke like white girls and shit. Fuck the cowboys
The answer Dak gave leads me to believe even if he had his money in hand he would say the same thing or something similar. That wasn't a response of a person just trying to make sure they get their money.
Whats fucked up is Zeke Elliot comments was just as bad if not worse than Dak's but he not getting nearly the same amount criticism.
I always say the symbol of kneeling is just as important because its visible demonstration .. thats unmistakeable and you cant run from what it symbolizes .. its plays an important part..
as far as Zeke .. its think its a lil different because Dak is the Qb and people expect more out of him.. and Zeke cant say shit.. from many people perspective.. he feel he is indebted.
They both are weak as fuck .. No excuses need to be made for these clowns.
Because they fall for that brotherhood, bullshit and many look to impress or look for approval from their cac daddy figures who only want one thing from them production and to be singularly focused on football..Exactly with the bold.
You right about why Dak taking more heat being that he is the QB. I just feel we as black people letting Zeke slide when they both should be held to task for the sucka shit they said.
Zeke feeling indebted is a major problem with a lot of NFL players. Out of the sports I follow and know NBA, NFL, MLB and boxing. Its really only the NFL players who feel like these white team owners saved their lives and feel like they owe them something. Its like they don't understand that their hard work and ability got them there and the money they're being paid. Those white team owners not doing shit for them out of the kindess of their hearts.
Football on all levels does seem to do the most brainwashing of how players are supposed to be than any other sport IMO.
Because they fall for that brotherhood, bullshit and many look to impress or look for approval from their cac daddy figures who only want one thing from them production and to be singularly focused on football..
It disappoints me to my core that their are black people that wont ride for our liberation.. and actively work against it.. whether you are a self destructive street coon.. or these type'
sidebar.. been saying this for a minute.. look at the black coaches in the NFL they all are ove the same mold.. like 95% of them
Who gives a fuck what a nigga does with his dick
The Browns traded a receiver Sunday, butJarvis Landry wants them to add another.
Landry is campaigning for Cleveland to trade for Odell Beckham Jr., who wants a new mega deal from the Giants. Landry, who arrived in Cleveland this offseason after the Dolphins traded him, said his former LSU teammate would play for the Browns.