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2018-2019 NBA Season Thread

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Kyrie threw that ball like mike vick in that powerade commercial years ago, ball went 150 yards
You just desperate for miami to be relevant(they still won't be) their ceiling will go from guaranteed 1st round exit to most likely 1st round exit/guaranteed 2nd round exit

duke acting like an entitled bitch and minnesota enabling this clown
Didn't I just say my bias had nothing to do with it? Lol

Nah man he trying to what he can to make a spectacle outta this and embarrass every one on his way out

Could be show class? Yeah but I'll take the ignorance
Only way Im gonna root for Butler again is if he gets traded to Miami for J Rich and walks at the end of the season. Shit would be fucking hilarious.
Whoever is involved in the deal their contract would come off the books

I'm fine with that

Win win
My projection would be


Curious what happens tho. I will say that kind of efficiency at scale is absurd tho
Man you know you watching too much basketball when you start recognizing half time acts.

This bitch doing the Knicks Hawks game was the half time act of the Lakers Raptors game.
Outside of Oladipo killin EVERYONE out there, Philly has been pretty solid tonight so far.

I’m not worried about Fultz; I’m more focused on Dario. The fuck happened to his game this year?

TJ needs minutes, and the Shamgod shouldn’t be getting this much over him. Brett bullshittin.
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Man I had this game penciled as a L lol

Don't know if this is us winning games we shouldn't and losing games we shouldn't or if it's just because the spurs are washed

We down wade, dragic, dion, JJ and up 18

Whiteside looking like hakeem out here

27, 17, and 9 blocks

Nobody doing it with blocks
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