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2018-2019 NBA Season Thread

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Luke’s rotations so idiotic

He gotta start lonzo when he's ready

But it's early i don't feel like the suspect rotations are 100% on him

So many potential lineups to mess with

Only consistency that has been shown is bron and mcgee and none of the rotations have been out right broken

Then u gota micro manage javale and lonzo minutes, have to satisfy rondo so he won't blowup and use him to feed the game to lonzo

The lineup situation is a good mess he gota figure

Then should kuz start over ingram

There not going to get it to allstarbreak
Luke gotta work on calling timeouts. Never have one when it's needed because he uses them up.

But looking at it Lakers needed a 3 so Rondo decided to kick it out in hopes to tie the game, I get it, but damn take the easy one. Foul and you got like 10 seconds to work with. That's a much better scenario than what happened.

they firing him but what coach out there would be better because the roster sucks.....might want to start trading for some available draft picks
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