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20 teens beat a 15-year-old girl on a Brooklyn sidewalk


Unverified Legion of Trill member
A 15-year-old girl was brutally beaten and robbed by a group of almost 20 teenagers after they chased her around Brooklyn, New York.

The NYPD released footage of the horrific attack which was captured by security cameras.

Authorities said the incident began around 4.10pm Thursday when the victim was approached by a group of unidentified individuals in front of 216 Utica Avenue.

It's unclear what started the altercation, but surveillance footage shows the group of young teenagers chased after the girl until she fell on the sidewalk.

Then, nearly 20 individuals jumped onto, kicked and punched her several times as the group swarmed around her.

As the suspects fled the scene, one of them stole the girl's sneakers off her feet while she's on the ground. Her phone and debit card were also stolen.

The girl was transported to NYC Health & Hospitals/Kings County to be treated for head trauma and bruises.

Authorities believe Thursday's assault could be in retaliation for a previous slight, but the details of that are unclear.

Assistant Chief Jeffrey Maddrey of NYPD Brooklyn North said the ordeal was outrageous.

.This is sickening video of a 15 year old girl viciously attacked by a group of school children,' he wrote on Twitter.

'One young man takes the sneakers right off the unconscious victim’s feet. The teenager is in the hospital recovering. We CAN NOT allow this behavior in our community,' he added.

According to the NYPD CompStat 2.0, there are 2,499 robbery reports this year so far, making a 34 percent increase from 2019.

Anyone with information in regard to the identity of these individuals is asked to call the NYPD's Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782).

I know y'all prolly tired of me saying this shit...but people don't understand how incredibly easy it is to catch a murder charge from shit like this. The wrong kick, to the wrong part of the head, at the wrong angle...it's a wrap. Niggas this shit like this is all fun and games, until you doing 30 years for it.
this is disgusting behavior and something ive been speaking about for awhile.

shocked but not surprised.

sending peace to our sister and empathy for the boys that failed to see her as a full human being.

the cycle continues
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Unless this so-called "Jewish" girl called 'em all "niggers" and spit in their faces, there really can't be a single justification for this on any level... Maybe she gave the homie AIDS or something but even then it don't call for this. 20 niggas stompin out a chick is pretty much a death sentence for every one of them niggas involved.

I just wanna hear a reason for this.
Unless this so-called "Jewish" girl called 'em all "niggers" and spit in their faces, there really can't be a single justification for this on any level... Maybe she gave the homie AIDS or something but even then it don't call for this. 20 niggas stompin out a chick is pretty much a death sentence for every one of them niggas involved.

I just wanna hear a reason for this.

I guarantee all of their parents are either alcoholics, drug addicts and/or non-existent. The Black parents who are still in the hood have to stop raising their kids with "Hood Values".

The Hood Mentality needs to die quick and only Black Men can kill it. But if we're using Detroit as an example (because I live here) black people seem to love the hood too much.