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Because people that look like Rita Ora isn't the archetypal depiction of a Black woman?

When you think of a Black man do you think of Prince and Bad era Michael Jackson?

Black Americans need to divorce themselves of the notion that every spicy White with curly hair and a tan skin with a high contrast filter on Instagram is Blackfishing or attempting to pass as Black.

They are attempting to look racially ambiguous, universally Brown, which is a trope unto itself.

You don't see Latinos trying to claim Bhad Babie and Rita Ora is Latinofshing because their archetypal conception of what a Latino woman looks like does not include a Bratz looking woman.

But Black Americans love to include racially ambiguous, universally Brown women in their conception of Black women.

I look racially ambiguous and have two "full" Black, lived Black all they life, got a Black grandparents and majority of Black Americans do not look like me. The era of people that looked like me and were "full" Black is over due to racial admixture decreasing after slavery.

Black Americans have gotten "Blacker" since slavery and having this conception of universal Brownness and racially ambiguity as an archetype of Blackness is some Doll Test type shit.

My idea and archetype of a Black woman is an unambiguous Black woman, like Pam Grier. It doesn't include Bhad Babie.

So when you think of a Black man, like the ideal Black man...he looks like Bad era Michael Jackson and Prince not Idris Elba or Denzel Washington?

Mariah Carey ain't the same Black as a Nina Simone.

Prince ain't the same Black as Denzel Washington.

They all Black but they ain't all Black the same.

When majority of Black people on Earth are lightskinned with slim, narrow noses, and loose hair?

When White people think of Whiteness, they don't think of some dark, olive-tonned, Antonio Banderas looking motherfucker. It's pale skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, whitest of white features you can get it. There's no ambiguity that their ideal White person is White.

But Western Black will look at an obviously not Black person, with a high contrast filter to give them a reddish skin tone in some cornrolls or a wig or whatever and claim that person is trying to look Black. Or they want Black features or tricking people into believing they are Black.

So that brings into question, what is the ideal Black person? Does it look like the Blackest of Black people or it exists on the margins of racial ambiguity and it's some shit you can only achieve through race mixing, plastic surgery or digital manipulation? So motherfuckers can spot the fascmile of Blackness, which is really ambiguous Brownness in so called Blackfishes by spicy Whites, and I wonder why Black kids still fail the doll test post Civil Rights.

Because to me, Blackfishes they look like artificial racially ambiguous Brown people. Bratz dolls. They look uncanny, they don't even look like a real human being. It looks like a deep fake. If you see them in videos they don't even look like that.

but racially ambiguous comes from looking a lil black lol cmon now
You can produce it but it's increasingly becoming rare with Black people with 4 Black grandparents. If a biracial Black person got with a Black person yeah.

The era of the lightskin Black people with 4 Black grandparents and passing for other races was was after the Civil War when "free people of color", heavily mixed race people got tossed into the "Negro" pile.

That's when you get the tropes of the tragic Mulatto.

At the end of the day, Black Americans are West African and Central African descended people and the aesthetic ideal of the race should not be fixated upon people that are ambiguously brown.

Black Americans love to overstate this racial ambiguity, a general brownness, and lack of obvious African features, when that really doesn't exist for the majority of the Black American population. The average Black American got majority African DNA.

Black America is not Brazil yet. We don't got motherfuckers looking like Bad Era Michael Jackson, Zach Lavine, and Rita Ora as the majority.

Mariah Carey, a woman with a White mother, should not be part of the conception of the Black race as a standard.

If I asked you to show me a picture of a Black woman and she look like Mariah Carey, that is a problem. Most Black women in the world look like Kelly Rowland, Kerry Washington and Gabriel Union.

nigga are you serious? It’s like you’re saying the lightskin folks we got now are more likely to be mixed than have come from Black people. That’s damn near impossible to even gather. How you get that hypothesis.
but racially ambiguous comes from looking a lil black lol cmon now

There are other dark skinned people in the world with similar hair textures.

Why does racially ambiguous automatically means looking a little Black?

Lol that's what I am saying.

What race of people identifies themselves racial ambiguity and a general browness as like that's a normal variation within their race globally?

There's only a couple places in the world where a generalized browness exist, Cape Verde and Brazil and Dominican Republic and those people ain't considered exactly the same as the people who are Black.
There are other dark skinned people in the world with similar hair textures.

Why does racially ambiguous automatically means looking a little Black?

Lol that's what I am saying.

What race of people identifies themselves racial ambiguity and a general browness as like that's a normal variation within their race globally?

There's only a couple places in the world where a generalized browness exist, Cape Verde and Brazil and Dominican Republic and those people ain't considered exactly the same as the people who are Black.

All those countries were slave trading countries including the US. What were the slaves? Black and the owners white.
You can produce it but it's increasingly becoming rare with Black people with 4 Black grandparents. If a biracial Black person got with a Black person yeah.

The era of the lightskin Black people with 4 Black grandparents and passing for other races was was after the Civil War when "free people of color", heavily mixed race people got tossed into the "Negro" pile.

That's when you get the tropes of the tragic Mulatto.

At the end of the day, Black Americans are West African and Central African descended people and the aesthetic ideal of the race should not be fixated upon people that are ambiguously brown.

Black Americans love to overstate this racial ambiguity, a general brownness, and lack of obvious African features, when that really doesn't exist for the majority of the Black American population. The average Black American got majority African DNA.

Black America is not Brazil yet. We don't got motherfuckers looking like Bad Era Michael Jackson, Zach Lavine, and Rita Ora as the majority.

Mariah Carey, a woman with a White mother, should not be part of the conception of the Black race as a standard.

If I asked you to show me a picture of a Black woman and she look like Mariah Carey, that is a problem. Most Black women in the world look like Kelly Rowland, Kerry Washington and Gabriel Union.
Brazil has the highest population of black people outside of Africa
nigga are you serious? It’s like you’re saying the lightskin folks we got now are more likely to be mixed than have come from Black people. That’s damn near impossible to even gather. How you get that hypothesis.

It's not impossible to gather, we have the the data on the number of biracial and multi racial Black people. The only population growth that the Black population has experienced is the number of multi-racial Black people and immigrants.

And social scientists study race and skin discrimination and racial identification all the time, it wouldn't be hard to get a representative sample of Black people that are multi-racial and Black people that are multi-racial.

And if you telling me you can get a Zach Lavine out two Black people that only have Black grandparents...

Come bruh.

I'm talking about racially ambiguous people of Black descent. Not Will Smith.
And now I know why LSA be going hard about this skin color and ancestry shit regarding light skin women.

The female standard of beauty is what maintains a race. There's a reason why the Jews that follow their religion only consider ethnic half-Jews born to a ethnic Jewish mother as "real" ethnic Jews.

Men will put their dicks in anything and procreate.

The reason why Whitest of White features, pale, blonde hair and blue eyes are the White standard of beauty, is because only White people can naturally achieve that shit.

But for Black people, there is no Black standard of beauty. Everything is equal. You can barely have Subsaharan African Black and be considered Black.

You can procreate with someone racially ambiguously and your kids will be considered just as Black.

How you gonna maintain a race if there are no standards of beauty that only your race can achieve? Most of the world look some shade of brown besides White people. Only a few get as dark as us and hair curls like us but, random spicy Whites with moderately brown skin and a weave with a filter look Black.

You can't maintain a race if you think Mariah Careys and Zach Lavines is just as Black as Whitney Houstons and Denzel Washingtons.

Yeah they all Black, but some people are Blacker that others.

If you can't maintain a race, you really can't maintain nothing.
So when you think of a Black man, like the ideal Black man...he looks like Bad era Michael Jackson and Prince not Idris Elba or Denzel Washington?

Mariah Carey ain't the same Black as a Nina Simone.

Prince ain't the same Black as Denzel Washington.

They all Black but they ain't all Black the same.

When majority of Black people on Earth are lightskinned with slim, narrow noses, and loose hair?

When White people think of Whiteness, they don't think of some dark, olive-tonned, Antonio Banderas looking motherfucker. It's pale skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, whitest of white features you can get it. There's no ambiguity that their ideal White person is White.

But Western Black will look at an obviously not Black person, with a high contrast filter to give them a reddish skin tone in some cornrolls or a wig or whatever and claim that person is trying to look Black. Or they want Black features or tricking people into believing they are Black.

So that brings into question, what is the ideal Black person? Does it look like the Blackest of Black people or it exists on the margins of racial ambiguity and it's some shit you can only achieve through race mixing, plastic surgery or digital manipulation? So motherfuckers can spot the fascmile of Blackness, which is really ambiguous Brownness in so called Blackfishes by spicy Whites, and I wonder why Black kids still fail the doll test post Civil Rights.

Because to me, Blackfishes they look like artificial racially ambiguous Brown people. Bratz dolls. They look uncanny, they don't even look like a real human being. It looks like a deep fake. If you see them in videos they don't even look like that.

What is an ideal black person bruh? You sound like you on some ole colorist/elitist shit now. So darker skinned black people are superior to lighter skinned black people in your eyes? Is that what you're saying?
You can produce it but it's increasingly becoming rare with Black people with 4 Black grandparents. If a biracial Black person got with a Black person yeah.

The era of the lightskin Black people with 4 Black grandparents and passing for other races was was after the Civil War when "free people of color", heavily mixed race people got tossed into the "Negro" pile.

That's when you get the tropes of the tragic Mulatto.

At the end of the day, Black Americans are West African and Central African descended people and the aesthetic ideal of the race should not be fixated upon people that are ambiguously brown.

Black Americans love to overstate this racial ambiguity, a general brownness, and lack of obvious African features, when that really doesn't exist for the majority of the Black American population. The average Black American got majority African DNA.

Black America is not Brazil yet. We don't got motherfuckers looking like Bad Era Michael Jackson, Zach Lavine, and Rita Ora as the majority.

Mariah Carey, a woman with a White mother, should not be part of the conception of the Black race as a standard.

If I asked you to show me a picture of a Black woman and she look like Mariah Carey, that is a problem. Most Black women in the world look like Kelly Rowland, Kerry Washington and Gabriel Union.

dawg.. I'm here to tell you as I'm quite sure @TheMadLionsFan @The Mad Titan @Breezy_Kilroy @Scandalust313 @313 Wayz and @Ghost313 along with anyone from any other majority Black city can attest: The shit ain't becoming "rarer and rarer" by any stretch of the imagination.
Lol, it’s not that deep. This was not the thread for this.


It is kinda deep when you think about it.

Black women calling out spicy Whites for "looking Black" because spicy Whites braid their hair, use a contrast filter and get a tan because every Black person in the West deep down knows racial ambiguity is the ideal in the Western Black community.

But people wanna do mental gymnastics and try to convince themselves a non-mixed Black woman that looks like this is common.


And a non-mixed Black man that looks like this is common
