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18 year old Bhad Bhabie makes $1 million dollars in 6 hours on OnlyFans

What is an ideal black person bruh? You sound like you on some ole colorist/elitist shit now. So darker skinned black people are superior to lighter skinned black people in your eyes? Is that what you're saying?

Black Americans who are largely Western African/Central African descended people and that's the majority of people ideal should reflect what the majority looks like or the purest of that kind looks like.

That's normal. That's what people that have pride in their race do.

They don't find the person, that looks least like the majority or the ideal type and hype that person up as some kind of aesthetic standard.

Like a Chinese person isn't gonna look at Keanu Reeves is the same as a Jackie Chan.

Chinese people and Asian people take pride in Keanu Reeves. But they know the difference. They gonna hype the people that look like their ideal.

Black Americans take people who look the least like them and make them seem normal, to the point where White women, can get some braids and do a baby hair and Black women will say, White women are trying to look like them, when most Black women don't look like that, especially mono-racial Black women

Kim Kardashian's look, which is what most of these spciy White women on Instagram is chasing, is associated with the look of Black women because Kim Kardashian is the ideal type for a Black man in popular culture.

So Black women are seeing themselves in through the prism of Black male ideal's beauty propagated through Black popular culture, and seeing the reflection of a tanned spicy White woman with baby hairs.

Because I want Black people to take pride in looking black, not racially ambiguous and deluded themselves that there's a large majority walking around that pass for different races.

It's literally the Doll Test on the mass scale.

Who do you see yourself in?

Does the ideal Black person looks like this:


Or like this:

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And now I see why we got Black women driven insane by colorism and turning into dark skin activists.

Look at what the White man and them damn African slave traders did.

Light skin Black women get what I am saying.

Mixed Black women get what I am saying,.

Black women get what I am saying.

But it is always the Black men that wanna fight it. I get it. It's cool to get you a little racially ambiguous Black ting. She can wear hair all different kind of ways. All the dudes on your block want her. Her eyes changes colors. She looks good blonde. You always wanted a Blonde.

We can still bring her home to our momma and your sister who hate White women. They tolerate lightskin and racially ambiguous Black women.

We can pretend it's the same as getting a woman that looks like Gabrielle Union. Black pride and all that. But you know and I know...it's not the same.

We get her pregnant and the first thing we do is look at our girl's parents and her grandparents...and we hope our kid looks like us and we won't be the only Black motherfucker in the family photo.
Black Americans who are largely Western African/Central African descended people and that's the majority of people ideal should reflect what the majority looks like or the purest of that kind looks like.

That's normal. That's what people that have pride in their race do.

They don't find the person, that looks least like the majority or the ideal type and hype that person up as some kind of aesthetic standard.

Like a Chinese person isn't gonna look at Keanu Reeves is the same as a Jackie Chan.

Chinese people and Asian people take pride in Keanu Reeves. But they know the difference. They gonna hype the people that look like their ideal.

Black Americans take people who look the least like them and make them seem normal, to the point where White women, can get some braids and do a baby hair and Black women will say, White women are trying to look like them, when most Black women don't look like that, especially mono-racial Black women

Kim Kardashian's look, which is what most of these spciy White women on Instagram is chasing, is associated with the look of Black women because Kim Kardashian is the ideal type for a Black man in popular culture.

So Black women are seeing themselves in through the prism of Black male ideal's beauty propagated through Black popular culture, and seeing the reflection of a tanned spicy White woman with baby hairs.

Because I want Black people to take pride in looking black, not racially ambiguous and deluded themselves that there's a large majority walking around that pass for different races.

It's literally the Doll Test on the mass scale.

Who do you see yourself in?

Does the ideal Black person looks like this:


Or like this:


Bruh... Everybody thought MJ looked like a fuckin weirdo during the "Bad" era and beyond. The very first time I saw a pic of dude just before that album dropped was on the cover of some magazine and the shit made me jump 'cause the nigga looked like a fuckin alien to me.

Nobody used post "Bad" MJ as an image of what a Black Man looked like.

Like ever.

No one...


And now I see why we got Black women driven insane by colorism and turning into dark skin activists.

Look at what the White man and them damn African slave traders did.

Light skin Black women get what I am saying.

Mixed Black women get what I am saying,.

Black women get what I am saying.

But it is always the Black men that wanna fight it. I get it. It's cool to get you a little racially ambiguous Black ting. She can wear hair all different kind of ways. All the dudes on your block want her. Her eyes changes colors. She looks good blonde. You always wanted a Blonde.

We can still bring her home to our momma and your sister who hate White women. They tolerate lightskin and racially ambiguous Black women.

We can pretend it's the same as getting a woman that looks like Gabrielle Union. Black pride and all that. But you know and I know...it's not the same.

We get her pregnant and the first thing we do is look at our girl's parents and her grandparents...and we hope our kid looks like us and we won't be the only Black motherfucker in the family photo.


Colorism and conditioning.

We're both old enough to remember when the average black man's dream was to bag a big ol' yella girl like Anne Marie Greene and live happily ever after.

Mainly in the south.

For the most part, people up north weren't as colorstruck.

As I got older, however, I realized that a lot of the lightskin chicks I thought were attractive weren't as attractive as I thought they were.

Conditioning just led me to believe they looked better than they really did.

Lotta people still have that mindset and can't get past it.

People underestimate just how powerful that conditioning really is.

Colorism and conditioning.

We're both old enough to remember when the average black man's dream was to bag a big ol' yella girl like Anne Marie Greene and live happily ever after.

Mainly in the south.

For the most part, people up north weren't as colorstruck.

As I got older, however, I realized that a lot of the lightskin chicks I thought were attractive weren't as attractive as I thought they were.

Conditioning just led me to believe they looked better than they really did.

Lotta people still have that mindset and can't get past it.

People underestimate just how powerful that conditioning really is.

Bruh, I'm tryna tell these people that the early 80s was nothing but light skin heaven because all the "Free People Color" mated with the "Negroes" and we created the banner called "Black". Then the second wave of lightskin came from Bi-racial Blacks that were created by Gen Xers and continue under millennial.
Either motherfuckers bloodline get bred out of Blackness when their lightskin offspring get with a non-Black or they return Blackness by getting with a Black person.

And I always said average lightskin women and men get graded on a curve. See Ice Spice and Debarges.

Ice Spice look like a damn fish extra from SpongeBob mixed with a Who from Whoville thatl's half Cabbage Kid and she supposed to be a ten because she lightskinned with a little bubble ass.





And all the Debarge men look like rodents.

Nobody should wanna fight me on this.
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Black Americans who are largely Western African/Central African descended people and that's the majority of people ideal should reflect what the majority looks like or the purest of that kind looks like.

That's normal. That's what people that have pride in their race do.

They don't find the person, that looks least like the majority or the ideal type and hype that person up as some kind of aesthetic standard.

Like a Chinese person isn't gonna look at Keanu Reeves is the same as a Jackie Chan.

Chinese people and Asian people take pride in Keanu Reeves. But they know the difference. They gonna hype the people that look like their ideal.

Black Americans take people who look the least like them and make them seem normal, to the point where White women, can get some braids and do a baby hair and Black women will say, White women are trying to look like them, when most Black women don't look like that, especially mono-racial Black women

Kim Kardashian's look, which is what most of these spciy White women on Instagram is chasing, is associated with the look of Black women because Kim Kardashian is the ideal type for a Black man in popular culture.

So Black women are seeing themselves in through the prism of Black male ideal's beauty propagated through Black popular culture, and seeing the reflection of a tanned spicy White woman with baby hairs.

Because I want Black people to take pride in looking black, not racially ambiguous and deluded themselves that there's a large majority walking around that pass for different races.

It's literally the Doll Test on the mass scale.

Who do you see yourself in?

Does the ideal Black person looks like this:


Or like this:


Who is doing the bold? I'm not sure what point you're addressing. No one is saying that this chick looks like the prototypical or archetypal black woman. What people are saying is that she now looks like what could pass for a black woman in America. Yes, most African Americans descend from West Africa, but most of us come from lineages that have existed in this nation for 300 years or more. As a result, the average African American has like 20-25% European admixture on top of potential Native American heritage for various reasons. It doesn't make any sense to try and classify "real Blackness" in America based on West African standards.

Again, nobody is saying that Bhad Bharbie has THE black woman look. What we are saying is that there are women in this country who are considered black that look similar to her. You should be careful about saying things that come off as if you're trying to strip people of their blackness just because they don't fit into what you believe is the ideal black phenotype.
Who is doing the bold? I'm not sure what point you're addressing. No one is saying that this chick looks like the prototypical or archetypal black woman. What people are saying is that she now looks like what could pass for a black woman in America. Yes, most African Americans descend from West Africa, but most of us come from lineages that have existed in this nation for 300 years or more. As a result, the average African American has like 20-25% European admixture on top of potential Native American heritage for various reasons. It doesn't make any sense to try and classify "real Blackness" in America based on West African standards.

Again, nobody is saying that Bhad Bharbie has THE black woman look. What we are saying is that there are women in this country who are considered black that look similar to her. You should be careful about saying things that come off as if you're trying to strip people of their blackness just because they don't fit into what you believe is the ideal black phenotype.
Fantastic response!!!
And now I know why LSA be going hard about this skin color and ancestry shit regarding light skin women.

The female standard of beauty is what maintains a race. There's a reason why the Jews that follow their religion only consider ethnic half-Jews born to a ethnic Jewish mother as "real" ethnic Jews.

Men will put their dicks in anything and procreate.

The reason why Whitest of White features, pale, blonde hair and blue eyes are the White standard of beauty, is because only White people can naturally achieve that shit.

But for Black people, there is no Black standard of beauty. Everything is equal. You can barely have Subsaharan African Black and be considered Black.

You can procreate with someone racially ambiguously and your kids will be considered just as Black.

How you gonna maintain a race if there are no standards of beauty that only your race can achieve? Most of the world look some shade of brown besides White people. Only a few get as dark as us and hair curls like us but, random spicy Whites with moderately brown skin and a weave with a filter look Black.

You can't maintain a race if you think Mariah Careys and Zach Lavines is just as Black as Whitney Houstons and Denzel Washingtons.

Yeah they all Black, but some people are Blacker that others.

If you can't maintain a race, you really can't maintain nothing.

So, I get what you are saying, but I have a couple of issues with it.

The first being that it sounds an awful lot like something a "preserve our race" white supremacist would say concerning maintaining a "race." You're basically reverse one-drop ruling. "They aren't one of us because they don't have as much African blood as us." Nevermind that even in Africa there is an insanely massive deal of diversity that runs the gamut of skin color, hair texture, eye color, etc. And this without Arab and European mixing in many cases.

Which takes me to my second issue, that being the usage of the word "race." Your, and others, usage is consistent with how the word is generally used today, however, that usage is itself a trope that only exists to drive racism and division, i.e. supression, based on that. The common usage of "race" isn't even scientifically discernable. It can't be skin color because I know some full blooded Indians from India that are darker than me. It can't be hair texture because there is wide variety of that, even in Africa. Blood types are universal, so that can't determine "race" either. Standards of beauty definitely ain't it. None of those things belong solely to only one group. To that end, this conversation isn't about race, nor about maintenance of a race. It's about ethnicity and culture. I'm not sure that we can look at skin color nor the percentages of ethnic DNA that exists in a person's blood to say what they are or aren't.