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“Housing is a right” demystifying buying the block & the immediate housing crisis


we all talk shit in the market, but we talking shit and making money.

They trying to help every one eat as y’all say. But if they prepare the meal and you don’t come to eat, how can you or him imply people want to look down on people when y’all don’t help cook?

some people are telling y’all what to do step by step and that’s still not enough. That’s why people are called lazy.

teen millionaires are at an all time high.
niggas investing $17 and made a mil.

you need to cook to eat.

Did I say in this y’all are looking down on people?

This thread and the eviction thread are not about investing it’s talking about a system. I’m not against managing in the system Dos put that in bold in your mind so we don’t have to go over that.
It's crazy to me how dudes will complain about bread but steer clear of the business threads. Meanwhile you can find em in gay threads writing paragraphs on paragraphs on the gay community or in the sports threads. Priorities man.

This some bullshit you just said here man. Niggas complaining about a system being unfair means we don’t want any money? How are y’all getting to this assumption? Fully break it down to me. Break down how my lack of participation in ABW stock relates to housing?
The reason we talking about money is to slowly beat the system.
The system ain’t changing for you or any of our black asses no matter what.

so try to understand the rules and test your limits.

mans I said this before, if this system falls, black people getting it worse than everyone. With no resources to barter with...the new system is going to be the same.

Fist you get the money, den you get de power
-tony Montana
The reason we talking about money is to slowly beat the system.
The system ain’t changing for you or any of our black asses no matter what.

so try to understand the rules and test your limits.

mans I said this before, if this system falls, black people getting it worse than everyone. With no resources to barter with...the new system is going to be the same.

Fist you get the money, den you get de power
-tony Montana
This. End of argument.
The fuck outta here.
We don’t have to go to “extremes” to illustrate that point.

Point blank: you don’t work, you don’t eat, nor do you sleep in a home. So why should I (or anyone else) feel guilty that muhfuckas are out here drifting, when opportunity has been presented to them, and they’d rather not do any work to get it for themselves? (And yes, I am aware that certain folks live with conditions that hinder this: the mentally/physically disabled, etc. This ain't about THEM.)

Besides, I don’t see NONE of you fuckin bleeding heart muhfuckas volunteering at soup kitchens, missions, Salvation Armys, or any of these programs designed to help out those less off.

So, I’ll say the same thing I’ve said in the other conscience threads: Either post YOUR work to help others into better housing situations, or shut the fuck up until you do..

you dont work you don't eat. i suppose you come to this out of all my statemented opinions? repack and compressing my statement to appear illogical??? volunteering??? you meandering. stay on point please. i ain't talking about slacking.
The reason we talking about money is to slowly beat the system.
The system ain’t changing for you or any of our black asses no matter what.

so try to understand the rules and test your limits.

mans I said this before, if this system falls, black people getting it worse than everyone. With no resources to barter with...the new system is going to be the same.

Fist you get the money, den you get de power
-tony Montana

this belief is the problem. first, trying to get the money when the line is redrawn at every successful step and you're left with having to reevaluate what you thought was success. how bout plain ol being comfortable and less stress?
The system aint changing for black people and to me it's naive to hate "the man" for doing you wrong, but expecting them to bend over backwards for you to make it "fair". If you're doing everything you can to save and make money and really make it a priority then you will be successful. But if you're not doing that, then you have to hold yourself accountable that perhaps you are the problem and solution.

there is no system. they're manipulating the entire process in lieu of obtaining monopoly. I am only talking about monopolies. why are we busting our asses to think we could ever get on those levels of treachery or why do we want to? it's our collective thinking that we arrived to after grade school that at first makes absolutely no sense, but we eventually adapt to it until it engulfs our being. suddenly we're in some new type of school we were never exposed to. reality: 1000 steps to get to point A and many times you'll have to backspace. most of those being very intentional, deliberate and unnecessary. but if you were lucky to be someone's crony or........ that shit's been makin' millionaires all day. being a crony ain't "bussin' your ass". and it's too many of those going on that somehow got their tentacles in law. the means to reshape what happens above our reach. pat on the back. most of us jump and miss. that's too many misses. this habit has societies missing out on geniuses and sound moves to advance society. personal favors vs busting your ass. what are we talking about here. laziness? the drive to get what a successful thief has?
So what you're saying is there's no solution ? You have to be friends with someone to get it ?? How do you explain people like myself or @DOS_patos , @Elzo69Renaissance , @AZTG Or others on this site ?

At what point do we hold ourselves accountable and ask what are we doing every day to put ourselves in a better situation ? Is it always "the man" holding us back ?

a handful of success stories compared to multi millions???? i guess we see the arrival of person if wealth suggesting population control. just wipe everyone else off the map. we have to the capability to think and this is it?
this belief is the problem. first, trying to get the money when the line is redrawn at every successful step and you're left with having to reevaluate what you thought was success. how bout plain ol being comfortable and less stress?

These things here are unrealistic and wrong the advice is just play the game hope to win hope to put somebody else on rinse and repeat it’s pointless for the debate they see it one way we see it another
Are you doing everything in your power to be successful ? As an investment manager I cannot tell you how many people come into my office and say they want to be rich or save a certain amount of money and 2 weeks into the plan they're spending two thirds of their paycheck on new jordans. In America, you only have to put 3% down to buy a home, some lenders may even give you no money down. Veterans get better rates and there's an over supply of housing in America which is also why you can buy a mansion comparable to what you see on MTV cribs for under 400k. It's hard af for me to sympathize man especially when there's people who had far less who made it work and became enormously successful in America.

The system aint changing for black people and to me it's naive to hate "the man" for doing you wrong, but expecting them to bend over backwards for you to make it "fair". If you're doing everything you can to save and make money and really make it a priority then you will be successful. But if you're not doing that, then you have to hold yourself accountable that perhaps you are the problem and solution.

I never said I wanted to be rich you can miss me with that. Again nobody is expecting the powers that be to make it fair. But at one point miggas didn’t even have a 30 minute break for lunch. At some point in terms near future none of you think laborers abd people that work 9 to 5 won’t demand more and show they earned it? Y’all act like we asking for million dollar loans. Or that somehow everybody living beyond their means
You getting mad at me over things that are in your control. Question is how much are you willing to commit and how patient are you to see it all the way through ? How disciplined are you ? No one can take back what's happened in the past or how the system is but what are you doing daily to get yourself to where you want ? If it's about being comfortable then that's much easier and attainable but again it comes down to priorities and what you're willing to commit to the process.

Sion I’ve never been mad at you ever on this forum we just having a discussion relax. My priorities are fine I’m not living beyond my means and my credit score is fine. No I’m not trying to get rich nor care about being rich.

If this was just an individual thing would the housing rental markets be where they are? Would people be protesting wages or are we to assume they not trying hard enough let’s be real it comes down to this.

Game is not fair just learn to play it and you’ll be ok


Game is rigged and something needs to be done about it

I’m not calling y’all vampires man or that we need a communist revolution. But it’s like we can’t criticize the CEOs so instead we just say we aren’t doing enough. In y’all’s eyes why is what I’m saying wrong?
Which goes back to “you don’t work, you don’t eat.”

But go off about Maybachs tho. Look up the definition of “hyperbole” while you’re at it, Czar.

Bruh your example was pointless the average worker don’t care for stuff like that you made it seem like people just want luxury abd you know it’s false.
this belief is the problem. first, trying to get the money when the line is redrawn at every successful step and you're left with having to reevaluate what you thought was success. how bout plain ol being comfortable and less stress?
Some guys want a certain lifestyle, it comes with stresses that are apart of the exchange.
That with proper investing and planning, you can then and only then be comfortable and less stressed.
Unfortunately we are born with the deck stacked against in shark infested waters with bloody meat on our backs.

so those that make it out, love to celebrate and try to help others out while still trying to hold what we obtained ti stop from losing it helping out, losing it to those who look like us and those who don’t like us.
You might want to rethink how YOU see things.
Bruh your example was pointless the average worker don’t care for stuff like that you made it seem like people just want luxury abd you know it’s false.
Is it?

Go research the majority of people who took out homeowner loans before the Recession, then come back.
there is no system. they're manipulating the entire process in lieu of obtaining monopoly. I am only talking about monopolies. why are we busting our asses to think we could ever get on those levels of treachery or why do we want to? it's our collective thinking that we arrived to after grade school that at first makes absolutely no sense, but we eventually adapt to it until it engulfs our being. suddenly we're in some new type of school we were never exposed to. reality: 1000 steps to get to point A and many times you'll have to backspace. most of those being very intentional, deliberate and unnecessary. but if you were lucky to be someone's crony or........ that shit's been makin' millionaires all day. being a crony ain't "bussin' your ass". and it's too many of those going on that somehow got their tentacles in law. the means to reshape what happens above our reach. pat on the back. most of us jump and miss. that's too many misses. this habit has societies missing out on geniuses and sound moves to advance society. personal favors vs busting your ass. what are we talking about here. laziness? the drive to get what a successful thief has?
What you don’t seem to acknowledge is those who are in high positions trying to convince others to do xyz to move up because it’s not enough of us up there.
this is why they can control so much. It’s no one challenging them.
Man my wife was frustrated ass hell trying to bring black women to Europe. But plenty of beckys come thinking they are qualified when they are not. But here we gotta try to convince people they are qualified.
Some guys want a certain lifestyle, it comes with stresses that are apart of the exchange.
That with proper investing and planning, you can then and only then be comfortable and less stressed.
Unfortunately we are born with the deck stacked against in shark infested waters with bloody meat on our backs.

so those that make it out, love to celebrate and try to help others out while still trying to hold what we obtained ti stop from losing it helping out, losing it to those who look like us and those who don’t like us.
You might want to rethink how YOU see things.

brotha, im not talking about any type of competing. somebody's eating sandwiches while somebody trying to get full off breadcrumbs. i'm only concerned with the latter. i believe i'm addressing the exact culprit engine of all of this. we must not allow the vultures, we have to thin out the aligators so that they don't overwhelm the swamp and it's only occupied by alligators.
These things here are unrealistic and wrong the advice is just play the game hope to win hope to put somebody else on rinse and repeat it’s pointless for the debate they see it one way we see it another
But you are fighting something people are willing to help you get over or passed, and y’all fighting us.
brotha, im not talking about any type of competing. somebody's eating sandwiches while somebody trying to get full off breadcrumbs. i'm only concerned with the latter. i believe i'm addressing the exact culprit engine of all of this. we must not allow the vultures, we have to thin out the aligators so that they don't overwhelm the swamp and it's only occupied by alligators.

You’re not truly concerned.

What are you doing against it?