“Housing is a right” demystifying buying the block & the immediate housing crisis

wipe the level thingy out of your mind. it's all about eliminating economic hierarchy. that's whats fucking society up. the need to subdue anyone is unwarranted but it's how we've been conditioned to think. to have your chin up because another person doesn't have as much is psychotic behavior. how bout the drive where we just enjoy one another instead of "bussin' our asses" yearning for outdoing each other.
Yea......I move solo and I’m not sure where you trying to go with this.

you do know most humans are in some sort of group looking down on someone right?

you really want smoke?
No one said making it easier is bad

Really now? Because I swear it was a few of y’all niggas saying that it’s handouts and laziness and useless complaining because the system won’t change. So best advice play the game and hope you don’t fall.

My whole thing was the game is rigged and we all know it and playing into it hasn’t changed much for our race overall in the grand scheme of things. And I feel like a lot of folks think the shit is so big that they can’t opt out or make changes so we can all eat.
And I think y’all missing flower point here we all know what it is but saying it will always be that way makes it seem like just get over it
What’s funny about this we all eat bullshit

has anyone reached out to anyone for help?
I’m always pestering someone for help. You?

or is it fuck him, he thinks he’s somebody

maybe some of y’all to prideful.
I mean y’all really want to go there?
How many of y’all follow up?

I know a few here who stepped up when asked.
yea, we can all eat but who’s going to put their pride to the side first? Or are you gonna turn someone away to feel good about not needing them?
Merry go round
I tell ya
A Merry go round

who’s the first to get off?
Ya wanna eat right?
Affordable housing, food and healthcare should be for everybody.

Now if you want more you gotta grind harder.

If you want that Challenger super stock you gotta work harder than normal.

If you want that 4 bedroom 5,000 square feet you gotta do more.

NEEDS should be provided
It is what it is when it comes to WANTS
Say this shit again.

Socialism is cool, but not everyone is entitled to a fuckin Maybach and filet mignon every night that's been begging for change at the subway station, but wouldn't take the invitation to the Labor Ready office.
Yea......I move solo and I’m not sure where you trying to go with this.

you do know most humans are in some sort of group looking down on someone right?

you really want smoke?

that's what revolution is. all smoke and no mirrors.
life is, so why let what's unethically established fuck with your life moment? I mean, Haiti's at vthe mexican borders trying to get into the united states and the only remedy is to deport those people back to treacherous conditions they managed to escape from. who's speaking for them? certainly not those MF's flying out into space drinking champagne, talking about "first all civilian space flight crew" . MF's watching million dollar pieces fall away to burn up or whatever. one-use shit. for all mankind my ass. what kind of MF's are we glorifying?
Say this shit again.

Socialism is cool, but not everyone is entitled to a fuckin Maybach and filet mignon every night that's been begging for change at the subway station, but wouldn't take the invitation to the Labor Ready office.
i hope you really see yourself propping up this shit. these money monoliths have been running away as they see fit and you over here talking about a measly depreciating maybach? a fuckin' liability??
i hope you really see yourself propping up this shit. these money monoliths have been running away as they see fit and you over here talking about a measly depreciating maybach? a fuckin' liability??

Idk where these niggas got that everybody asking for a maybach more stupid shit to make an extreme point. Stupid kid shit
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i hope you really see yourself propping up this shit. these money monoliths have been running away as they see fit and you over here talking about a measly depreciating maybach? a fuckin' liability??
The fuck outta here.
We don’t have to go to “extremes” to illustrate that point.

Point blank: you don’t work, you don’t eat, nor do you sleep in a home. So why should I (or anyone else) feel guilty that muhfuckas are out here drifting, when opportunity has been presented to them, and they’d rather not do any work to get it for themselves? (And yes, I am aware that certain folks live with conditions that hinder this: the mentally/physically disabled, etc. This ain't about THEM.)

Besides, I don’t see NONE of you fuckin bleeding heart muhfuckas volunteering at soup kitchens, missions, Salvation Armys, or any of these programs designed to help out those less off.

So, I’ll say the same thing I’ve said in the other conscience threads: Either post YOUR work to help others into better housing situations, or shut the fuck up until you do..
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The fuck outta here.
We don’t have to go to “extremes” to illustrate that point.

Point blank: you don’t work, you don’t eat, nor do you sleep in a home. So why should I (or anyone else) feel guilty that muhfuckas are out here drifting, when opportunity has been presented to them, and they’d rather not do any work to get it for themselves? (And yes, I am aware that certain folks live with conditions that hinder this: the mentally/physically disabled, etc. This ain't about THEM.)

Besides, I don’t see NONE of you fuckin bleeding heart muhfuckas volunteering at soup kitchens, missions, Salvation Armys, or any of these programs designed to help out those less off.

So, I’ll say the same thing I’ve said in the other conscience threads: Either post YOUR work to help others or shut the fuck up.

So we gotta post in soup kitchens to feel like the housing market is bad? How is that related to this. Why the fuck you bring up maybachs. The whole thing is the folks complaining g go to work like you. Don’t you wanna be able to buy a brownstone my nigga. Why you mad at us? Y’all niggas literally more mad at people than corporations
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So we gotta post in soup kitchens to feel like the housing market is bad? How is that related to this. Why the fuck you bring up maybachs. The whole thing is the folks complaining g go to work like you. Don’t you wanna be able to buy a brownstone my nigga. Why you mad at us? Y’all niggas literally more mad at people than corporations
We have one already. We’re selling it. Fuck being a landlord. Shit is trash.
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So we gotta post in soup kitchens to feel like the housing market is bad? How is that related to this. Why the fuck you bring up maybachs. The whole thing is the folks complaining g go to work like you. Don’t you wanna be able to buy a brownstone my nigga. Why you mad at us? Y’all niggas literally more mad at people than corporations
Is this dude serious?

nigga you stay mad at a nigga who won in spite of the obstacles more than your mad at them.

shout out to @Inori for the stock thread and crypto thread. Shout out to @M4nh4tt4n for help them all make money. Shout out to @Sion and @AZTG for all his help in them threads that helped people double their stimulus.

any of y’all in them threads learning to make money or did y’all half ass it and quit?
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Is this dude serious?

nigga you stay mad at a nigga who won inspire of the obstacles more than your mad at them.

shout out to @Inori for the stock thread and crypto thread. Shout out to @M4nh4tt4n for help them all make money. Shout out to @Sion and @AZTG for all his help in them threads that helped people double their stimulus.

any of y’all in them threads learning to make money or did y’all half ass it and quit?

Bruh I’m not in the business thread I never been mad at anybody for having a job and making money lol never. In the thread about evictions and this thread where you see me mad at people who work. But if I talk about Jeff Bezos you make a post like this like I’m hating on you. You so into arguining with me and opposing what I’m saying that you start arguing points I never made. I never said nothing about miggas needing a maybach never said you can’t put a ps5 in your car
Is this dude serious?

nigga you stay mad at a nigga who won inspire of the obstacles more than your mad at them.

shout out to @Inori for the stock thread and crypto thread. Shout out to @M4nh4tt4n for help them all make money. Shout out to @Sion and @AZTG for all his help in them threads that helped people double their stimulus.

any of y’all in them threads learning to make money or did y’all half ass it and quit?

I made a lil bit of money from some of y’all information that y’all posted.

I truly respect and thankful for that.

Shit wasn’t 5K but I made enough to go pay a few bills and shit for the house. Everything made is helpful
So is this about just making money? This is crazy to me I’m not investing I stock so I can critique the stock market

we all talk shit in the market, but we talking shit and making money.

They trying to help every one eat as y’all say. But if they prepare the meal and you don’t come to eat, how can you or him imply people want to look down on people when y’all don’t help cook?

some people are telling y’all what to do step by step and that’s still not enough. That’s why people are called lazy.

teen millionaires are at an all time high.
niggas investing $17 and made a mil.

you need to cook to eat.