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Israel Prime Minister Says Country Is "At War"

Lmaooo at read a little history.

Persian history is all about conquest. Some of the biggest empires in the world were Persian. Kurds never had their own land because Persian/Iran never let them.

Let's talk about history then.

In 1945, the Azerbaijan People's Government seceded from Iran. These people seceded because they didn't consider themselves Iranian. The first thing they did when they secede is use the Azerbaijani language in their schools because they were tired of being forced to educate their kids in Farsi.

In 1946, the Republic of Mahabad seceded from Iran. These were Kurds. They seceded because they didn't consider themselves Iranian. One of the first things they did is make Kurdish their official language and started using Kurdish in their schools because they were tired of being forced to educate their kids in Farsi.

This was the demands of the government of Mahabad.

  • Autonomy for the Iranian Kurds within the Iranian state.
  • The use of Kurdish as the medium of education and administration.
  • The election of a provincial council for Kurdistan to supervise state and social matters.
You can see there is a common thread.

Clearly these people don't consider themselves Iranian and want self rule.

The Iranian military brutally put down both of these seceded states and hung hundreds. The first thing they did in Mabahad was burn all the Kurdish books.

In 1979, the Kurds revolted again. Over a 100,000 Kurds joined the fight. This is a huge number for a people's with no resources like guns and ammunition. This uprising lasted years. It was eventually put down by the Iranian government. The casualties was in the 50 thousand range.

During the Iran-Iraq war, Iran accused Iranian Kurds of collaboration with the enemy and attacked and killed thousands. After the war, Iran sent armed forces to heavily Kurdish populated areas and started a campaign of heavy oppression.

In 2004, a new Kurdish uprising started in Iran that's been going on and off since then.

These are just the last 70 years and all of this is documented.

There are over two Kurds in Khorasan because the Iran government forcefully relocated them in an effort to assimilate them

I get it if you don't learn this in school. Your education is handpicked by supreme leader end of the day. Just don't act like Kurds and Azerbaijanis in Iran want to be a part of Iran. They don't consider themselves Iranian. You are forcefully keeping them as a part of Iran and oppressing them on an ethnic level.

And I haven't even got into Balochistan.

And this isn't even considering the religious and gender discrimination your government is behind.

I'm not sure if you are actually misinformed or if this is your true thoughts due to years of propaganda. Either way you can read unbiased books on all the topics I listed.

Azerbaijan was separated from Iran during the Treaty of Turkmenchai in 1243 due to the victory of the Russians in the war. But in the following years separatists rebelled and it was thwarted.
Turks constitute the largest ethnic population of Iran and are at the head of the government.

The separatist Kurds who were present in the city of Mahabad rioted and captured this very small city. , but the population of these armed people reaches three thousand people. These riots were thwarted. However, they put the name of the Republic on themselves. And it is related to more than 50 years ago. Not all Iranian Kurds fit in the small town of Mahabad.
There have been much bigger civil wars in America.

The Komuleh rebellion or separatist Kurdish rebellion in 1979 belonged to Kurds outside Iran, and there was a small population in Iran, and it was related to the Iran-Iraq war, and by the way, they are still present in Iraq. In the name of Pejak and Komole.
The Kurdish uprising in 2004 was due to government repression and bad economic situation and religious laws. I wish you could see what they protested for.

Baloch are the oldest people of Iran. And they are oppressed. A small population fights with religious motivations close to Al-Qaeda and Taliban, although they consider themselves associated with the freedom of Balochistan.
There is a land called Iran, which all Iranian tribes own all of its land. Every population has the right to secede, but it does not have the right to secede the land from Iran because it is not the original owner. We call those who intend to separate the land from Iran to be rebels and have a small population.

It is the weakness of the Iranian media that made you believe the distorted history. I see the years of Zionism and America's efforts to divide Iran through the media clearly from your point of view.
The new slavery has nothing to do with skin color.

In the end, I invite you to the gathering of Iranians or Iranian groups. We have many differences, but none of us is willing to divide Iran with all its ethnic differences. We are trying to change the government, but we are not willing to let this dictatorial rule be broken by oppressive religious laws against separatism and foreign enemies.

Azerbaijan was separated from Iran during the Treaty of Turkmenchai in 1243 due to the victory of the Russians in the war. But in the following years separatists rebelled and it was thwarted.
Turks constitute the largest ethnic population of Iran and are at the head of the government.

The separatist Kurds who were present in the city of Mahabad rioted and captured this very small city. , but the population of these armed people reaches three thousand people. These riots were thwarted. However, they put the name of the Republic on themselves. And it is related to more than 50 years ago. Not all Iranian Kurds fit in the small town of Mahabad.
There have been much bigger civil wars in America.

The Komuleh rebellion or separatist Kurdish rebellion in 1979 belonged to Kurds outside Iran, and there was a small population in Iran, and it was related to the Iran-Iraq war, and by the way, they are still present in Iraq. In the name of Pejak and Komole.
The Kurdish uprising in 2004 was due to government repression and bad economic situation and religious laws. I wish you could see what they protested for.

Baloch are the oldest people of Iran. And they are oppressed. A small population fights with religious motivations close to Al-Qaeda and Taliban, although they consider themselves associated with the freedom of Balochistan.
There is a land called Iran, which all Iranian tribes own all of its land. Every population has the right to secede, but it does not have the right to secede the land from Iran because it is not the original owner. We call those who intend to separate the land from Iran to be rebels and have a small population.

It is the weakness of the Iranian media that made you believe the distorted history. I see the years of Zionism and America's efforts to divide Iran through the media clearly from your point of view.
The new slavery has nothing to do with skin color.

In the end, I invite you to the gathering of Iranians or Iranian groups. We have many differences, but none of us is willing to divide Iran with all its ethnic differences. We are trying to change the government, but we are not willing to let this dictatorial rule be broken by oppressive religious laws against separatism and foreign enemies.
Said like an Iranian.

People keep revolting and your govt keeps violently putting it down and forcing them to stay as part of Iran.

The facts remains that Iran oppresses it's citizens over religion, gender, and ethnicity. You mentioned the US, in the US there are private schools in which they can give education in any language they want. In Iran, this is cause for violent put downs.

We don't have to go back and forth anymore. Everything I said can be proven by multiple independent sources. Everything you said cannot be proven by a source outside of gatherings of Iranian peoples.

Here the last thing I'll say. In the current conflict, Iran has a right to defend itself against Israel. Israel is the perpetrator and Iran is allowed to defend itself.

That said, don't come in here and ask how Black people or other minorities in America live in such horrible conditions when your country treats minorities multiple times worse.

Iran will eventually get what's coming to it too because oppression will eventually crumble no matter how slow progress is.
Not to mention it's not just all bout religion. Iran was oppressive in the Shah days too. Half of the uprisings I mentioned where Iran killed thousands of people to bring the uprisings down happened under the government of the Shah.

Iran under the Shah will be better for Persians and especially for Persian women. The Shah will be better than the Khamenei regime. No arguments there. But nothing much will change for minority rights. Remember the Shah was the one that pushed the One Persian policies that started assimilating minorities and forbade them from speaking and teaching in their language
Said like an Iranian.

People keep revolting and your govt keeps violently putting it down and forcing them to stay as part of Iran.

The facts remains that Iran oppressed it's citizens over religion, gender, and ethnicity. You mentioned the US, in the US there are private schools in which they can give education in any language they want. In Iran, this is cause for violent put downs.

We don't have to go back and forth anymore. Everything I said can be proven by multiple independent sources. Everything you said cannot be proven by a source outside of gatherings of Iranian peoples.

Here the last thing I'll say. In the current conflict, Iran has a right to defend itself against Israel. Israel is the perpetrator and Iran is allowed to defend itself.

That said, don't come in here and ask how Black people or other minorities in America live in such horrible conditions when your country treats minorities multiple times worse.

Iran will eventually get what's coming to it too because oppression will eventually crumble no matter how slow progress is.
I must repeat that we are protesting the government to change the government due to religious laws, dictatorship and even killing.

You relate this to Iran's ethnicity and division, which my compatriots and I call rebellion.
And you say that because the Iranian government is oppressive, then Africans should remain silent in the face of oppression. logic
If you are looking for a tyrannical government, just look at which country has had the most wars in the world killing innocent people for economy and resources. So be proud of yourself

I have always wondered how a black American soldier would drop bombs on innocent people in the Middle East and be proud of himself while fighting for a flag that wronged him.

The New Slavery Maybe if I was in America I would be like him.

Your sources are made like American values in Hollywood.
I must repeat that we are protesting the government to change the government due to religious laws, dictatorship and even killing.

You relate this to Iran's ethnicity and division, which my compatriots and I call rebellion.
And you say that because the Iranian government is oppressive, then Africans should remain silent in the face of oppression. logic
If you are looking for a tyrannical government, just look at which country has had the most wars in the world killing innocent people for economy and resources. So be proud of yourself

I have always wondered how a black American soldier would drop bombs on innocent people in the Middle East and be proud of himself while fighting for a flag that wronged him.

The New Slavery Maybe if I was in America I would be like him.

Your sources are made like American values in Hollywood.
Shits so funny.

You call minorities in Iran fighting to separate and gain self rule "rebellions"

Then you turn and ask why Black Americans don't want to fight to separate and gain self rule.

Again, its easy to point the finger at others for oppression but justify when it's your people doing the oppression.

Also it doesn't matter what you or your compatriots call anything. Facts are that a certain people's has been fighting for almost 100 years to separate from Iran and you are using military and economic force them to stay as a part of Iran.

And now you are admitting to being ok with forcing people to stay as a part of Iran because you don't want to lose that land.

Let's just go all the way back to beggining.

Don't sit here and question why an oppressed people is not fighting against oppression, when your people are the oppressive people that are fighting for the right to continue oppressing people.

Shits wild.

Thought you were gonna come up here and not get fact checked.
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Shits so funny.

You call minorities in Iran fighting to separate and gain self rule "rebellions"

Then you turn and ask why Black Americans don't want to fight to separate and gain self rule.

Again, its easy to point the finger at others for oppression but justify when it's your people doing the oppression.

Also it doesn't matter what you or your compatriots call anything. Facts are that a certain people's has been fighting for almost 100 years to separate from Iran and you are using military and economic force them to stay as a part of Iran.

And now you are admitting to being ok with forcing people to stay as a part of Iran because you don't want to lose that land.

Let's just go all the way back to beggining.

Don't sit here and question why an oppressed people is not fighting against oppression, when your people are the oppressive people that are fighting for the right to continue oppressing people.

Shits wild.

Thought you were gonna come up here and not get fact checked.
I disagree with you. Let's assume you're right. We are savages, is that your reason for accepting cruelty?

You do not know anything about Iran. We have problems at home. But we fight with enemies outside the house. In Iran, we protest against the government because of the dictatorship. We support the government to attack Israel.

Your thoughts are exactly the same as those of Zionism against Iran. Divide Iran so that in the future there will be no powerful government in the Middle East and Israel will be the only power. You unknowingly support Zionism and genocide. For us Iranians, the concept of home is thousands of years old, and you have no understanding of home defense.
Know that American democracy is no different from Zionism for Iranian people. Conflict of your thoughts
I disagree with you. Let's assume you're right. We are savages, is that your reason for accepting cruelty?

You do not know anything about Iran. We have problems at home. But we fight with enemies outside the house. In Iran, we protest against the government because of the dictatorship. We support the government to attack Israel.

Your thoughts are exactly the same as those of Zionism against Iran. Divide Iran so that in the future there will be no powerful government in the Middle East and Israel will be the only power. You unknowingly support Zionism and genocide. For us Iranians, the concept of home is thousands of years old, and you have no understanding of home defense.
Know that American democracy is no different from Zionism for Iranian people. Conflict of your thoughts
Stop telling me I don't know anything about Iran.

I'm a Kurdish American. I know Iran very well. I know the Kurdish struggle very well. And I know America very well.

You as a person are not a savage. Your people are not savages. Persians for the most part are very warm and kind people. You as a ruling country is as savage as savage gets.

What you are doing now is Zionist propaganda btw. Whenever anyone criticizes Israel, they call them anti semetic. The same way whenever someone criticizes Iran, you call them Zionists.

You can have Iran. No one on the outside is trying to divide Iran. The oppressed people inside of Iran are fighting for their freedom and self rule and you are in support of the oppression.

See how lies always come to truth? You thought you were gonna come here into a thread where folks are sympathetic against Iran against Israel and thought you were gonna spread lies about how your culture doesn't understand oppression when you are some of the cruelest oppressors.

Just because I am very anti Israel doesn't mean I'm pro Iran. Iran is just as oppressive. It just so happens that in this current conflict, they are in the right and should defend themselves.
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Stop telling me I don't know anything about Iran.

I'm a Kurdish American. I know Iran very well. I know the Kurdish struggle very well. And I know America very well.

You as a person are not a savage. Your people are not savages. You as a ruling country is as savage as savage gets.

What you are doing now is Zionist propaganda btw. Whenever anyone criticizes Israel, they call them anti semetic. The same way whenever someone criticizes Iran, you call them Zionists.

You can have Iran. No one on the outside is trying to divide Iran. The oppressed people inside of Iran are fighting for their freedom and self rule and you are in support of the oppression.

See how lies always come to truth? You thought you were gonna come here into a thread where folks are sympathetic against Iran against Israel and thought you were gonna spread lies about how your culture doesn't understand oppression when you are some of the cruelest oppressors.

Just because I am very anti Israel doesn't mean I'm pro Iran. Iran is just as oppressive. It just so happens that in this current conflict, they are in the right and should defend themselves.
You said that Iran should be divided by ethnic separatists.
I never defended the oppression of the Iranian government.
But I do not give you the right to defend the partition of Iran.
You should know that my goat's mother is Kurdish and this one is Iranian that you don't know anything about.
You stood by Zionism
The text of all my words is there before, for your answer, refer to my previous comments.
You said that Iran should be divided by ethnic separatists.
I never defended the oppression of the Iranian government.
But I do not give you the right to defend the partition of Iran.
You should know that my goat's mother is Kurdish and this one is Iranian that you don't know anything about.
You stood by Zionism
The text of all my words is there before, for your answer, refer to my previous comments.
You don't have to give me the right to defend anything.

Iran is a country where the Azeris in the North, the Kurds in the West, the Lurs in the West, and the Balochs in the South all want you off of their land that you conquered.

You have no right to those conquered lands and have no choice but to be very violent against those people's to keep their lands you stole.

It has lasted nearly 100 years. It might last another 100 years. But eventually those people will get their land back. Change might come slow but oppression will always lose at the end.
You don't have to give me the right to defend anything.

Iran is a country where the Azeris in the North, the Kurds in the West, the Lurs in the West, and the Balochs in the South all want you off of their land that you conquered.

You have no right to those conquered lands and have no choice but to be very violent against those people's to keep their lands you stole.

It has lasted nearly 100 years. It might last another 100 years. But eventually those people will get their land back. Change might come slow but oppression will always lose at the end.
Refer to the comments above to get your answer.
If you allow me, I will send your message to the group of Iranians, including Kurds, Turks, and the people of Lur to laugh a little.
The leader of Iran will appear in public tomorrow during Friday prayers. Meanwhile, the entire country of Iran is ready to defend itself against Israel's response.
What can be the purpose of this movement of attending Friday prayers after a long time and under these conditions? With the possibility that Israel can target the Friday prayer.
These people really don’t care lol

Edit :poster says Russia helped fund Hamas for the 10/7 attacks
Don't look all the way to America for your answers.

Look at how your country treats Kurds and Azeris.

Don't get me wrong, Israel is the perpetrator in this conflict and Iran has every right to defend itself, but let's not act like Iran is a democracy with freedom for all flowing.

You don't need to look to see how African Americans in America reconciled with white people. Just look at how Kurds are reconciling with the Persians in Iran. It's not by choice or out of love for country. It's not having a choice and doing what you need to do to survive living in a country as a minority under majority oppression.

The guy asked a question on a 'I am a foreign and I legit don't know'-tip, and this is how you respond? Really bruh?