The reason why our economy is good to begin with, is that all the principles it was built on, which is near slave labor, and child labor, and taking advantage of people.
But as people started to benefit and see that they didn’t have to just be poor laborers when the company is making millions, or that children shouldn’t be taken advantage of, or that we shouldn’t take advantage of people in general.
What happened was instead of having a complex way of making it work better for everyone.
America just sent the undesired parts over seas. So now they have all the things that make the economy work and we mostly just get to benefit from it, at cost.
A pair of shoes made by some kid, that they pay 2 dollars a day, cost 50 dollars to make and someone in America gets to stunt cause it cost them 200 dollars as tho it’s a win.
And that’s why entertainment is used to instill consumerism and pride in consumers because it’s what makes all of this go.
As much as people in America complain, no one wants to the truth because the truth is dark. So we are giving this political theater to entertain us so that we don’t have to deal with the truth.