Welcome To aBlackWeb

Do you want me to force someone to ignore you? Would you like me to mod you harder??🤔

I'm saying this when I was public enemy #1 on here for years. I made peace with 99% of people I had issues with and they did the same and there's no problems. Going back and forth every day is tiresome
I can't make peace with dudes who are not at peace with themselves and blackness
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Yea sure but I'm talking about what is being published on this website despite how I feel about it

Why is coon rhetoric accepted here AP?

Why does it have to be ignored why isn't it checked and punished?
Why can't you just ignore it?
Why can't you just ignore it?
Did YOU ignore it when a poster came in one of them threads and said "I like Donald Trump" or did you clap him immediately? Huh...

What's the difference between that and a FOREIGNER making a routine of blaming Hip Hop for everything?

All cooning matters, why be selective as a mod??
I'm really trying my best to not treat adults like children

How hard is it to just not engage with someone you claim you don't like/care for

I'm about to start issuing bans

Some will be temporary, one will be permanent

Serious question.

The Candy Shop is widely regarded as where the so-called weirdos and degenerates congregate, right?

Do you see this type of anger, bitterness and vitriol amongst the posters who frequent that area of this site?

(And don’t lie and say you don’t enter that forum.)

Did YOU ignore it when a poster came in one of them threads and said "I like Donald Trump" or did you clap him immediately? Huh...

What's the difference between that and a FOREIGNER making a routine of blaming Hip Hop for everything?

All cooning matters, why be selective as a mod??
Why can't you ignore it?
Serious question.

The Candy Shop is widely regarded as where the so-called weirdos and degenerates congregate, right?

Do you see this type of anger, bitterness and vitriol amongst the posters who frequent that area of this site?

(And don’t lie and say you don’t enter that forum.)

Hold on lol

My visitation to the candy shop isn't on trial here b

But it used to be the wild West in there cause niggas was acting like they really knew those chicks irl and was legit getting into issues over who "knew" her first 😂

I think @Banginscrew901 and @Infamous114 have done a phenomenal job in that area of the site so there's no need for me to intervene unless asked to

You got some nerve putting my smut desires on front street though😒
For the same reason I can't ignore Kamala Harris's anti-black racism

I got it tho cooning is accepted and protected at a black web

It will not be policed, it will not be punished gotcha
Ok so check it

Since you can't just ignore it, I'ma make it so you won't have to worry about it no more

Since this place is a plantation as you like to call it and everyone here is some subservient negro that hasn't been cracka free since 2009, how about your access to the building gets cut off.

My brother @Chicity is in the belief that a ban can do some good. When people have time to collect their thoughts and want to come back on some different time, they should be allowed the opportunity to show and prove. I do believe there's a timeline where you get off this shit and engage with people like an adult. When that time comes, PM me and let's talk.

In the meantime, ✌🏾
Ok so check it

Since you can't just ignore it, I'ma make it so you won't have to worry about it no more

Since this place is a plantation as you like to call it and everyone here is some subservient negro that hasn't been cracka free since 2009, how about your access to the building gets cut off.

My brother @Chicity is in the belief that a ban can do some good. When people have time to collect their thoughts and want to come back on some different time, they should be allowed the opportunity to show and prove. I do believe there's a timeline where you get off this shit and engage with people like an adult. When that time comes, PM me and let's talk.

In the meantime, ✌🏾
They got my dog
