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"You Can't Date White Women and Be Pro Black", but I bet you'll smash Candace Owens though.

You’re comparing a single act(taking your own life) to a series of related lifestyle choices that have ramifications on your legacy(who you marry/procreate with, which community you live in, where your kids are raised etc.)

The analogy doesn’t stick and it’s ironic you would have to compare marrying/dating outside your race to literal suicide to try to make the point.

You want a different example?
Candace look like she let you hit doggy style while she know she ain’t washed her ass and let like 4 bowel movements roll by.

Ain’t even wet the toilet paper or nothing.

Just straight fecal matter and booty mucus.

And a big ass white ass pimple right there looking up at you………..shining thru the dark of night illuminated by the pilot light of your water heater (cause you know she wanted every light in the building off)that you can’t stop running your thumb across.

Get well soon brother.
I am putting your stated principle to the test. If it a defensible principle, it would work for the case of suicide, and not just marrying interracially. But it doesn't.

I thought we are primarily talking about who a person marries. And if you really believe in your stated position, you would deny that a black person can be pro-black and marry white even if he or she lives in a black community, raises his/her kids in a black community, etc.
It still works. The key word in my original statement was “engaging” which is in the present participle, meaning continuous. You can’t continuously take your own life. It’s one and done.

Dating and marriage is a continuous thing. Where you live and raise your family is a continuous thing.
You want a different example?
Yes, please give me an example of somebody who is actively and continuously engaging in behavior that if emulated on a large enough scale would lead to the extinction of Black people—but is still pro-Black(or a similar analogy) .

If you can, I’ll gladly reconsider.
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It still works. The key word in my original statement was “engaging” which is in the present participle, meaning continuous. You can’t continuously take your own life. It’s one and done.

Dating and marriage is a continuous thing. Where you live and raise your family is a continuous thing.

Yes, please give me an example of somebody who is actively and continuously engaging in behavior that if emulated on a large enough scale would lead to the extinction of Black people—but is still pro-Black(or a similar analogy) .

If you can, I’ll gladly reconsider.

Say you had someone, call him John, who devotes his whole life to promoting the well-being of blacks, and who thinks of little else but what can be done to improve the lives of black people. He also has a black wife and black kids.

However, John has a need for speed, and will drive his car very fast on highways that are fairly busy, and while he has done it many times over the years, he eventually gets in a serious accident and dies.

If every black people did what John did, black people would eventually go extinct.

But surely, despite the fact that if all black people did what John did black people would eventually go distinct, John was pro-black.

Your principle -- "you can’t be pro “X” while engaging in behavior that if everybody did would result in the extinction of “X” -- is just wrong.
Say you had someone, call him John, who devotes his whole life to promoting the well-being of blacks, and who thinks of little else but what can be done to improve the lives of black people. He also has a black wife and black kids.

However, John has a need for speed, and will drive his car very fast on highways that are fairly busy, and while he has done it many times over the years, he eventually gets in a serious accident and dies.

If every black people did what John did, black people would eventually go extinct.

But surely, despite the fact that if all black people did what John did black people would eventually go distinct, John was pro-black.

Your principle -- "you can’t be pro “X” while engaging in behavior that if everybody did would result in the extinction of “X” -- is just wrong.
John lived life in a pro-Black way. He he had a Black wife and Black children. And then he died.

If every Black person lived this way, reproducing with a Black person before dying, Black people would absolutely not go extinct. The cause of death is irrelevant. You just proved my point.
Candace look like she let you hit doggy style while she know she ain’t washed her ass and let like 4 bowel movements roll by.

Ain’t even wet the toilet paper or nothing.

Just straight fecal matter and booty mucus.

And a big ass white ass pimple right there looking up at you………..shining thru the dark of night illuminated by the pilot light of your water heater (cause you know she wanted every light in the building off)that you can’t stop running your thumb across.
This...... This is very specific brother🫤
Candace look like she let you hit doggy style while she know she ain’t washed her ass and let like 4 bowel movements roll by.

Ain’t even wet the toilet paper or nothing.

Just straight fecal matter and booty mucus.

And a big ass white ass pimple right there looking up at you………..shining thru the dark of night illuminated by the pilot light of your water heater (cause you know she wanted every light in the building off)that you can’t stop running your thumb across.
John lived life in a pro-Black way. He he had a Black wife and Black children. And then he died.

If every Black person lived this way, reproducing with a Black person before dying, Black people would absolutely not go extinct. The cause of death is irrelevant. You just proved my point.

It appears you missed a key part of my point.

Driving reckless like that is going to eventually do you in. Even if you deny that, at the very least it will tend to do you in and over time will lead to black population decline with each generation and eventually black people will go extinct.

I already had even more compelling examples lined up depending on what you said, but this response makes me not want to waste my time.

What you said is untenable, to put it politely.

Why not say (which is what I said earlier in the thread) that we should separate the question of someone being pro-something and the question of whether that person does anything that, as a matter of fact and contrary to what they think or hope for, undermines the thing they are in favor of? So that a person can be pro-religion, for example, while doing, or having done, something that undermines religion? Same with IR dating and marriage.
Neville Chamberlain was the British prime minister from 1937-1940. He went out of his way to avoid war with Germany. But today he is judged harshly by historians who think that his policy of appeasement probably encouraged Hitler.

Are we going to say that despite his pro-peace efforts, he was really a warmonger?

That's bullshit.

He was pro-peace, but did things that undermined peace.

Similarly, black people can be pro-black even if they do things that in the long term will harm blacks.
Neville Chamberlain was the British prime minister from 1937-1940. He went out of his way to avoid war with Germany. But today he is judged harshly by historians who think that his policy of appeasement probably encouraged Hitler.

Are we going to say that despite his pro-peace efforts, he was really a warmonger?

That's bullshit.

He was pro-peace, but did things that undermined peace.

Similarly, black people can be pro-black even if they do things that in the long term will harm blacks.
The bullshit you're babbling has nothing to do with us

You got a lot to say about whats pro black for a nigga who FLED a majority black country to Canada. Sit the fuck down, nothing you say is relevant, you have zero knowledge on this subject
