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FEATURED Why Do Some Black People Dislike Dr. Umar?

I'd like to know too. It's hard to find info like that, but to say that 10% of young black males are irredeemable...that's a bit much.
If 10% die for the reasons I stated in my previous post then the math checks out
Mad of yall niggas talk that 10% shit in other forms anyhow.

Let one of them young shiny jacket, ski mask, big sneaker niggas get shot in the face tonight in Chicago, in Memphis, in Detroit and see the responses. Niggas be sounding like some Tucker Carlson shit.

Michael Jackson was gonna buy Marvel is a new one

Not at all.
It was Marvel and I remember that. I remember being with my brothers and him talking about purchasing Marvel. He wanted to do that with Stan Lee. They had been talking and discussing that. Unfortunately that didn't happen, I think they were shut down from doing that. I don't know the reasons why but they were adamantly in the process of doing that."

In the 90s, Marvel was in hot water financially, with the company filing for bankruptcy in 1996. Micahel Jackson was also no longer at the top of his game, as he had come under fire for child sexual abuse allegations several years prior
I hate when he always repeats the same phrase 3 times.

Why the hell does he do that?

It's a mix of things, it's a cult leader tactic. Repetition makes folks internalize phrases easier especially if they are already not that bright/confident. It's why we use simple repeating songs for children to help them learn.

Also he freestyles everything he says, nothing is scripted. Which might make you think is an impressive tactic, but when you factor in how much he lies, it becomes more of a filler tactic. The same way a rapper has filler words off the top, Umar just repeats lines while he thinks of what to say next.

Also, there is a good chance he's on drugs, so there's that too.
It’s not. I just felt the Eminem thing was just way blown up. We don’t like em we don’t consider him a goat because his shit is trash. But really has no relation to Umar.
However you feel about Eminem. It's clear to anyone with two braincells to rub together he said that shit for attention.
folks divorce/breakup all the time and it only takes one person to end a relationship even if the other didn’t.

Doesn’t make him a hypocrite if the woman he’s with don’t want him anymore.

So he’s supposed to force her to be with him?

He's 50 and he hasn't settled down with anyone.
He's technically not wrong but continuing to ask entertainers to also take up political activism rarely ends good. Let Kendrick rap and let the people who actually have control over gentrification be the ones put under the gun

View attachment 1343546Lost Angeles mayor

Ask her to deal w gentrification
I'm not as hard on Umar as a few people here but I think this is can be filed under two things can be true

It is not his sole responsibility to fix these issues but his influence does matter and has an impact. I'm not saying he needs to be a political dummy and go out speaking on behalf of politicians but perhaps his voice can echo the frustrations that have been expressed by the everyday man who gets largely ignored