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The Official 2024 Presidential Election Thread

The events that happened today won’t move the needle from either perspective.

What are you taking about?

This won’t make undecided voters vote for him. This won’t make Biden voters flip.

Anybody who was going to vote for Trump before today still only counts as 1 vote.

Votes do not get stronger in elections. They only change directions.

Turnout is key. The bases are largely set, what matters most is motivating people to get to the polls. This might have happened too far out from the election to galvanize an electorate, though.

I've long thought Biden was going to lose because he would fail to drive turnout. Incumbents usually do and he is uniquely harmed by age.
Lol this is disgusting
The events that happened today won’t move the needle from either perspective.

What are you taking about?

This won’t make undecided voters vote for him. This won’t make Biden voters flip.

Anybody who was going to vote for Trump before today still only counts as 1 vote.

Votes do not get stronger in elections. They only change directions.

It WILL get Trump supporters out of the house come election day.

Anyone that supports him that might not have gone to the polls definitely will, thus increasing his numbers.
This is an emotional response to an emotional event that happened today.

It’s not how elections work, but I get it.

Go off King.


That pic will get MILEAGE for the rest of this campaign. The people that support him verbally, but not with votes will see this as an act of defiance on his part and come out to vote for him. This shit just made the nigga a superstar among right-wing whitey and he's gonna ride that wave all the way to the White House again.

Remember, I'm not voting for either of these asshats. Right now I'm voting Libertarian for the first time in my life.