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Do You Only Consider Black People Born In The States Black?

I can only imagine the confusion she would feel walking into a Nairobi supermarket or restaurant that says No Blacks Allowed outside. She wouldn’t know what they mean, I guess.

But alas, Black women that date White men are often a confused lot…That say what they know White people like to hear.

Kenya’s founding father was a staunch Pan-African Black nationalist that gained that state independence after the black Mau Mau movement which killed thousands.

See why chicks from Mexico that suck marshmallows aren’t the best mouthpiece for Black identity?

if not mistaken this place and a grocery store was burned down for this
@Inori how was your experience in Kenya?

The fam and I really enjoyed ourselves. A couple of the hotels we stayed at I was a lil thrown off by the menus. They seemed to lean more to indian cuisine.. I could be off though. I told yall I punted a lil monkey for tryna steal my food on my way back to my room 🤣

The best meal we had out there we took a boat to this rickety dock..couldnt dock directly at the restaurant cuz the tide was too low and the water was choppy. We ended up walking through the woods in the rain for like 20 minutes to this clearing where the actual restaurant was.. that food was fuckin RIGHT and seemed more authentic than the food we were getting at the hotels. worth every step and the people there were dope as hell
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The fam and I really enjoyed ourselves. A couple of the hotels we stayed at I was a lil thrown off by the menus. They seemed to lean more to indian cuisine.. I could be off though. I told yall I punted a lil monkey for tryna steal my food on my way back to my room 🤣

The best meal we had out there we took a boat to this rickety dock..couldnt dock directly at the restaurant cuz the tide was too low and the water was choppy. We ended up walking through the woods in the rain for like 20 minutes to this clearing where the actual restaurant was.. that food was fuckin RIGHT and seemed more authentic than the food we were getting at the hotels. worth every step and the people there were dope as hell
I loved it.

The only issue I had in Nairobi was the security guard in the shopping centre stopped searching me because he thought I was a nice person..... This shopping got attacked by terrorist a few years ago.

They did try to tell me to get the authentic jerk chicken while I was there I didn't go all the way to Kenya to try jerk chicken
I loved it.

The only issue I had in Nairobi was the security guard in the shopping centre stopped searching me because he thought I was a nice person..... This shopping got attacked by terrorist a few years ago.

They did try to tell me to get the authentic jerk chicken while I was there I didn't go all the way to Kenya to try jerk chicken

did anyone question your blackness there?

If you're from a place that categorizes tribes over race then it makes sense one would be used to identifying by that.

No, if you are not beholden to a minority status in a nation that you were forcibly moved and became something lower than an animal, your personhood is fully intact.

People that identify as a color, obviously aren't full human beings.

Lol Japanese people don't identify with Yellow.

African people don't run around identifying with Black until they move over.

Only people that think in terms of color are the ones that have had a master/slave relationship and the stupid motherfuckers that wanna be caught up in it for political reasons.

White people just gotten the better end of the deal, running around identifying with bullshit.

Black people are just stuck and some of us wanna stop the color stupidity because it isn't accurate. It doesn't reflect material conditions. It's religious at this point.

Lol let Africans tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth about how they see race and the uselessness of it in Africa.

I bet that, "We all Black" shit will stop.

The people that supposedly birthed the "Black race" don't give no fucks about it until they come across White people and live in the West, particularly America. Which likes to flatten every person into pan-ethnic categories for easy political manipulation.

Black isn't a nationality, a tribe, an ethnicity.

It's meaningless to majority of world and so called colored people around the world.

It's a Western thing, it's a master-slave relationship.
we $hood traveL

Just to add to this. Some African Americans (their ancestors) were Caribbeans before they became American. A lot of these Brits took their slaves with them to America when they migrated there from the islands.
Yea it's crazy people don't know this.
Even in Django that Mandingo fighting bullshit qt made reference to slaves moving from the Caribbean to America.

Virginia acquired a smaller number of enslaved persons from the British hub of Jamaica, from where it imported 572 enslaved Africans between 1660 and 1730.[5] This pattern follows for Carolina, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, while Connecticut supplemented transshipments from Barbados with additional transportations from New York.

In Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New York, Jamaica was the primary hub of transhipment of enslaved persons. From 1660 to 1739, more than 2,000 slaves were shipped to New York from Jamaica on 197 voyages.
So yea about that hip hop thing
Just to add to this. Some African Americans (their ancestors) were Caribbeans before they became American. A lot of these Brits took their slaves with them to America when they migrated there from the islands.


Good post.

A huge part of why Yvette-types can get over is because the average black person has a very surface-level, almost cartoon-like view of the institution and how it worked, specifically the movement of peoples back and forth during slavery.

The oldest woman alive in Trinidad is an Afram named Rita Sykes, descending from those that left with the British.

I also learned the other day that the overwhelming majority of Trinis moved there after or shortly before the abolition of slavery when the Spanish king asked all white people to bring their enslaved and populate the land. So it’s a buncha Afram, Haitians, Martinique, Jamaican all typa shit over there.

These branches are deliberately suppressed in favor of a unitary Southern homeland myth that ultimately bolsters a White conservative strain of thought within Black people. This is why they call everyone not in the south runners and cowards, the same way a White person would call anyone that doesn’t support Palestinian genocide unamerican, and that’s coming soon.

It’s the same playbook.



I don't know about all these genres, but normally it's a white skinned dude (in the country that music is from) who took that type of music from blacks and got all the fame/fortune from it.

Daddy Yankee, J Balvin (showing negative images of black women in his music too), Bad Bunny, and all these white skinned famous artist more than likely ripped off blacks in the nation they came from and now they are the faces of reggaeton, etc..
Yea it's crazy people don't know this.
Even in Django that Mandingo fighting bullshit qt made reference to slaves moving from the Caribbean to America.


So yea about that hip hop thing

Def learned during revolution Britain promised black slaves freedom if they fought. And when war was over let them move to Caribbean

We literally have the same enemies

I don't know about all these genres, but normally it's a white skinned dude (in the country that music is from) who took that type of music from blacks and got all the fame/fortune from it.

Daddy Yankee, J Balvin (showing negative images of black women in his music too), Bad Bunny, and all these white skinned famous artist more than likely ripped off blacks in the nation they came from and now they are the faces of reggaeton, etc..

I was surprised when I learned recently that the Tango was an Afro-Argentine creation.