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The Official 2024 Presidential Election Thread

Listening to Newsom talk and sound like a coherent person was such a breath of fresh air.
Am I the only one who doesn’t think it’s a coincidence that Newsom is on MSNBC moments after the debate?

That's basic protocol. He's a surrogate for the candidate. They do that on both sides. It's similar to players representing their teams at the draft lottery.
and thats the problem. He should step aside.

There needs to be age limits for political office across the board imo. Neither one of them should be the nominee
Oh I totally agree all these old ass white people need to retire. They literally dying while in office(ie Dianne Feinstein and RGB) but in reality it's not happening. Unfortunately these are our options.
Exactly! Was just imagining him on the stage instead of Joe.

I like Newsome and I respect Kamal for accomplishing what she accomplished.

But a Newsome/Harris ticket would get washed East of the Mississippi. That's too much California for a country as racist as ours. Hell, most people still view Californians as coastal elites.

If Newsome is on the ticket, Harris can't be on there with him..........
This will actually work in the opposite of what you said.

If this was a debate that happened in the fall I would agree, but there's a reason why historically debates don't happen this early. People have the attention span of a gnat. We still have 5 months of campaign to get through...
I like Newsome and I respect Kamal for accomplishing what she accomplished.

But a Newsome/Harris ticket would get washed East of the Mississippi. That's too much California for a country as racist as ours. Hell, most people still view Californians as coastal elites.

If Newsome is on the ticket, Harris can't be on there with him..........

Yea, a Newsom/Harris ticket would not go well.
If this was a debate that happened in the fall I would agree, but there's a reason why historically debates don't happen this early. People have the attention span of a gnat. We still have 5 months of campaign to get through...

People don't consume politics the same way anymore. People like us can go back in forth and write out explanations and opinions. The average American takes information from a 15 second Tik-Tok video and they will base their entire political agenda around it.

That's what we're dealing with. This debate was on for 1 hr 40 minutes. It took 43 minutes for anyone to even mention Trump's 34 felonies. Why? Trump hasn't had a job in 4 years (or in life in general for that matter but I digress). He's literally only been in the news for his legal troubles. His FELONY conviction was less than a month ago.

Tonight, Joe Biden's inability to keep his mouth from hanging open and his clumsiness and incoherent rambling will be MEME'd into oblivion and it serves up the perfect platter for the microwave brain society that we live in.
If this was a debate that happened in the fall I would agree, but there's a reason why historically debates don't happen this early. People have the attention span of a gnat. We still have 5 months of campaign to get through...
True but I think the fact this debate did happen earlier than usual supports the conspiracy that people are trying to get Joe to step aside. This way there’s plenty of time left to throw someone else on the ticket.
People don't consume politics the same way anymore. People like us can go back in forth and write out explanations and opinions. The average American takes information from a 15 second Tik-Tok video and they will base their entire political agenda around it.

That's what we're dealing with. This debate was on for 1 hr 40 minutes. It took 43 minutes for anyone to even mention Trump's 34 felonies. Why? Trump hasn't had a job in 4 years (or in life in general for that matter but I digress). He's literally only been in the news for his legal troubles. His FELONY conviction was less than a month ago.

Tonight, Joe Biden's inability to keep his mouth from hanging open and his clumsiness and incoherent rambling will be MEME'd into oblivion and it serves up the perfect platter for the microwave brain society that we live in.
Folks been calling Biden senile since 2020, so that's not a new insult. Also constantly hammering on Trump's felony can back fire on Biden. That can't be Biden's only critique of Trump.


Democrats consider the unthinkable: It’s time for Biden to go​

Three strategists close to three potential Democratic presidential candidates said they were bombarded with text messages.

Democrats are so panicked over President Joe Biden’s faltering debate performance some are actively discussing what was once unspeakable: replacing him on the ticket.

Three strategists close to three potential Democratic presidential candidates said they had been bombarded with text messages throughout the debate. One adviser said they received pleas for their candidate to step forward as an alternative to Biden.

Another adviser said they had “taken no less than half a dozen key donors texting ‘disaster’ and [the] party needs to do something,” but acknowledged that “not much is possible unless” Biden steps aside.

They were among more than a dozen Democrats who spoke with POLITICO, most of whom were granted anonymity to speak freely.

One major Democratic donor and Biden supporter said it was time for the president to end his campaign. This person described Biden’s night as “the worst performance in history” and said Biden was so “bad that no one will pay attention to Trump’s lies.”

“Biden needs to drop out. No question about it,” the donor said in a text message, proposing an alternate ticket led by the governors of Maryland and Michigan.

At least two prominent potential 2028 contenders — Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker and California Gov. Gavin Newsom — said they stood by Biden even after his performance.

Newsom, when pressed on MSNBC if Biden should step down, said that talk is “unhelpful” and “unnecessary.”

“You don’t turn your back because of one performance,” Newsom said. “What kind of party does that?”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks with journalists in the spin room at Georgia Institute of Technology's McCamish Pavilion in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 27, 2024, shortly before former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden met in a debate hosted by CNN in its nearby studios. | Francis Chung/POLITICO

Biden struggled throughout much of the debate, the first 2024 general election matchup between the president and former President Donald Trump. The 81-year-old president has long faced questions about his fitness for office, and the debate — the earliest general election matchup of its kind in modern political history — had been a gambit by the Biden campaign to reset the narrative around the race.

For weeks, Democrats had hoped a strong performance by Biden in the debate could ease concerns about his age. Instead, it did the opposite.

“No Labels and Dean Phillips won this debate,” said a former senior Biden White House official, referring to the outsider efforts to push a different candidate, not named Trump or Biden, into the race.

The pleas from within the party, while unlikely to actually result in a change atop the ticket, reflect a major turn in the campaign. Incumbent presidents have traditionally underperformed during their first debates — inundated by the demands of the job and often unable to dedicate serious time to preparation. But Thursday’s debate was unique in that it affirmed an existing preconception of Biden among many voters as a candidate past his sell-by debate.

One adviser to major Democratic Party donors said they were texting from a meeting of donors in Atlanta on Thursday night, some writing “wtf.”

“Our only hope is that he bows out, we have a brokered convention, or dies,” the donor adviser said. “Otherwise we are fukking dead.”

Nonetheless, the likelihood of a brokered convention or Biden stepping aside are unlikely, a reality that even those who privately complained about Biden’s performance acknowledged.

“Only one guy can decide, and it’s him,” said one Democratic strategist.

The Biden campaign pushed back on the critique of the president, with an adviser calling him “the only person who has ever beaten Donald Trump.”

“He will do it again,” the adviser said. “Donald Trump did not give voters any reason to vote for him tonight. On the issues, the American people are with Joe Biden.”

In a statement, Biden’s campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon said Biden “presented a positive and winning vision for the future of America,” while Trump “offered a dark and backwards window into what America will look like if he steps foot back in the White House.”

Stephanie Cutter, a Democratic consultant, said, “President Biden is the Democratic nominee and that’s not changing because of one debate performance.”

She said, “We need to calm down and stay focused because Donald Trump certainly didn’t gain any voters tonight.”

But for many Democrats on Thursday night, the view was far dimmer. One down-ballot statewide Democrat running for election said: “I mean, it’s not great all around. Our president has a speech impediment, a cold, and is 81.”

“No one expected a master class in debating from Joe Biden, but no one expected this nose dive,” said a senior adviser to top Democratic officials. “He was bad on message, bad on substance, bad on counter punching, bad on presentation, bad on non-verbals. There was no bright spot in this debate for him. The only bright spot is that this happened in June and not October.”