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Added to Calendar: 05-18-24

Who Wins Tonight?

  • Tank Davis

  • Frank Martin

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I would love to see the Edgar Berlanga v. Canelo. I know that some of ya dont agree with Canelo not fighting the utmost top competition at this point in his carrer, but at this point in his career, I think Canelo already proved he's a great 10x over and has fought some good fights.

I think at this point is just about business and possibly giving back to the fighters he wanna give back to as well. Fighting with Monguiya is a great look for Mexico and Mexican Boxing. He's giving Monguiya the oppourtunity to become more of a household name in Boxing and Monguiya is gonna make so much money from this fight alone, he'll never have to worry about money ever again if he manages his finances, and let's say he never fights ever again like Maidana haha.

As far as Berlanga, he might not be the best competition for Canelo. But is a very marketable fight as Berlanga is already a house hold name in the Boxing World and has great social media presence, it'll be easy to sell the fight, the fight sells it self. Easily the biggest fight of the year if it goes down in September.