13 Signs Of A Toxic Parent and How They Damage Their Children Without Realizing It

I was scared of disappointing my mom her coming to school embarrassed because I got suspended and she knew I knew better had a deep impact. Dad wasn't the best student so he didn't overly trip.

Never really got whoopins tho
so White america spent 3 decades laughing at this lovable family.....


but all of a sudden.. it's just black folk who have issues???

foh.. there's white folk who think their kids should have a healthy fear of their parents too.........

just cuz there's two sides to an argument doesn't mean it's racially exclusive.....
shit loads of white kids got their assess whooped by their parents too....

Talk to em Dupac!!!!!!

are you disagreeing that no white child ever got their ass whooped by their parent...ever?

seriously? like you cannot really think that white folk just don't beat their kids asses, and that they're somehow "better" than us in child raising ......cuz white folk don't beat their kids????

this is exactly how racism works, lol....

lol.....man just like it's white folk who don't beat their kids, there are white folk who tear their kids asses up
there are black folk who don't beat their kids, and there are black folk who tear their kids asses up.....

shit's not racially exclusive at all....
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Fun fact........ early Greeks were black
the Egyptians were black but not Greeks unless they were mixed with Egyptians b.
are you disagreeing that no white child ever got their ass whooped by their parent...ever?

seriously? like you cannot really think that white folk just don't beat their kids asses, and that they're somehow "better" than us in child raising ......cuz white folk don't beat their kids????

this is exactly how racism works, lol....

lol.....man just like it's white folk who don't beat their kids, there are white folk who tear their kids asses up
there are black folk who don't beat their kids, and there are black folk who tear their kids asses up.....

shit's not racially exclusive at all....
white people beat their kids all the time.

that doesn't make beating kids okay.

some ppl like @Cain wear it like a medal of honor but ion think thats cuz he's black. it's cuz he's about the violence.
I don't think she saying white folks don't beat their kids tho. We southern we know they do. But this ain't about white folks. Different experiences but I don't hear white folks telling stories about ads whoopins with pride like some of us do.
are you disagreeing that no white child ever got their ass whooped by their parent...ever?

seriously? like you cannot really think that white folk just don't beat their kids asses, and that they're somehow "better" than us in child raising ......cuz white folk don't beat their kids????

this is exactly how racism works, lol....

lol.....man just like it's white folk who don't beat their kids, there are white folk who tear their kids asses up
there are black folk who don't beat their kids, and there are black folk who tear their kids asses up.....

shit's not racially exclusive at all....

Not to get off topic, but the point thay you are arguing relates. If you can acknowledge that (we) sometimes deify white folks and their perception in this instance, why is it so hard to see how this same mindset couldn't warp childrens self esteem and colorism?
I don't think she saying white folks don't beat their kids tho. We southern we know they do. But this ain't about white folks. Different experiences but I don't hear white folks telling stories about ads whoopins with pride like some of us do.
I see white folks on the internet say shit like "more kids need spankings!" and "my parents hit me and I came out alright!" or "this is the problem with kids today, u can't hit em". I think we all know of "spare the rod and spoil the child", which damn sure wasn't 1st said by a black person.

racializing violence is dangerous. some black ppl r guilty of making the decision to refrain from beating ur kids into "white people shit" (see: @Cain) but we shldn't add to that by acting like black ppl have the monopoly on proudly beating children.
Not to get off topic, but the point thay you are arguing relates. If you can acknowledge that (we) sometimes deify white folks and their perception in this instance, why is it so hard to see how this same mindset couldn't warp childrens self esteem and colorism?
comments like this:
White people wrote this shit. Same crackas who kids will pull a knife on them for walking on their room. FOH
directly insinuating that white people are the main utilizers of gentle parenting (when they are not) add to that flawed perception.
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the Egyptians were black but not Greeks unless they were mixed with Egyptians b..
He's technically right, fair skin is a very recent (relatively) mutation in humans, it's only been around for about 7,000 years (they found the bones of a man in spain, with the gene for darker skin and green eyes) to put that in perspective modern humans have been around for 130,000 years.
my whole point is people immediately took the stance that something is wrong with black folk cuz we beat our kids....

that statement makes a very strong insinuation that i will not let be dismisses...cuz yall took this as an argument to attack black folks troubled mindset for thinking we have to beat our kids.....

so my response isn't to justify beating kids, my response is... whole up on the black folk bashing...

yall act like we the only motherfuckers who beat our kids.....

first....get that clear....this is not a troubled black person psyche at work...i ain't beating my kids of slavery.....

i'm whooping my kids as a means of discipline....i am very controlled, and i am not looking to hurt my child, but i do believe in whoopings.....

and i do believe a child should have a healthy fear of their parents....

one of the scaredest i ever been in my life was when i fucked up real bad at 14....

i was way past the point for whoopings, but that fear, and shame was there, i was shook to face her....and that made me even more shameful of my actions, i should never be afraid to face my mother.....

that fear is very healthy in my personal opinion......s it tied to the whoopings she gave me exclusively? I would ay no... the whoopings contributed... but ultimately it was her stirn no nonsense tone.....

i was afraid of my mother......it helped make me the person i am today

and as a result i feel that a child should have a healthy fear of their parents...

i am offended that people try to turn this into a racial damaged black people thing....cuz this mentality is not racially exclusive....many many many people and cultures including white folk believe in whooping their kids, and they believe that children should fear their parents.....

i don't understand how anyone can disagree with that post......
He's technically right, fair skin is a very recent (relatively) mutation in humans, it's only been around for about 7,000 years (they found the bones of a man in spain, with the gene for darker skin and green eyes) to put that in perspective modern humans have been around for 130,000 years.

I'm always right technical or not b. I said what I said with nothing but facts. Africans migrated to Greece and Italy and surrounding countries way before Rome and or Greek controlled that area. Bringing the culture and religion with them.

I could break down a whole bunch of things but I don't feel like typing a lot so back to Old Man Cain the grumpy smart ass. @BNE and @Race Jones what y'all doing and wearing?
my whole point is people immediately took the stance that something is wrong with black folk cuz we beat our kids....

that statement makes a very strong insinuation that i will not let be dismisses...cuz yall took this as an argument to attack black folks troubled mindset for thinking we have to beat our kids.....

so my response isn't to justify beating kids, my response is... whole up on the black folk bashing...

yall act like we the only motherfuckers who beat our kids.....

first....get that clear....this is not a troubled black person psyche at work...i ain't beating my kids of slavery.....

i'm whooping my kids as a means of discipline....i am very controlled, and i am not looking to hurt my child, but i do believe in whoopings.....

and i do believe a child should have a healthy fear of their parents....

one of the scaredest i ever been in my life was when i fucked up real bad at 14....

i was way past the point for whoopings, but that fear, and shame was there, i was shook to face her....and that made me even more shameful of my actions, i should never be afraid to face my mother.....

that fear is very healthy in my personal opinion......s it tied to the whoopings she gave me exclusively? I would ay no... the whoopings contributed... but ultimately it was her stirn no nonsense tone.....

i was afraid of my mother......it helped make me the person i am today

and as a result i feel that a child should have a healthy fear of their parents...

i am offended that people try to turn this into a racial damaged black people thing....cuz this mentality is not racially exclusive....many many many people and cultures including white folk believe in whooping their kids, and they believe that children should fear their parents.....

i don't understand how anyone can disagree with that post......
The 1st person in this thread to racialize violence against kids was @Cain wbhen criticizing the list
what that got to do with kids having a healthy fear of their parents....???

it's not a black issue, it's a child raising issue....
fear of parents isn't healthy.

parents purpose is to nurture and empower kids with tools to navigate life.
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