Report Shows ‘Extensive’ Russian Effort To Suppress The Black Vote On Social Media

Just a reminder of what this thread is actually about since some people would rather have bad-faith arguments about just about anything other than the facts presented here.

And simply repeating the talking points that have already been attributed to being propagated and promoted by Russia in order to specifically keep black people from voting seems like a very odd way to defend your position.
Ur right

The article stated blacks were targeted which is obviously bad

The article also doesnt know whether it actually affected the outcome so go back to the mfs saying non voters were okie doked cuz thats speculation not fact
I never understood how white people can divide us so easily. They tell us where they stand how they look at us but our biggest issues was not putting our demands for our votes and making sure they keep their promises. That's it. They are all scums and want a big economic come up. Russians want control of America and white America want control of the globe.

Let's not use divisive tactics to attack black people and that's the biggest issue. We divide over the dumbest shit. The Clinton foundation were scum in office and scum in other black nations. We all know Trump was scum, he just didn't back away from it.

White people are not getting any of the blame, black folks continue to be used as scapegoats continuously. We at least need to stop that amongst ourselves.
How did clinton playing the sax on arsenio work for him?
Why would hillary think saying "hot sayce in my bag" was something black peoplr could relate too?
Even after bill and dem did what they dud to our community....where they open a office and with a warm welcome?
Just saying
Yea they were pandering it worked for bill not for hillary.

But blind loyalty to either party has this effect. Look at the shit right wing eats up coming from fox news.
God forbid someone has a different opinion around here

You are a white guy on a black site promoting, justifying and defending anti-black voter suppression tactics.

That's your "different opinion" as it relates to this topic.
Her in office under the same system would help us how?
She nor Trump should have never been there. Neither promised us shit.
Nor do we hold people accountable.

Us trying to hold her accountable now hurt us more by us now having an idiot guiding the country.
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I never understood how white people can divide us so easily. They tell us where they stand how they look at us but our biggest issues was not putting our demands for our votes and making sure they keep their promises. That's it. They are all scums and want a big economic come up. Russians want control of America and white America want control of the globe.

Let's not use divisive tactics to attack black people and that's the biggest issue. We divide over the dumbest shit. The Clinton foundation were scum in office and scum in other black nations. We all know Trump was scum, he just didn't back away from it.

White people are not getting any of the blame, black folks continue to be used as scapegoats continuously. We at least need to stop that amongst ourselves.
@5th Letter ....I'm always going back and forth about this and this is where we's because black people have no code.
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She nor Trump should have never been there. Neither promised us shit.
Nor do we hold people accountable.

Us trying to hold her accountable now hurt us more by us now having an idiot guiding the country.


Nobody with half a brain tries to hold her accountable now. What should've happened and kind of did happen was folks letting her know that she wouldn't get the support she needed to win. Have to remember the DNC FORCED down the throats of democratic voters and it kind of backfired on them. As usual with things in this country black people are feeling the biggest brunt of that backlash.

Along with that some black people are refusing to adjust to how politics have always worked because those black people so badly want it to be one way but its the other.
@5th Letter ....I'm always going back and forth about this and this is where we's because black people have no code.

Exactly, I don't shy from critique but it has to be fair and reasonable. This isn't fair and reasonable and the downfall of this country political system is about who is the greater evil and the hero or lesser evil and the actual politics of the people but since that doesn't happen we need to let them tend to their business of self destruction or rebel. Only two options in my opinion
You are a white guy on a black site promoting, justifying and defending anti-black voter suppression tactics.

That's your "different opinion" as it relates to this topic.
Thats how u wanna see it but thats not what it is.

Idgaf if u voted for hillary. Idc who anyone voted for.

Ive stated in the past if bernie wouldve ran that wouldve been my vote.

Im simply making the case for why people didnt vote at all.
Thats how u wanna see it but thats not what it is.

Idgaf if u voted for hillary. Idc who anyone voted for.

Ive stated in the past if bernie wouldve ran that wouldve been my vote.

Im simply making the case for why people didnt vote at all.

And your case happens to align 100% with the Russian efforts to make sure black people don't vote.

Who was the first person to even mention Clinton in this thread?
And I say that to say this.... this issue is not a partisan issue. It's not a political issue. It's a racial issue.

Once again...

Report Shows ‘Extensive’ Russian Effort To Suppress The Black Vote On Social Media

If you see that title and your first thought is "how can I excuse, justify or distract from this" there's a problem there.

Nobody with half a brain tries to hold her accountable now. What should've happened and kind of did happen was folks letting her know that she wouldn't get the support she needed to win. Have to remember the DNC FORCED down the throats of democratic voters and it kind of backfired on them. As usual with things in this country black people are feeling the biggest brunt of that backlash.

Along with that some black people are refusing to adjust to how politics have always worked because those black people so badly want it to be one way but its the other.
I think if those were our only options...I go Hillary..and do what we have to to make her change what she did or make amends..
But we got Trump to say fuck Hillary...saying fuck one person helped destroy a nation .

That's how I see it.
Who was the first person to even mention Clinton in this thread?

Once again...

If you see that title and your first thought is "how can I excuse, justify or distract from this" there's a problem there.
My first sentence was basically fuck russia for fuckin with us

Then the rest of my post was a direct response to posters saying we got hoodwinked out our vote and we're parroting russian trolls....

...bc we didnt vote for who?
...bc we were parroting what about who?

Its not that difficult.
What pisses me off is all the bullshit people are willing to put up with or stomach from their own, some even celebrate a certain amount of fuckery. But let someone on the outside just say something and people find religion..
And your case happens to align 100% with the Russian efforts to make sure black people don't vote.
So if i or anyone else felt this way before 2016 who should we find to blame? Let me know ill see if i can make it happen

this issue is not a partisan issue. It's not a political issue. It's a racial issue.
Its all the above but it starts with race
What pisses me off is all the bullshit people are willing to put up with or stomach from their own, some even celebrate a certain amount of fuckery. But let someone on the outside just say something and people find religion..
I got a few examples . But I'm waiting
I think if those were our only options...I go Hillary..and do what we have to to make her change what she did or make amends..
But we got Trump to say fuck Hillary...saying fuck one person helped destroy a nation .

That's how I see it.

They weren't the only options though. The news and people always want to only accept a democrat or republican. I'm not even advocating for 3rd party by saying that. They treating us like kids by giving us the options they want and telling us to choose between them while making it seem like we have some power we don't.

How folks supposed to go about making her change or make amends? The fact that so many black people took absolutely no issue with that hot sauce shit shows that black people wasn't going to make her change shit. That bitch didn't show up to any country hillbilly poor white trash place and pull out no Pabst Blue Ribbon to drum up votes and support. That was some flat out yall niggas are anything and giving us her ass to kiss shit.

Truthfully majority actually said fuck both of them not just one of them. Folks need to stop repeating that bullshit. Trump ain't in office because of a lack of something that black people didn't do.
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